Sagittarius february 2019 astrology king

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All you have to do is ask. A square is a dynamic aspect.

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It pushes us to take action. But what kind of action? We have two energies at play — Sagittarius and Pisces. Sagittarius is also connected with intuition and higher knowledge.

What we call intuition is our capacity to connect large amounts of information and find meaning and trends. Pisces has many things in common with Sagittarius.

Both Pisces and Sagittarius are mutable signs, and both Pisces and Sagittarius are ruled by Jupiter Jupiter is the main ruler of Sagittarius and the traditional ruler of Pisces. Both Pisces and Sagittarius are connected with faith, hope, and spirituality.

Pisces is also ruled by Neptune, the planet of the ocean, the soul, the unconscious and psychic connections.

Neptune is the medium that connects us with other realms of existence. If Sagittarius and Jupiter are connected with higher knowledge and intuition, Pisces and Neptune are connected with the unconscious and with psychic connections.

Many times we confuse the two. The New Moon in Sagittarius is exactly about these two archetypes: Your intuition New Moon in Sagittarius will be challenged — by Mars and Neptune in Pisces — to open up to other types of messages.

Pay attention to unusual signs, to omens, to dreams. They will give you very important clues about what to do. Mercury just turned direct. When Mercury changes course, something you overlooked will suddenly emerge and change everything.

Because Mercury direct coincides with the New Moon in Sagittarius and with the Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, incredible breakthroughs are possible now.

Delve within the Spiritual world.

Send a message in a bottle. Let the ocean take your message to unknown destinations. December ends on a high note. If you want to know what to expect in , pay attention to what happens this month. We had a very long Mars retrograde challenging us through the summer.

When Mars finally went direct, Venus started her retrograde in October. And then again, when Venus went direct, believe it or not, one day later, Mercury went retrograde. But on December 6 Mercury goes direct and with this, the retrograde saga is over! We need to take time to work on ourselves and improve our lives on a regular basis.

There is such thing as enough introspection and enough revision. Sometimes all we need is to move on, and to have the Universe on our side.

Sometimes all we need is smooth sailing. December is such a month. December is the best time to dream big and envision a new reality for yourself. We have a lot of Jupiter and Neptune energy in December. Jupiter has moved into Sagittarius for a month now, inviting you to dream big and explore new courses of action. In fact, not only Jupiter is in its own sign, but in December we also have 3 weeks of Sun in Sagittarius, a wonderful Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius, and a New Moon in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is the archer who shoots to the stars. In the same way, Sagittarius season is your time to dream big and send your intentions to the universe. Another energy that influences December is Pisces. Neptune , the ruling planet of Pisces, makes a record number of aspects, including a conjunction with Mars, which only happens once every two years , a square to Mercury, a square to the Sun, and a trine to Venus.

The role of Neptune is to dissolve your current reality, in order for a new reality to emerge. Neptune is the planet of the cosmos, and its role is to regularly update our earthy view of reality, with the multi-faceted, high-vibration reality of the Universe.

Neptune, the god of water, represents the potential that opens up to us when we acknowledge we are just a drop of water, and consciously throw ourselves into the ocean of endless possibilities. But the higher knowledge, the higher love, the higher gifts that come when we surrender to the ocean come only when you completely open yourself to new ways of being or doing.

December is a time to dissolve old structures, old ways of being and doing. In January , in the Capricorn season, you will build new foundations for the future.

But now is the time to dream big, bigger than ever, and open yourself up to a completely different reality. Will you wait and see? Or will you take real action to change your life? For the sake of Jupiter in Sagittarius, no more of repeating the same old. On December 2nd, Venus re enters Scorpio.

No more karmic excuses. Just pure Goddess energy. This is the first kick of Neptune energy in December. The Sun is you.

Neptune is the planet of infinite possibilities. A square is a dynamic aspect, and will ask you to take action. More exactly, a new course of action. If you cling to old ways, Neptune will bring you confusion and illusions. If you open up to creative possibilities, Neptune will bring you inspiration.

