Cancer love horoscope 8 february 2019

Daily Planetary Overview
  1. Education Horoscope 2019
  2. Monthly Astro Calendar February , Astrology Horoscope Calendar Online |
  3. Education Horoscope 2019 for Aries:
  4. Mars enters Aries

Therefore, be careful with whom you share your feelings and who you trust because you never know if that person is truly your soul mate. Anyway, you must learn how to relax and how to take advantage of the time spend with your friends and family, especially now around holidays.

Those of you involved in a stable relationship have no reason to worry. May, October, and December are the most romantic months for you.

Education Horoscope 2019

The most compatible zodiac signs with the Cancer native in love relationships are: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. Cancer, the most sensitive sign of all zodiac, desires love, family and stability. And they can get all these from the same water sign. The Pisces natives will overwhelm them with their devotion, the Scorpio is extremely attentive when they are loves, while the Cancer knows how to love with passion.

Taurus and Virgo can be other good options in a love relationship, these signs offering the Cancer the stability they need, although it might be a bit too hard to take all the criticism of the Virgo or the coldness of the Taurus.

Monthly Astro Calendar February , Astrology Horoscope Calendar Online |

Uranus has been in the house of your career between March and April and during these seven years, it brought tumultuous and contradictory evolutions in the professional life. The Full Moon that occurs on May 18 of , will bring you new ideas of making money.

Now, the majority of them have excellent business ideas, but not the necessary funding to put these ideas into practice. Therefore, they will need to look for financial support.

Education Horoscope 2019 for Aries:

Some of you will be able to convince their parents, partners or a friend to invest in their projects, but some of them will fail to find the needed support and instead, they will face arguments and reproaches.

This is a good time to test the people around you, so you can see who you can count on. Another phenomenon that occurs frequently during this kind of transit is the discontent related to the current job and the desire to make something more.

In this matter also, it is important to have the support and the right advisers. In May-June , when Venus transits the 2nd house, the financial security becomes very important for the Cancer. In the same time, however, the natives like to invest in their own bodies, both for their health and for their beauty.

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Therefore, you will find different ways to save money, but also to gain additional income. However, after work, they will relax and pamper themselves either at a spa or at shopping, buying some nice clothes.

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Another advantage of this period is that they are great at communicating and they do it effortlessly with the people with jobs in the financial sector: Between July 8 and August 1 of , Mercury is retrograde in Cancer sign, and the natives should be very careful about how and what they spend their money on.

Only towards the end of , you need to be more cautious because the stars predict the occurrence of some risks. By acting cautiously, you will manage to keep what they gain throughout the year.

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  5. Cancer Horoscope?
  6. We have plenty of good news for you regarding your Health in Physically, no major affections seem to affect them this year, nor worsening of any preexisting conditions.

    However, do not neglect the treatment in case it is prescribed or in case you suffer from a chronic disease. Emotionally, the year of will bring many positive changes, will determine you to control and improve your behaviour towards your loved ones, to be more understanding, less pessimistic or anxious, just as you would go through another threshold of inner maturity.

    Mentally, you enjoy a good tonus all year long and a lot of dynamic ideas, so those around you want you as much as possible around them. Part of the worries of the past years find their solution in , and part of the stress will fade away, giving you another reason for joy. January 21, Full Moon in Leo: Many Cancer natives feel forced by circumstances or by partner to formalize their relationship, especially if it is a long-term one.

    February 18, Sun enters Pisces: In your life may occur some divergences related to family, living space, daily responsibilities or a possible relocation. March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: March is a month full of opportunities for the career, socio-professional status and success.

    Mach , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: This is a period of emotional and spiritual instability, arguments with partner, adventures. April 10 — August11, Jupiter retrograde: Jupiter offers them the opportunity to develop a loving, gentle and kind personality, capable of understanding what other people feel and help them also understand.

    April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: The sentimental state is under evaluation, a desire to change something in the relationship, you are prone to escapades.

    April 24 — October 3, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: Pluto initiates the Cancer natives in the world of transformations associated with their relationship with others.

    They feel they need to change something in this area. And they will, at the right moment. May 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: Full moon in May has a positive effect for you: June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: June 21, Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: June is more relaxing in comparison with the previous month.

    They feel their souls unburdened, they are more optimistic and will enjoy an exceptional physical shape during the first days of June. July 23, Total Sun Eclipse: Very beautiful things will happen in June. A trine will form in the sky between the two beneficial planets, Venus and Jupiter, an aspect that will bring luck, optimism, benevolence and relational chances.

