Horoscope leo january 7 2019

Leo Love & Money For January 2019
  1. Leo Horoscope 2019: Keep A Check On Your Expenses
  2. 2019 Leo Horoscope Preview
  3. Leo Horoscope – Leo Predictions | jakubzidek.cz
  4. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Work, Health, Habits
  5. Leo Horoscope 2019

A lover, child, or friend can open your mind or heart to new experiences. Creatively speaking, you can be well-received and your audience is likely to expand.

From December 2nd, onward , your work, daily routines, and health endeavors begin to expand, improve, and grow.

Leo Horoscope 2019: Keep A Check On Your Expenses

This is a time when your work projects or duties expand, or you have increased opportunities for employment. You can be so confident in your ability to take on projects and endeavors, however, that you overload your plate, so do watch for that.

This influence is with you until December You are especially successful in hiring people to work for you, if applicable, and improvements to your working environment are likely.

It can be easier than usual to find employment now. Work tends to be very available to you. You are proud of how useful you are to others during this cycle.

Health is likely to prosper now, and medical procedures or programs, if necessary, are more likely to be successful. You are bringing fresh and original ideas to the work you do and the services you offer. Overload or the magnification of problems surrounding work can be experienced during this cycle.

There is a tendency now to focus on the details of your work, and you might sometimes feel a little overwhelmed with monotonous tasks.

Your work might involve more services or the assisting of others during this cycle, and for some, health-related or healing professions can be attractive at this time. Challenges may occur sporadically during this period with the need for time away from your duties either to take care of yourself or of others requiring care, or the consequences of taking on so much that you have trouble taking time for yourself.

2019 Leo Horoscope Preview

Your methods are progressive yet sound. Romance may be closely tied to work and health during this period, which can mean you are pairing up to work or improve your health or you meet a love interest through your work or through the pursuit of health goals.

This may instead be about recreation or creativity. There can be opportunities to express or enjoy yourself coming as the result of your work, or chances to bring more creativity to your job. Some might turn a hobby into a vocation or work especially hard on a pastime. Interestingly, these areas of expansion are also subject to contraction see below!

Instead, they co-exist and they can stir up some wonderful productivity. You may be working hard but thoroughly enjoying it as you do! There are always areas of life that require more simplicity.

Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may crack under the pressure of these tests.

Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence will be with you until It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Leo.

Leo Horoscope – Leo Predictions | jakubzidek.cz

This year, those born from approximately August or with a Leo Ascendant of degrees are most affected by it in Tests can come to work and working relationships during this cycle. Responsibilities in your daily life can weigh heavily — they appear magnified. Do be sure that you are tending to your responsibilities, and not letting them pile up.

Some of you might even experience some form of loss or scandal on the work front, or possibly some heavy-handed activity and power plays with co-workers. For those of you unhappy with your job or out of work, you are not likely to jump to grab just any position that comes along now. You are looking for something mature, long-term, and reflective of your values.

However, because you are more discriminating now, the pickings might seem to be slim.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Work, Health, Habits

Try not to see flaws, complain, and leave it at that. Take it upon yourself to make whatever adjustments you can that will improve your working conditions.

This can be true of daily routines, not just working conditions. Health matters might be a little more problematic than usual.

Even so, these are likely to be minor problems that can be fixed with extra attention.

Leo Horoscope 2019: You Will Exhibit More Enthusiasm

Essentially, this transit gives you a kick in the pants to get your self-care programs into good shape! While the work we do may sometimes feel too routine or boring, it can also give us a strong feeling of purpose.

We want to be needed, we want to help and support others, and to do our share. In the end, you can, in fact, feel more joyful about the services you provide and the support you give, after taking a realistic look at these things and making the necessary adjustments. Seek ways to balance your activities and responsibilities.

This is also an excellent time for simplifying and structuring your life. Because the energy of this theme is comfortable and understandable to you in these areas of life, you may very well welcome the structuring energy of this transit on your daily routines.

The last time similar themes occurs was Venus enters your 5th house on January 7. This is probably the most pleasurable time of the year for dating. If you are already attached it would be hugely beneficial to get in touch with your creative side and spent time immersed in the arts. Outings to museums, theatres and concerts for singles could connect you to someone else with whom you can share the finer things in life.

Most of all, you are appealing to others because you are happy and confident with just being yourself. Make the most of this fantastic period.

You Deserve All The Things, Leo, January 2019

These horoscopes are most accurate when read for your ascendant , but if you have your Sun plus a stellium 2 or more planets in this sign then you will find that these horoscopes will ring true for your Sun also.

All mainstream horoscopes are written using solar houses, which, in others words, is writing for your ascendant. If you do not know your ascendant please use this free chart maker to find it.

Once you have done that you can also read more about your rising decan and star too! It is the most personal point of your chart and the only one Along with your ruling planet that really describes you personally and your incarnation for this lifetime.

If at the same time the Sun opposes Mars or the Ascendant, violent death. The ascendant is also the relationship axis, so the influences above will play out mostly in how the subject relates to others.

The fixed stars interpretation for the ascendant are not very positive, and there is certainly violence.

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But a list that contains both Aleister Crowley and Edgar Cayce shows there are two sides to the same coin. Out of pain and addiction can come the healer. There is also the strength that comes after a struggle.

Ascendant Leo 1 can have very challenging, obsessive and dramatic relationships, in some cases, they inspire art Morrisette. Talent and prophetic ability are here, usually, it is a gift passed down from their ancestors. The Christ connection is strong here where perhaps the subject plays the part of either the fallen man or woman Mary Magdelene or they can be the Christ savior figure in relationships.

The experience of slander by the opposite sex can also be marked with the Ascendant Leo 1.

Leo Horoscope 2019

Feeling linked to the environment, working towards the protection of the land. So either these folk are going to be hugely confident in relationships or they suffer a total lack of ego and are attracted to egoistical people. Even the most insecure of these will be perceived as bossy, in the sense that they may only feel confident if they are in total control of their partner.

The mother bear energy means that Leo 2 rising will easily become the parent and caretaker in the relationship. Their appearance is very often glamorous or theatrical and some of them may be known for their golden hair or wild locks. Being drawn, intentionally or not, to intense emotional encounters. The importance of this star is accentuated by its nearness to the ecliptic.

Its effect is in the best sense that of Jupiter and Mars. Without a doubt, this must be the most authoritarian ascendant you can have.