This is a very healing configuration — you will gain deep insights into what it is that is hurting can come around these dates, as well as solutions to stop the suffering. If nothing hurts, still, take this opportunity to open up to new healing opportunities.

Perhaps you can take an active role as a healer. Whatever you do now, is in alignment with the Universe, thanks to the supporting alignment with the North Node. Take inspired action to make your dreams come true! On December 12, , Mercury re-enters Sagittarius. If you believe your life can never change, think again.

This is much welcomed before you dive into the serious Capricorn season. In fact, this is the last Uranus trine Sun in Fire signs we will have for a long time, before Uranus moves into Taurus for good in March Make sure you take advantage of it and tap into your spiritual genius. This is my favorite transit of the month.

Normally any Jupiter conjunctions to personal planets are auspicious, but this one, especially so, because it lasts much longer than usual! Normally a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction lasts for days, but this one lasts for almost two months , thanks to the retrograde motion of Mercury. You will finally be able to access parts of your brain that were dormant.

Or did not work well together. Imagine a scientist that bashes astrology because they are in their Mercury mind. And now imagine the scientist genuinely opening up to other laws of cause and effect, while the astrologer genuinely opening up to how the latest astronomy discoveries can shed new light into astrology interpretation. The Full Moon is sexile Uranus and square Chiron.

Expect a lot of things to happen around this date. The Moon feels great when Full, because she reigns the night skies all by herself, away from the blinding light of the Sun. The Full Moon can expose some hidden pains you were not aware of Full Moon square Chiron but will also find some creative healing solutions Full Moon sextile Uranus.

If you opened up to the creative possibilities that the Sun-Neptune square brought you at the beginning of the month, then Mercury square Neptune will bring you more details and show you what the next steps are.

Even if that means to change something you believe in. Even if that means to leave your job. Even if that means to abandon your lifetime goals. You change, and your goals change too. No need to cling to the old. Your mind will resist change — expect to be confused! But if you push through resistance, if you embrace confusion, then a whole world can open up to you.

The two parallel vertical lines are joined by two crescents. One cannot exist without the other. Geminis are known for their ability to shape-shift and change in a flash. One personality is there one minute, only to be taken over by the other, the next minute. But it is only in this space of duality and apparent conflict that life can emerge.

Before we make a decision, we are firstly faced with the paradox of duality. Duality is a condition of life. That was at the time of the New Moon. The seed has blossomed into a beautiful flower. The beautiful flower is the Full Moon. Full Moons are times to bring what we have started to the highest form of manifestation.

Uncertainty ultimately leads to certainty. Ambivalence ultimately leads to action. Every new beginning even if it goes unnoticed ultimately flowers into an output. It will likely come as a surprise. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter, the planet of the higher mind.

The puzzle comes together. You can finally see the bigger picture now.

February 2019 Horoscope

But is Mercury Retrograde really the root of all astrological evil? Should you never sign contracts, meet new people, go on a trip, or buy a new smartphone when Mercury is retrograde? In fact, not only is Mercury Retrograde not as bad as its reputation, but Mercury Retrograde is, in fact, a great time to understand yourself and the world better, to make informed decisions, and to even start something new.

Mercury only appears to move backward. Mercury only changes direction from our perspective, as seen from Earth. If we would look at Mercury from the cosmos, Mercury is still moving forward, circling around the Sun. Yet, from here, we see it moving backward.

This basically means that things are not what they seem when Mercury is retrograde. That is, from our perspective — as seen from the Earth. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. You can run, but you cannot hide from Mercury Retrograde.

Best is to try to understand why things happen the way they happen when Mercury is retrograde , instead of building a wall around you. When Mercury is retrograde, its speed is slower than usual.

Mercury Retrograde takes its time. The reason Mercury Retrograde can bring chaos is that it points to those things that you may have overlooked while Mercury was direct.

