Astronomy and astrology similarities

Similarities and Differences Between Astrology and Astronomy
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This, despite the fact that current horoscopes rely on outdated information! Planets have nothing to do with it. But that's not the point. If you want to get through to your believing sister-in-law or your uncle in Cincinatti, the way to do it is not to argue physics or astronomy, but to explain why astrology works.

I tell this with my own story. When I was in elementary school, I practiced a form of divination that you could call bazookamancy. Back then, Bazooka Joe bubble gum was popular. It came wrapped in a little comic strip about Bazooka Joe and his gang. The wrappers were on the ground wherever kids littered.

As everyone knew, when you saw one, you stopped and asked it a question. Then you picked it up and read it. It would seem that most people should be aware of the difference. You can read your Horoscope in the daily newspaper, find a program to do his on your computer or the internet, and even log onto Facebook to do this.

Most folks are aware that there are 12 signs of the zodiac, one for each month or phase of the moon. That's Astrology for the popular culture. There is usually some comment about your behavior or your fortune for the day. But, don't look in your daily newspaper, or log into Facebook to find daily wisdom from an Astronomer.

There's a good chance that you won't see a momento about your daily behavior from any popular Astronomer. Astronomers don't sell horoscopes or make predictions about the behavior of individuals. Astrologers typically can't tell you how much fuel it takes to get to the moon, or Mars. Astrologers simply don't advise on how to chart the course to celestial bodies.

How did Astrology get so popular that it began to be run in daily newspapers? What are the differences between Astrology and Astronomy? How did the two get started?

Would it help to understand the differences if we understand how the two were developed? Astrology is more ancient, and Astronomy is considered to be the more recently developed. The split between Astrology and Astronomy has not always been clear, and the separation was often messy.

How are each of the two defined? In this sense, they needed to know how to predict the seasons, or how to predict the cycles of the moon. The position of the stars and the moon could help tell them at what time of the year they could safely plant crops.

This would mean they could avoid crop failures or avoid starvation in winter. Modern day astrologers would have you believe that the position of the planets or the moon has an influence on day to day life.

Charting horoscopes could be expected in order to influence human behavior. Modern day Astronomers are not concerned with human behavior. People apply Astronomy to know how much energy it takes to get to the moon or perhaps, the planets i.

Astronomers also have the ability to chart the course of minor bodies, such as asteroids. Celestial mechanics is used to chart the course of spacecraft voyages.

Religion Comes From Ancient Astrology and Sun Worship

Most Astronomers would probably tell you that with the modern day calendar, the question of when to plant crops is probably best left to the local weatherman or farmer himself. The most notable examples of the study of Astrology in ancient times have been found in the Middle East, Egypt, Europe, China, and the Americas.

Astrology is the more ancient study of celestial positions, with the charting of the planets and stars enjoying a long history. In contrast, Astronomy is a more recent development. Astronomy by most accounts marks it's beginnings at about the time of the Renaissance, and has diverged from Astrology ever since.

In order to understand the differences between Astronomy and Astrology, it is helpful to understand how the science began to separate from the art several hundred years ago. The study of the positions of the stars, planets, and the moon began thousands of years ago.

Astrology vs Astronomy: What’s the Difference?

Notable examples include the development of pyramids in Egypt and the Americas i. It is also thought that the Stonehenge in England served as a calendar in order to mark the positions of the Sun and the moon.

Other cultures that have independently studied celestial positions include the Persians, Arabian, Greek, Roman, and Chinese cultures. It is thought that the celestial studies of the ancients were originally used as an aide for planting or harvesting crops, or as in the case of Egypt, to aide in religious ceremonies for eternal life.

If this is true, then it could be said that astrology was used originally used to provide advice for human behavior. It appears that Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria was the first to record a mathematical method for predicting the positions of the planets. At around A. He proposed that the Earth was the center of the Universe.

His philosophy was wrong, but the mathematics worked. Later, the Christian Church would embrace his philosophy that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Many years later, the Church would persecute and even burn alive at the stake any who would oppose "the scriptures.

Aside from the scriptures, astrological arguments for the Earth being the center of the Universe were based upon such concepts as "Heaviness" and "Lightness. Therefore, the earth had to be the center. Other arguments by astrologers were that if the earth rotated on it's axis, the speed would cause everything to "fly apart," instead of sticking together.

Astrology generally follows the theme that either celestial bodies are signs or portents of events, or they are actual causes of events through some sort of unknown mechanism. Astronomy generally follows the theme that celestial bodies have no influence upon human behavior, but can be scientifically measured using the natural laws of physics.

