Scorpio indian astrology january 2019

2019 Horoscope Month by Month
  1. AstroSage Kundli App
  2. Scorpio 2019 Horoscope
  3. Scorpio Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !
  4. 2019 Scorpio Horoscope: Your Hard Work In Profession Will Yield Results

The months of August and September will be especially favorable in terms of career growth. The financial life will be better than expected, but you might experience few ups and downs sometimes.

AstroSage Kundli App

You might tend to spend more than your income, which might create some financial strain. So you must monitor your expenses and ensure not to spend more than required.

You will get excellent results in education. You will work hard and get the desired results in examinations.

If you are studying any new language, then you will get several new opportunities. Students of management and tourism studies will get several new opportunities for career growth and development. If you are unmarried, then the prospects of love marriage are high. As per predictions for Scorpio zodiac sign, you might spend some precious moments with the love partner.

If we speak about your family life, then you will handle all your family responsibilities in a responsible manner. The family will have a lot of expectations from you. You will do well in career or profession this year. The time is favorable for your job or business; hence, you will make significant progress. You will put in extra efforts to progress in career.

This will open a lot of new doors for further growth. You might get a new job offer at a prestigious company. You will get an opportunity to travel abroad for business or work. If you make the best use of these opportunities, then you can make significant progress in career.

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope

You might make a remarkable achievement in career in the months of April or May. You might get a promotion or a handsome salary hike during this period. Your career will make strides in the month of August and September.

You will enjoy full support from the seniors at work, and they will appreciate your good work and new ideas. They might also try to take credit for your hard work and ideas, so you must be careful. You might expect a job transfer in the beginning of the year.

Stay away from office politics or gossip as much as you can, and try to focus on work only. Follow the instructions and guidelines as laid down by your seniors, and fulfill your responsibilities in a timely manner. According to Scorpio Horoscope , You will get mixed results in terms of financial life.

You might experience few ups and downs on the financial front. There will be a huge gap between your income and expenditure. Your expenses might go up while your income might remain static. Hence, you must control your expenses as against the income, to avoid any financial crisis in the future. You might overspend on luxury items or entertainment products.

You might make some financial gain in the month of March and April. You will be able to save money during this period, and in September, you can expect a sudden gain of money.

If you have been fighting a court case related to family property, then the result is likely to be in your favor. You might make some unexpected gain of money, but you should be careful as to how to spend it. There might be a time in the year when you will find it difficult to make ends meet. During these tough times, you will try to borrow money from someone.

Hence, to avoid any such financial meltdown, try to control your expenses and save money for the future. A property related issue might crop up this year. Effect of planets in different houses. The year will be excellent for students and they will perform really well in studies. You will work really hard and get desired results in examinations.

Your teachers or professors will be pleased with your good performance and provide you support and guidance whenever you need it. The situations will be favorable for studies throughout the year, especially in the months of February and March.

If you are preparing for any competitive examinations, then you will get success during this period. If you wish to get better results in studies, then you will have to put in more efforts.

Scorpio Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !

If you are appearing for board exams, then you are likely to perform well and get excellent grades. In addition to studies, you will also devote ample time to extracurricular activities. As per predictions for Scorpio zodiac sign, you might enroll in a diploma or certificate course in your free time. If you are a language student, then you are likely to get desired results.

The students of tourism and management courses will get great opportunities for career advancement. If you are preparing for medical or engineering entrance exams, then you need to get more focus towards your studies.

Work on your concentration and avoid distractions as much as you can. Your family life will be peaceful and harmonious this year, according to Scorpio Horoscope You will share good rapport with the family members. There will be an expansion of ancestral property. There will be peace and prosperity in the family.

The family members will do well in their respective spheres in life and they will share mutual understanding with each other. You might buy a new house or vehicle this year.

Some family members might experience some health problems. Also, few problems or disputes might arise with the siblings. Try to help each other in tough times.

You will realize all your family responsibilities, and succeed in fulfilling them. This is why the family will have huge expectations from you. Try to come up to their expectations and not do anything that would harm their social reputation.

Your children will do well in studies or career, and you will be mostly satisfied with their progress. Few religious ceremonies like marriage, Havan or puja might take place in the family. You need to assemble a strong financial team around you.

Professional investors should look at science and high-tech companies for profit opportunities, as the 11th House rules all these things as well.

This is really going to change the financial picture for the better. For now, intuition and spiritual guidance are going to be the main factors in wealth. In fact, they will be your short cut to wealth. It always is the short cut but this year you will see it very graphically. You must trust your intuition now even if you have a few failures.