And when we overlook something, of course, life feels like chaos. If anything, Mercury retrograde is the helping hand of the Universe that makes sure you stay on track and do the right thing. When Mercury is direct and has a high speed, we tend to overlook some details. Mercury retrograde is nothing else but catching up with what we have missed, misunderstood or overlooked.

Mercury Retrograde does not create chaos, Mercury Retrograde clears up the chaos. When Mercury is retrograde, Mercury is at its closest to the Earth. You absolutely have to pay attention to what happens in your life when Mercury is retrograde — otherwise, the chaos will only perpetrate when Mercury goes out of retrograde!

In fact, because Mercury is so close to the Earth when retrograde — and more powerful than ever — that thing will turn out exactly how it should turn out. Whether or not we are happy with that, is a different story. But in the big picture, whatever happens when Mercury is retrograde is exactly what should happen. Rather sooner than later, you will realize that whatever happened while Mercury was retrograde served a higher good.

The short answer to this question is: From all myths, this one encounters the most resistance, because it absolutely goes against what we know about Mercury Retrograde. How is it possible to start something new when Mercury is retrograde?

But if we look at the actual Mercury cycle, then the statement makes absolute sense. Mercury has a day synodic cycle. Every planet has sidereal and synodic cycles. For example, the Earth has a cycle this is what we call a year , and the Moon has a day synodic cycle this is what we call a month.

In the middle of Mercury Retrograde, Mercury is conjunct the Sun as seen from the Earth , and a new Mercury cycle begins. And just as we are advised to start something new at a New Moon — when a new Moon cycle starts — in the same way, starting something new when a new Mercury cycle starts, makes absolute sense.

So yes, it is absolutely fine and even recommended to start something completely new in the 2nd half of Mercury retrograde but not before.

Mercury goes retrograde through the first half of Sagittarius. You may know already that on November 8th, Jupiter entered Sagittarius its home sign for a months stay.

Just like a brush, Mercury retrograde clears the path for Jupiter in Sagittarius. Mercury and Jupiter have a very interesting relationship. Both Mercury and Jupiter and concerned with the mind. The lower mind is the mind we are most accustomed with: The lower mind believes in what it can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.

When we put all the information we gather with our lower mind together, a bigger picture emerges. This is our higher, Jupiterian mind.

If Mercury is the pieces of the puzzle, Jupiter is the puzzle. We need both the lower mind and the higher mind, we need both Mercury and Jupiter in our lives. But what does it mean that Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Jupiter? It means that we need to clear the paths of our lower mind, so that in the coming year — when Jupiter travels through Sagittarius — the higher mind can connect the dots and put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Whatever it is that keeps your lower mind stuck in old patterns of behaviors, needs to be fixed now. Now is the time to clean your mind of any outdated beliefs, negative thoughts, compulsive behaviors, preconceptions, and prejudices. Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius will help you do just that! Mercury starts its retrograde with a square to Neptune.

But Neptune is much more than illusions. Neptune dissolves everything it touches. Before you think this is bad news, reflect upon this: Neptune only dissolves what you believe to be the truth. You have outgrown them. You are not the person you were yesterday.

Neptune will show you there is another way — a better way — but you need to be willing to let go of old ways of being, thinking and doing. Read more about how to make the best out of Mercury Retrograde here: With so many monumental transits happening from November 6 to November 8, the New Moon in Scorpio on November 7 becomes one of the most important New Moons of the year.

Some massive chapters in your life are coming to an end, and some massive new chapters are about to begin. Scorpio is a fixed sign, and fixed signs are not that fond of change.

Yet, Scorpio is emotionally resilient. Jupiter in Scorpio exposed corruption and abuse of power. After Jupiter in Scorpio, the world will never be the same again. And how does Jupiter end his transit in Scorpio? The grand trine is all about healing. But now the work is done.

We are ready to move on. Jupiter is now ready for the adventure of a lifetime. On November 8th Jupiter moves into Sagittarius , his home sign, and you too are ready for a new story.

