Debilitated sun in astrology

  1. The Charisma of Debilitated planets
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  3. Sun exalted | Surya debilitated | Surya mool trikona |
  4. Planet Sun in astrology – Its Role and Importance

This is basically psychic based remedies. It is most powerful among these three type of remedies. All mantra related, real tantra related, all vedic rituals and psychic ability and meditation based remedies come under this type. Let us discuss these one by one below. Chant the mantra times in a day. Total mantra jhapa would be 60, times, times havan on the same mantra, 60 time tarpan, 6 times Abhishek and feed food to any Brahmin.

Yogic Procedure to remove negative energies of weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology.

The Charisma of Debilitated planets

Visualization to remove negative energies of weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology. After that you need to start the visualization process.

Visualize that your problem is already over or that you have come out of the problem and leading that stage of happy and normal life. Problem vary from person to person, so you need to concentrate accordingly. For example, if you have career problem, then see yourself as if you have progressed in your career.

Very importantly at this type of stage of visualization or meditation oriented remedies, always focus on improvements or solutions and not on the problem. Tamah guna- based remedies for weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology. This type of procedure is not widely accepted and it has a lot of side effects too and in my opinion, this type of remedies are not recommended and so I am not going to discuss on these remedies now.

Rajah guna- based remedies for weak, debilit ated, afflicted Sun in Astrology. All kind of gem stones, metal, foods, color, numbers, etc come under this type of remedy procedure. Below are specific remedies based on Rajah guna for Sun which strengthen the planetary energy.

Always remember Rajah guna —based energy strengthen the planetary energy, it basically means that if your Sun is a bad significator, for example- 8 th lord and you are doing Rajah guna based energy, then you are increasing negative energy of Sun.

Rajah guna-based remedies should be performed only is the Sun in horoscope is in debilitation stage or afflicted by other planets.

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You need to judge all aspects of a planet in the horoscope and do not become conclusive or hurry to go to the conclusion. See all aspects of planets before doing this type of remedy. Ruby is the gemstone for Sun. Wear Ruby in Gold if not possible wear it in Silver in Ring finger.

Choose any Sunday after taking bath in the early morning and wear it in the Ring finger. Metal represents Sun energy: Day Of Sun In Astrology: Number Of Sun In Astrology: So try to do or start all remedial procedures of Sun on those dates which represents number 1.

For example, 1st or 10th or of any month. Color Of Sun In Astrology: Food Of Sun In Astrology: Time Of Sun In Astrology: Always remember, to do remedies mean to balance a certain energy level within you. The psychic energy within you controls all energy of your body and your life as well. What you see in your outer world is a mere reflection of your in inner world.

Now the remedy will work as nicely as you will be balancing with nature. If you ask anybody or search in the internet about remedies, you will get variety of opinions which can confuse you a lot.

Do not get very confused and always remember the key to success in any field is to follow a certain procedure continuously with patience and perseverance, then only you will attain success. Otherwise if you follow all procedures one by one for a short period of time, it will not take you anywhere and ultimately you will start disrespecting this holy system of remedies.

I have mentioned many types of remedies but among them Yogic Procedure point ii under Satya guna-based remedies is the most powerful, fast and effective procedure if you can follow properly.

In case of any questions, please ask them below in the comments section. Is there a weak Sun in your horoscope?

Do you want to know remedies for a weak Sun in astrology? How a weak Sun in horoscope creates an impacts in your Life? Remedies for weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology Sun is a very important planet in Astrology.

Adverse effects of weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun as per the 12 houses in your horoscope Before going to remedy part let us focus on how the placement of planet sun can cause negativity in different houses that can negatively impact your life. Weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology in 1 st House: This position of Sun is not favorable for the family matters and comforts.

This placement also can destroy monetary savings of an individual Weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology in 3 rd House: This is not a favorable position for sun for the siblings of the native.

Also gives disturbed communications Weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology in 4 th House: The placement of Sun in this house can cause low quality of life by disturbing the overall happiness of mind and relationship within and outside family members specifically the mother and friends respectively Weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology in 5 th House: The placement of Sun in this house can give severe stomach problems and it will hamper the decision making of the person.

It also affects the love life of the individual Weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology in 6 th House: Here Sun will give ups and downs in very stage of life in form of temporary struggle. In debilitated sign, the planet is weak and it causes many challenges and difficulties in the life of a native. Basically in the sign of exaltation, the planet functions freely as per its true nature and delivers positive results in our life.

Sun exalted | Surya debilitated | Surya mool trikona |

Conversely, in the sign of debilitation, the planet cannot function freely because the nature of sign does not harmonize with the nature of planets. For all planets except Mercury, the signs of exaltation are different from the signs which are ruled by each planet. For Mercury, Virgo is the sign of exaltation and it is also ruled by Mercury.

Each Zodiac sign has a dimension of 30 degrees. There is a specific degree of exaltation and hence a specific degree of debilitation which are different for every planet.

Let us take each planet in birth chart and understand for ourselves. Its exaltation sign is Aries. The degree of exaltation is 10 degrees. Therefore, the sign of debilitation is Libra and degree of debilitation is also 10 degrees.

Sun in 5th house in Libra for Gemini Ascendant in astrology (Golden Retriever Puppy)

The sun represents the fire element. It is the source of all energy which sustains the entire solar system including all life form on earth. When Sun is located in Aries which is a cardinal sign type with fire element; Sun functions best because of the commonality of the element.

The cardinal nature of Aries gives it a clear direction for action. Fire element gives strong will, ambition, determination, leadership. On the higher level, Sun in Aries gives independence, clarity, strong judgment and high values. However, when Sun is located in Libra, it has to interact with Air element of Libra sign.

Planet Sun in astrology – Its Role and Importance

The air and Fire together will create uncontrolled energy. It will become like a forest fire which will destroy everything without creating anything.

In an individual, it will create pride and arrogance which in reality will be because of deep seated insecurity because Sun is weak and will be malefically disposed in its inimical sign ruled by Venus. It will give poor perception, lack of intelligence, low vitality, melancholy, fear and deviousness or dishonesty. Its exaltation sign is Taurus and debilitated sign is Scorpio.