Nicholas Copernicus It wasn't until Nicholas Copernicus proposed that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe that the central concepts of modern Astronomy began to take form. For such a revolutionary concept, he waited to the end of his life to actually publish the mathematical proof of his theorems "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" - or, "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres".

Indeed, during this period in history, several Astronomers were persecuted or killed by the Church, including Tycho Brahe, Bruno, Kepler, and Galileo. Astronomers have had to pay dearly for the development of the "new" science. Giordano Bruno — February 17, Best known as a proponent of the infinity of the universe.

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His cosmological theories went beyond the Copernican model in identifying the sun as just one of an infinite number of independently moving heavenly bodies: Bruno was burned at the stake by authorities in after the Roman Inquisition found him guilty of heresy.

Tycho Brahe was fairly prolific with the construction of measuring instruments, and had built an observatory. Known for his extensive collection of fairly accurate measurements for the time period.

Tracked the supernova explosion of in the constellation of Cassiopeia, and tracked the path of the comet of Tycho Brahe was doubtful about astrological predictions. But King Fredrik expected Tycho Brahe to make annual predictions.

Tycho was also commissioned to cast birthday horoscopes for the Danish princes. Some would argue that his horoscope for Duke Hans son of Fredrik II correctly predicted the Duke's death in The horoscopes are now kept at The Royal Library in Copenhagen.

Tycho did not adopt the Copernican view, but continued to hold the view that the earth was the center of the universe. He measured the positions of planets so accurately that Kepler later could use these to deduce his famous three laws of planetary motion. Galilei Galileo It was about the time of Galileo that many believe the science of Astronomy began to depart from Astrology.

Galileo is known for his studies that included instruments for making measurements. He is credited with the first to record the planets by the use of a telescope, as well as measuring the time it takes balls to roll down an incline. His experiments on the motion of falling bodies were repeatable, and his measurements could be independently verified.

In , the inquisition of the Catholic Church ordered Galileo not to hold or defend the Copernican position. Galileo was followed by several who would carefully measure and verify astronomical information. Some of his theoretical work has been dismissed by modern astronomers i.

Music of the Spheres , with the possible exception of his three laws of motion. All planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun in one of the focii. The area from the ellipse to the focus of the ellipse is proportional to time.

The cube of planetary orbit radius is proportional to the square of the orbital period Rene' Descarte - French mathematician, philosopher, and physicist. Best known for his statement "I think, therefore I am.

This principal became instrumental in the understanding of wave-particle duality. Having derived the equation for centripetal force, Huygens is seen as the first theoretical physicist to use formulae in physics. In his day, Newton was known as a "natural philosopher. While musing in a garden, the concept of gravity occurred to him, "which brought an apple from the tree to the ground," and Newton would later show that gravity also applies to the moon.

Notable is his work on celestial mechanics and his three laws of motion.

Astrology and Astronomy: Similarities and Differences

His work was defined by mathematics and physics, having independently invented calculus. Some of Newton's work today would seem to border on superstition for example, alchemy. Newton is noted for his his three laws of motion, the invention of the reflecting telescope, and his fundamental work in spectroscopy and light. Newton's Laws of Motion: Joseph von Fraunhofer — Mapping of Spectral lines.

In , Fraunhofer independently rediscovered the dark lines in the solar spectra, and began a systematic study and careful measurement of the wavelength of these features.

Astrology and Astronomy: Similarities and Differences | HubPages

In all, he mapped over lines. This means that if you can recognize the Zodiac constellations, you can tell what time of year it is. They work like a calender. This sky calender and the Zodiac constellations we identify today were first used by Babylonian astronomers about years ago.

Babylon was a Middle Eastern culture that is well-known for its discoveries in astronomy and other sciences. The Babylonians used the Zodiac constellations to tell when spring was coming.

This allowed them to tell when it was time to plant crops and to prepare for changes in the weather. Ancient people who studied the constellations were called astrologists.

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Today astrologists are pseudo scientists who try and predict the future using the signs of the Zodiac. Astronomy is the study of the origin, movement, and behavior of stars and all other components in the Universe. Astronomy is a science, based on repeated observations of the stars, and accurately predicts their motions and behavior.

Some people confuse astronomy with astrology. There is no evidence that astrological predictions are accurate. Today, we use the ancient constellations to help us locate different sectors of the Universe. Astronomers have divided the celestial globe into 88 constellation, which are listed on a separate sheet.

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Use the Celestial Globe to illustrate how we see the Universe from Earth. The Earth is in the center and you can easily show that if you live in the United State, the sky you see, is different than the sky you see if you lived in Australia. Compare this to the Inflatable Celestial Globe, which only illustrates the "clear" portion of the Celestial Globe.