2019 Eclipse Charts

Do you want to keep going or do you give up? If this New Moon feels like trouble, fear not. The New Moon in Scorpio makes two beautiful aspects with other planets: These are positive, supporting aspects.

Neptune and Pluto are the farthest planets in our solar system. The farther a planet, the stronger the pull of fate, and the greater the potential for transcendence. Right now, there are higher forces at play. This is a Divine intervention of the highest order.

Accept this helping hand, and then move onto the next chapter of your life. The lunar nodes will stay in Cancer and Capricorn for 18 months, until May 5, A good way to think about them is to think about a retrograde planet, with the distinction that a planet goes retrograde only a fraction of the time, while the Nodes are always retrograde.

The ecliptic is the apparent path the Sun makes around the earth. The Lunar Nodes create the eclipses. This is when events tend to happen on a large scale: This is when people like you and me have a strong pull to take action, to make a decision, to sort themselves out.

Year after year, with mathematical precision, at the eclipse season I get 5 times more messages than in any other time of the year.

Because people feel in their soul the call of destiny. We have two lunar nodes, the North Node, and the South Node. Although both nodes are connected to karma, it is only the South Node that is connected to past lives and past karma. The North Node instead is connected to our future karma and with the possibility for us to alter our karma.

The North Node is our possibility to change the script of our destiny. Why is the South Node connected to past karma? The South Node is also called the Descending Node because it is literally descending, going down. To finally make it work, to manifest it. The question is, how to make it work? The answer is, through the North Node. The North Node is the opposite of the South Node.

If the South Node is familiar, the North Node is completely unfamiliar. Yet, your North Node is exactly what you need to master. When you focus on the North Node, everything flows in perfect alignment with the universe. If I have to choose only one advice to give to my clients and students, that would be to focus on their North Node.

When people focus on their North Node, all their problems get solved. Does that mean we should dismiss the South Node and completely focus on the North Node? No, not at all. Your South Node is, in fact, a gift.

But it is a stagnant gift, a gift that needs to be taken in a different direction. That direction is the North Node. The South Node gift becomes a problem when we get stuck in it and refuse to change. When we do the same things over and over again. The solution to the South Node problem is always the North Node. The South Node is the ripening karma, for good and for bad.

In traditional astrology, Cancer and the ruling planet, the Moon is the mother, and Capricorn or the ruling planet, Saturn is the father.

In the same way, Cancer represents our need to feel safe, to have a home. Capricorn is the highest point in our chart, where the Sun shines at its brightest, and represents what we aim for.

The highest point in a chart is also the point of greatest visibility, so Capricorn is also where we feel exposed. In the past, the women stayed in the cave to protect the weak Cancer while men went outside, got exposed, and fought against nature for survival.

The most primal needs of people are the needs of security Cancer and status Capricorn. A South Node in Capricorn is all about fighting to fit in, to gain status, to climb hierarchies, to meet goals, to have a career. But this comes at a price.

When you put all your energy in the outside yourself, you neglect the inner world. It is important to realize you cannot only work, work, work, work, work.

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North Node in Cancer, i. South Node in Capricorn, i. The solution is taking a holiday. Spending time with your family. Taking care of yourself. And the paradox is that when you do that, the promotion or another achievement that is more aligned with who you are always comes. The Nodes come back in the same place every 18 years.

The last times we had the Nodes in Cancer-Capricorn was: If you feel your life is lacking meaning and purpose, Jupiter in Sagittarius is the transit you were waiting for. And when the King of Gods feels good, we all feel good. Jupiter is the planet of faith, optimism, belief, abundance, luck, and generosity.

With Jupiter on your side, anything is possible. It is not that good luck and fortune fall from the sky but Jupiter that helps you see opportunities you would otherwise not see. Luck is our positive attitude that keeps us open to new opportunities or sees patterns in apparent random acts of chance.

