Astrology descendant in sagittarius

Behavior of the Descendant Sagittarius
  2. Your Descendant is Sagittarius, Your Ascendant is in Gemini
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Jen resonated with this idea. Their conflicting ideas around having kids had brought them to the crux of the relationship crisis they were in now. He needed to live practically, with integrity and a commitment to community. The mother archetype was imbued in all his relating — he was intrinsically driven to nurture and sustain others.

Though their individual charts were very different, they were both committed to staying in the relationship. Jen agreed to support him while he changed careers, and he went from CEO of a medium company where he had fully explored his Capricorn to being the fundraising director for a non-profit that worked with at-risk kids.


He also regularly mentors a child as well. Those with these signs on the 1st or 7th houses are here to experience relationships as the path to forming and learning about identity. These signs work with creative and sexual energies and experiencing life force energy through and with another.

These signs are committed to community, stability, and family—whatever that word may mean to them. Relationships must support a commitment greater than the relationship itself, i.

Working with an astrologer or other advisor can help clarify relationship issues. Even relating to family, co-workers, friends, or adversaries can be seen and decoded through the lens of the relationship axis.

The Ascendant in Gemini has the Descendant in Sagittarius — You are not necessarily attracted to the idea of marriage, but you enjoy of living in two, without constraints and without too much responsibility.

Your Descendant is Sagittarius, Your Ascendant is in Gemini

You may have more marriages. In fact, this is more about compatibility, and those with the Descendant in Sagittarius need active, optimistic, cheerful partners who want to live a beautiful, adventure and traveling life.

Gemini Descendant (Sagittarius Rising)

We must admit that it is quite difficult to find such a partner today, but that does not mean it is impossible. The descendant in Sagittarius is ruled by the JUPITER , so it matters where this planet is placed in the natal chart and what kind of aspects it forms with the other planets.

Ascendant in Cancer has the Descendant in Capricorn — You want a marriage that first offers you comfort and safety in the long run. Because you are ambitious you want a partner to be similar with you and social position will count a lot when you choose your partner. The descendant in Capricorn is ruled by SATURN , that is why it counts where this planet is placed in the natal chart and what kind of aspects it forms with the other planets.

Ascendant in Leo has Descendant in Aquarius — You can be attracted to older people than you or people who, even if they are young, have a mature and wise mind.

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Marriage can take place later, possibly in the second part of your life, because you want to experience and learn as much as possible until then, and you will not be thinking about marriage. The Descendant in Aquarius is governed by SATURN traditional , so it matters where this planet is placed in the natal chart and what kind of aspects it forms with the other planets.

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Ascendant in Virgo has the Descendant in Pisces — You have an idealistic approach to life even in marriage. Try to be more practical and evaluate your situation well, especially when it comes to choosing your life partner. The Descendant in Pisces is ruled by JUPITER traditional , so it matters where this planet is placed in the natal chart and what kind of aspects it forms with the other planets.

The Ascendant in Libra has the Descendant in Aries — You are an ardent partner and sex life is very important, so it is good to find a partner to be compatible with. You tend to rush into marriage and be attracted to partners who will dominate you, and often the choice is not inspired, so conflicts can quickly arise in the couple.


Think well before acting, especially when it comes to marriage. The Aries descendant is ruled by MARS , so it counts where this planet is placed in the natal chart, and what kind of aspects it forms with the other planets.

Ascendant in Scorpio has Descendant in Taurus — The desire for affection, love and harmony is great but you know very well what you want from your partner and you tend to balance your partner when it comes to life in two.

There should make money together with your partner, to make a successful business together.

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The Descendant in Taurus is ruled by VENUS , so it matters where this planet is placed in the natal chart and what kind of aspects it forms with the other planets. Ascendant in Sagittarius has Descendant in Gemini — You may have more marriages because you will get bored quickly.

You need a life partner to incite you, intellectually and in every aspect of life in two. In order not to interfere with monotony you can get involved in projects that will put your curiosity and attraction to diversity at work. Ascendant in Capricorn has Descendant in Cancer — Often the purpose of your life is to have a happy family life, safety and comfort.