They only seem like failures. You will see the logic behind them later on. One moment of real intuition is worth many years of hard labour. With Jupiter in your 12th House you are going to become much more charitable and philanthropic.

If you are charitable now, you will be even more so then. You will be more idealistic about how you earn your money, making sure that it is in ways that are beneficial to the world at large. It will be a period during which you will expand your understanding of the spiritual laws of affluence and these are often at odds with standard economics.

Job seekers have a status-quo year. A Solar Eclipse on April 19 could cause some shake-ups in the current job situation perhaps a job change as well but other than that, things seem quiet. Career, too, seems status quo. Your 10th House is not a House of Power and you seem to have little interest in it beyond the basics.

Since you are coming off a strong and happy career year, I read this as a sense of contentment. You are where you want to be and have no need to push further for the moment. Ambitions seem strongest and advancement is mostly likely from July 22nd to August 22nd and from September 6th to October 3rd, October 13th to November 22nd is also a reasonable career period.

Almost all the long-term planets are making nice aspects to you and your 6th House of Health is not a House of Power. The message is clear. You more or less take good health for granted. Sure, there will be periods in the year where this is less easy than other periods but these will be short-term trends caused by the short-term planets.

When they pass, health will revert to its usual high standard. With Uranus now in the Sign of Pisces for the next seven years or so, after flitting in and out of the Sign all last year, health will be improved over last year.

Mars is your Health Planet. Mars rules the sexual organs and Scorpio is one of the most sexual signs of the Zodiac. There is always a need to take better care of these organs. Health problems, should they arise, would tend to begin there. Keeping these organs fit is good preventative medicine.

Sexual activity should be balanced. Neither too much nor too little. The sexual organs themselves can be strengthened by many natural and drugless therapies like foot and hand reflexology, kinesiology, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, herbology, homeopathy, flower essence, naturopathy just to name a few. Mars rules vigorous physical activity.

Sport and vigorous exercise. Health for you is more than just the absence of disease, it means physical and athletic fitness.

A workout at the gym or track should be part of your health regime. Mars moves speedily in the year ahead, which shows good confidence in health, good physical confidence as well. He will move through nine of the 12 Signs and Houses of your Horoscope in the year ahead.

Your needs and attitudes to health will change pretty quickly. Those of you who have health problems might get relief or healing in a variety of ways and through a variety of means.

We will discuss these short-term trends in the monthly forecasts. A Solar Eclipse on April 19th might force some of you to make long-term changes in your health regime but other than that, the health arena is quiet.

No news is good news. The health of a parent or parent figure seems a concern.

2019 Scorpio Horoscope: Your Hard Work In Profession Will Yield Results

There is a need to take better care of the spine, knees, skeletal alignment and teeth. Diet is an important factor here. Spiritual therapies will bring great benefits. Health of children seems status quo but they need to be more careful of how they experiment with their bodies.

They have an urge to test their physical limits, they must be sure that these experiments are constructive and not destructive. Health of grandchildren also seems a concern.

Detox therapies seem powerful for them. Here too, the spine, knees, skeletal alignment and teeth are important.

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Your best overall health periods in the year ahead will be from February 19th to March 20th, June 21st to July 22nd and October 23rd to November 22nd Your most stressful health periods overall will be from January 21st to February 18th, April 20th to May 21st and July 23rd to August 23rd.

This has been an important and very volatile area for many years now. In the past seven years, many of you have moved house many times. One move was not enough. Many of you redid the home many times.

Once was not enough. Many of you had family break-ups these past seven years as well. Old patterns and routines were simply shattered. Many of you experienced volatile emotions and moods, wildly high and then wildly low. All of these phenomena are easing up. By now, after years of searching and experimenting, you have the house you want.

Your domestic situation is where you want it to be. The dust is settling. Right now, especially for those of you of childbearing age, there is an unusual interest in children. You want more of them and this is likely now and in the coming years. Those of you who already have them are being challenged by their rebelliousness.

Understand that much of this is coming from their innate originality and is not malicious. The children are extremely creative these days. Your job will be to help them to express this in positive ways. Get them into art, computers this seems especially interesting to them , science and maths.

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Let them play with scientific-type toys, toys that will develop their scientific abilities. They will also enjoy astronomy and, if they are old enough, might enjoy astrology, too.

The children are challenging every single tradition and axiom perhaps even your own authority and you will need patience to help them see the reasons for these things.

Some traditions should be challenged but it must be done correctly. Like last year and now even more so , you are making the home into something more enjoyable. A parent or parent figure is having a spiritual awakening and with that all kinds of creativity are coming out. There might even be a love affair this year.