Jupiter is linked to religion because Jupiter seeks a higher order. Monotheistic religions are especially connected to Jupiter because their underlying assumption is that there is one overall law that governs everything.

In Mythology, Jupiter or Zeus was the king of all gods. Jupiter represents the principle of growth and expansion. Jupiter is the opposite of Mercury.

In astrological terms, we say Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius, and Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini. The reason for this is because Mercury and Jupiter have completely different approaches.

Mercury is associated with the lower, rational mind and Jupiter is associated with the higher, spiritual mind. Jupiter believes in something that cannot be seen — the unseen laws the govern life.

Mercury is about the details, Jupiter is about the big picture. Mercury rules short trips. Discover what is in store for you during the year so as to be able to make informed decisions. Having Jupiter in your sign is certainly a privilege, but it involves some risks, especially if you let it act undisturbed.

It transits to Dhanu Saggitarius on 30th March , remains there till April 23, for 23 days. For example, Saturn is malefic for Aries ascendant whereas Saturn is. What to expect in These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.

Though you will be involved in almost every area of life this year, you will be most active in the following: Major Trends in for Aries. This is a long-term trend.

February Horoscope | Monthly Horoscopes

After the 3rd of February, you change your priorities and focus on built friendships. This is a Very Good Transit for Capricorn. Venus will make a conjunction with Jupiter in your sign on January 22nd, bringing you lucky circumstances for achieving success that brings The first chapter of your Sagittarius horoscope for gives a broad overview concernting Sagittarius outlook and the most important aspects of the year ahead, Sagittarius love, money, work and business specific forecasts will be published by New Year's day Our yearly horoscope for each zodiac sign will show you the way to an incredible This much more The Sagittarius zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which gives them an optimistic nature about almost everything in life, also including their finances and Sagittarius horoscope money luck.

The love life of grandchildren of marriageable age is becoming more stable in , according to sagittarius yearly horoscope. In relationships, Sagittarius is friendly and cheerful, with an infectious optimism and a love for humor which can take the form of teasing. While the Planet Jupiter transits Sagittarius, from 9 November to 3 December , there is a strong urge to move on, to improve things, to have more freedom of movement, to accept and learn from other cultures and to make the world a better place.

Virgo love horoscope This presents an incredible opportunity to believe in the possibilities of life in a way that you might not have in quite some time. Fortunately, their optimism and their lucid thinking will help them find a solution quickly.

In due to the Jupiter cycle, you were in a time of spiritual renewal. The Sagittarius is a Fire sign, just like the Aries and Leo. For Sagittarius horoscope, major Transit of Saturn in first house and Jupiter in eleventh house will certainly bring gains through the career, profession. Jupiter moves into Scorpio sign on 11th October and will remain in it till 5 th November Jupiter is all about expansion, and just like with the new moon, you will feel a strong desire to expand your knowledge of the spiritual world.

Jupiter Transit Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 8 th , and will be doing so for the next 13 months. The major planets which would affect your career and business in as per Sagittarius career horoscope are Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.

December 3, — December 19, Jupiter leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn: In December it is possible to face small family problems. Overview for this Month: While work and mundane matters take center stage for much of May, dear Sagittarius, this is nevertheless a lively month for relationships and a robust period for your emotional life, as well.

Believe in yourself — and achieve Doors to success open wide Get serious about love. From 30th March to 22nd April, it will move into Sagittarius and then again, till 5th November, it till transit Scorpio.

With Jupiter here now until December and therefore spending the whole of this solar year in Sagittarius, before it even begins there are major new doors opening. Horoscope Sagittarius Predictions Sagittarius Although Its regent Jupiter, passes this year for a Water sign, the presence of Pluto in the House of Sagittarius will change your way of thinking, it will eradicate old patterns that no longer serve you to progress and will help you achieve that change that they need to be happy.