    There is great emphasis on earth signs in and the time has come to ditch all the OTT dramatics of recent years and stare reality straight in the face. Saturn and Jupiter, the giant cosmic glue that holds our planet together, find themselves in full strength in and so you can expect a year of cautious growth, lucky breaks and constructive optimism!

    Don't be afraid to ditch what isn't working in your life, raze rotten structures to the ground and build healthy ones in their place! Choose your Zodiac Sign below to find out how will affect you personally or continue reading the general astrology below:.

    We have Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and the eclipses - and later Jupiter - all in earth signs in and As Saturn in Capricorn edges closer to Pluto in Capricorn the two will meet in January , it's time to be more realistic, take responsibility and do something constructive about your problems.

    The whole world is about to be set on a new foundation and the same holds for you, personally! Look to where you have Capricorn in your birth-chart. By December 2 nd , Jupiter joins the Capricorn party and all star signs start getting ready for a massive coming of age! If you are a Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo , or if you have many planets in earth, get ready to come into your own in and beyond!

    Your practical talents and your results-oriented outlook will be greatly in vogue in coming years. Yes, with power comes responsibility, as Capricorn well knows.

    Taurus is the most unlikely of signs to lead the revolution and yet Uranus enters Taurus March 6th to stay til and this will literally turn the world on its head - including steady old Taurus!

    The same goes for the area of your horoscope ruled by Taurus. Your free personal birth chart holds the key!

    If they Have left, they Are Coming BACK! ♋ Cancer Love 2019 ♋ Tarot Card Reading

    Virgo will also find many outlets for their amazing talents during this period, while fixed signs Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio can expect a sudden changes on the career, relationship and home front.

    Are you ready to clear away oppressive, outdated patterns that suffocate the life out of you? Be ready to turn over a new leaf and reinvent yourself, Cancer - especially after the July 2 nd solar eclipse and subsequent Mercury retrograde in your sign. Water signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio will find that their inspired gifts are greatly sought after this year.

    Your creative talents, your sixth sense and your passion will give birth and nourish a new world in the making! Without water, the earth gets parched!

    A solar eclipse in Cancer on 2nd July, and Mercury retrograde in water signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio urges you to listen to your intuition and tap into your creativity. Neptune, planet of universal love and romance is also strong in his own sign, watery Pisces, and he's in deep in conversation with the powers that be.

    Neptune sextiles Saturn and squares Jupiter all year long and this is sure to infuse your life with magic, romance and creative inspiration.

    The trick will be to decipher what's workable and what is a mere pipe dream. Stay grounded and you'll be able to work your magic! Will you feel the fire in your belly in ? Lucky Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius until December bringing optimism and new adventures! Jupiter in Sagittarius brings faith, even amid rising stakes.

    With a last lunar eclipse in Leo on 21st January and Chiron in Aries from 18th February every star sign will need to show bravery and take the initiative to manifest your true potential.

    Mars enters Aries

    After years of hardship, Lady Luck finally smiles on you! Jupiter will also favour fellow fire signs Leo and Aries and you have much to gain from venturing beyond your comfort zone. Stay true to yourself, be brave and show'em how it's done! Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius also stand to benefit greatly, as Jupiter teaches you new tricks, helping you grow through relationships and social interactions.

    Last but not least, Mercury will go retrograde three times in , in March, July and November. Mercury retrogrades in water signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio , affecting those signs the most. Take a time out to tap into your intuition and explore your imagination. You might also need to examine your emotional ties and your habitual thinking during those months.

    Mercury retrograde also dips into Leo in July, helping you tie up loose ends from the past couple of years of eclipses, especially if you are a Leo or Aquarius. Love planets Mars and Venus are firing on all cylinders in , which is wonderful news for love for all star signs! Venus cannot wait to visit each and every zodiac sign in and bestow on each her lovely girdle.

    And she will even favour some signs twice! Are you born November to February? Mars will make you irresistible for six very special weeks in if you are born anywhere between late March and November! How does your love horoscope shape up for all you lonesome lovebirds of the zodiac?

    Sagittarius, brings good news in love. Coupled up Sagittarians can plan to get married or raise the relationship to the next level. Jupiter in your house of true love helps you put the trials and tribulations of the past few years behind you and open your heart.

    Use this summer to put the past to bed and start afresh! The eclipses have arrived in your sign and you could meet someone who changes your life, decide to move in together with your sweetheart or even get married.