Yet you now have so much to cheer about! In a separate aspect, Jupiter is about to visit Sagittarius starting this month, on November 8. As far as the Jupiter cycle from Jan 23rd-June 5th is concerned, this is a time when Jupiter transits the Sagittarius sign from November until January 1, , when it will enter the Capricorn.

See all the important dates for the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit, including the retrograde period in — remember, Jupiter is the large planet of growth, expansion and even luck!

Astrology for the aesthetically inclined. Destiny Virgo in February largely depends on Jupiter's movements.

Yearly Prediction of Sagittarius horoscope and astrology Sagittarius also helpful people and always reach out to the needy in terms of financial help whenever required. This year Saturn shall remain in Sagittarius in lagna. Just like any other planet, Saturn also changes its role for different ascendant. For the first time in over a decade, lucky Jupiter is not only spending Christmas in Sagittarius but will be here as you move into the New Year and for all but the final weeks of Get ready to see some surprises from the moon and Jupiter!

Jupiter, the planet of growth, good timing, progress and improvement is in Sagittarius, the travel and education sign, from 8 th November to 2 nd December Jupiter, the ruler of your Horoscope, moves into your 2nd money house on the 3rd.

Moderation is the key for advancing in this transit. Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December. Jupiter visits each sign for one year, and it takes him 12 years to rotate around the Sun. You carried a heavy load for most of , Sagittarius—and really, for the past few years.

Jupiter will retrograde in Sagittarius between April 10th and August 10th of Jupiter brings prosperity in his own right, but here he enters as ruler of the Horoscope, always friendly, always helpful, always fortunate. No more kissing frogs! Daily Love Horoscope Sagittarius Sunday 23rd December, Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December Try using your intellect to investigate the source of any romantic difficulties now, and you may discover that you can make some changes which will improve the situation.

Jupiter, the ruler of your Horoscope, has been in your own sign all year. Jupiter remains in Sagittarius till end of the year and beyond. Jupiter transit — Daily horoscope Monday, January 21st, The square between Venus and Neptune, which might have many different types of effects, is definitely described and characterized by our heading today.

You are emboldened as begins, as Sagittarius with Mercury and Jupiter urging you to break out and just be the authentic you. Jupiter transit to prediction. From 30th March to 22nd April, it will move into Sagittarius. Money, Career and Business T Jupiter will leave Sagittarius on December 2, This position shows that you are reaching the pinnacle of success and attainment — each according to your level and ability.

Mars is going to add to your sex appeal all year round. One transit to look forward to is a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius at the end of January and again at the end of November Jupiter is on the move! Jupiter moves into his home sign, Sagittarius, on November 8th 7: What signs favors and which are not? The eclipse on the 7th could bring a nice windfall or a source of earned income.

Remember that Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius, but since it is a planet associated with growth, it can encourage overindulging, especially with respect to shopping, eating and drinking something that is typical of the holiday season. There is a need for a spiritually orientated relationship. Jupiter is transiting Scorpio till 30th March in your 8th house.

This year, in accordance with your Sagittarius life in , you may have to be cautious while taking some decisions, like the ones which are affiliated to property dealings.

Jupiter will reenter Scorpio on April 23rd and will remain in Gandanta Sandhi for an extended period. Jupiter in Sagittarius will take place on November 8 at Scorpio Horoscope — Planetary Transit: Jupiter stays in Scorpio till 30th March. For cancer natives, this year is expected to be more fruitful as compared to the last year. Sagittarius in May Love and Relationships.

Ahead lies your most powerful and opportune solar year in over a decade, with major new beginnings ahead. However, their libido gets out of control in October and they hardly manage to not let it free, with anyone willing.

This year Saturn would remain in Sagittarius in lagna and Rahu in Cancer in 8th house. Since Sagittarius is the sign Jupiter naturally rules, he's feeling at home with his own energy, and so can we! The planet Jupiter, also known as Guru Grah, is a massive planet, which is the lord of the Zodiac Signs Sagittarius and Pisces that has its different consequences on the different houses of the astrological chart.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope December 17, While the Planet Jupiter transits Sagittarius, from 9 November to 3 December , visions of a new future are likely to abound both personally and globally, with a multitude of advocates for a more moral and ethical world appearing.

December 20 to February 20 — Jupiter in your decan brings good times and good luck. Jupiter, your planetary ruler, is transiting in the part of your chart that is related to mentality, travel, and communication: Sagittarius March The zodiac will support the planets in March.

In Summary Whether it represents the end or close of a difficult or complex situation or period or the chance Sagittarius daily, weekly, monthly and yearly video and written astrology forecasts by award winning astrologer Michele Knight. The transits and eclipses for Sagittarius horoscope are calculated using the Solar Fire Astrology Program.

Planetary positions for the year Sagittarius are as follows: What are the characteristics of an Sagittarius with 12 moon signs.

November - December The most important astrological event, regarding love, will take place on November 9th, , when Jupiter, the Great Benefactor in astrology, will enter Scorpio, which governs, among other things, the relationships and marriage. Sagittarius Horoscope Part 1 The thing is that the recently discovered planet Eris, which astrologers consider the catalyst or activator of your Zodiac sign, will be in a favorable location in relation to the Sun.

AstroVidhi brings you Horoscope or Rashifal along with details of coming years based on your exclusive birth details. Jupiter, the expansive planet, is in the outgoing Sagittarius until early December. We get off to a bumpy start. Saturn left your sign last year, not to return for another 28 years, and in , Jupiter is in Sagittarius, dear Sagittarius.

Jupiter is the great problem-solver of astrology. Naturally more indifferent and less empathic than their kin, Virgoan natives are now even more inclined to calmly watch you squirm in pain after an emotional outbreak, seeing as though Jupiter and Saturn complement one another perfectly. From 30th March to 22nd April, it moves into Sagittarius and then again, from 22nd April, it transits Scorpio till 5th November.

It was a year of taking on burdens and responsibilities, of restructuring your home, family and domestic scene and of getting your emotional life in order.

You can't expect to fix something if the tools you've been using just don't work. You need a whole new strategy to deal with the issue. Sagittarius January Family and Friends Horoscope. The year will start off with a square between Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces.

Horoscope Predictions Sagittarius You're always up for a new learning experience, so will teach you any valuable lessons? Expansive Jupiter, your home planet, is in your outgoing sign until early December, so you can look forward to a harmonious mix of fun and open-mindedness most of the year.

So, be careful and stay composed according to Sagittarius in This month, you enter your Emerald Year, where wishes can come true.

On 23rd March Rahu shall be entering into Gemini in 7th house. Tuesday, January 22nd, We will likely sleep through the first two positive transits of the day. January will be for sure a beautiful month for romance, especially as early on, from the 7 th, Venus joins Jupiter in your sign to remain there until the end of the month.

Horoscope for Sagittarius Sign Saturn in your 1st house is a mixed blessing. Jupiter in Sagittarius — Detailed Predictions for All 12 Ascendant Signs with Levi Horoscope Sagittarius Predictions Sagittarius Although Its regent Jupiter, passes this year for a Water sign, the presence of Pluto in the House of Sagittarius will change your way of thinking, it will eradicate old patterns that no longer serve you to progress and will help you achieve that change that they need to be happy.

Jupiter shall transit into Scorpio in 12th house after 11th October. Horoscope Sagittarius Astrology Sagittarius Jupiter in the First House Aries and Mars When Jupiter is in the first house of Aries and Mars , it is a time for striking first impressions and having a more jovial demeanor.

That is a Good solid 13 months of abundance, generosity and expansion in the house ruled by Sagittarius.

Jan 26, Combinations of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius in will be very fortunate. Jupiter enters your sign on November 8, for the first time since ! Lucky planet Jupiter, which happens to be your ruling planet, will be in Sagittarius, helping you grow in fantastic ways Jupiter moves into Sagittarius, its home base, for the first time since and it's happening on November 8 until December 3 This brought all kinds of dramatic events in your life - a need to re-invent and transform the body, many detoxes of the body, near-death experiences, and perhaps some surgery.

With Jupiter in your twelfth house, get ready to usher in a year full of financial prosperity. This is the date that your ruling planet, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into Sagittarius for the first time in 12 years.

Jupiter transits and positioning in are important for Sagittarians as the planet rules the zodiac sign and expert astrologers of Jupiter will rush through the sign of Scorpio and will briefly enter Sagittarius on March 29th Jupiter ingress Sagittarius transit beginning November 8, to December 2, Your Horoscope Is Here.

This is set to be one of your banner years, dear Sagittarius! The year finds your ruler, expansive Jupiter, in your sign until December, and you can similarly find yourself more comfortable in your skin in , feeling very much your true self.

Marriage is more probable now than it has been for a few years. Your Sagittarius horoscope is based on planetary transits to Sagittarius Decan 1, not to houses, zones or sectors.

Below are the some of the main astrological influences for Pluto's move out of your own Sign late last year was something very major. Vedic astrologers predict that Jupiter will transit on 30th March around 3: The year's gonna be magical.

This is your horoscope by date of birth and time and also horoscope based on your moon sign and ascendant. Venus will be there until the 26th, and on the 20th the Sun will enter your sign and you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak.

During this period you may lose some good opportunities due to your laziness so you should try to avoid being act like lazy guys. Jupiter is much more comfortable on its home turf, because the impetus of Jupiter is to expand and to think in big, visionary, optimistic strokes — something that adventurous and restless Sagittarius is really good at.

The 12 Houses of astrology are symbolic of the all the departments that make up human life. With Jupiter, the sunny-side-up planet most associated with luck, good fortune, optimism and opportunities in Sagittarius, your Sun sign until December, this is a great time to spread your wings, start afresh, embrace greater freedom and independence and explore pastures new.

For the others, there could be delays in getting married. Horoscope Sagittarius Predictions and astrology Sagittarius Just after eight or so a long time of rigorous anxiety, of problem, disruptions, psychological earthquakes and insecurity, the final year have been similar to a picnic while in the park.

For Taureans, Jupiter rules the eighth and eleventh house, and will transit in the eighth house. The Sagittarius horoscope shows that close relationships look promising in , especially in the first half. Monday to Wednesday is a time of excitement, unexpected change and greater freedom. After 22nd April, it will again transit Scorpio till 5th November and will retrograde from 10th April to 11th August.

The following is an overview horoscope for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius the Archer for the year Aries Horoscope Aries The year will begin with the presence of Uranus in Aries, for this reason the natives of this sign will begin the year with an excess of creativity and eager to put their ideas into practice.

On 29th March Jupiter would enter into Sagittarius in lagna and would return into Scorpio in 12th house on 23rd April after turning retrograde. It should give you a buoyant and enthusiastic energy, feeling larger than life, very optimistic, and keen to experience all you can. Do not delay doing things.

For example, Saturn is malefic for Aries ascendant whereas Saturn is benefic for Tauras ascendant. Predictions and Horoscope for all solar signs. During this year, the life of Virgo zodiac sign natives will undergo a variety of changes.

Double your luck by taking bold but calculated risks and putting yourself out there in savvy, strategic new ways. Jupiter in Sagittarius - for all zodiac signs - YouTube www.

Mercury enters Capricorn

There are chances of major change in career and expansion in business in the New Year but such things would be possible only if accompanied by hard work and consistency. This restlessness will be felt frequently in love relations and possible that either of you both demand change.

Everyone loves a Fire Sign, and when it comes to Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, you are no exception. For Sagittarius Jupiter Rules the 12th and 3rd house. Part of the reason for this is that you are blessed with Jupiter in your sign for much of the year which is the Planet of Good Luck.

It starts from th degree of Vernal Equinox and extends up to degrees. This was a decade of awakening to Truth not just your truth.