Caquarius australia horoscope

  1. Aquarius Weekly Horoscopes -
  2. Horoscopes
  3. Aquarius Personality Traits and Influences

Set aside some time on the morning of December 7 to make some New Moon wishes. Make up to ten. Feel the feeling of the wishes fulfilled. How does it feel? As regular readers will know, Mercury retrograde started on November It began the day after Venus retrograde finished!

As November begins, Mercury is in the sign of Scorpio but on December 1, retrogrades further back into the previous sign of Sagittarius. So wherever you have Sagittarius in your chart we all have all 12 signs of the zodiac in our chart is where you are getting a second chance.

Note that on December 7 December 6 in the northern hemisphere Mercury retrograde finally comes to an end, for this cycle.

But not so fast! In this case, that point is 13 Sadge. More about this next month. Think about what it means for you on as deep a level as you can. Read your Rising Sign if you know it, for even more accurate guidance. This can be either an incredibly useful or simply annoying reverse cycle.

In your case, it might help you make a more informed decision about what you need to do next in regards to your professional life. The next few weeks really see a great need for you to be double checking anything and everything you do workwise.

The spellchecker is your friend, as is the calculator.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscopes -

Expect the info you need to make a decision to come to you — consciously create it. Venus will be moving forwards as She moves into the sign of Scorpio. Venus is the Goddess of the skies.

Venus is the feminine principle, in a different way than the Moon is all about the feminine. Kali is Shakti in radiant warrior form. On a more earthly level, Venus in Scorpio is a time when love can get down and dirty, in an underhand or a sexy way.

Sort of depends on who you love, right? Venus is now moving through your tenth house of work. Venus is in many ways, the Great Attractor. Wherever she appears in your chart is where you suddenly find yourself able to attract people to you, charming them as you go.

Right now, Venus in your work zone means you can expect your professional life to pick up. Alternatively, you can use this cycle to bring in more business as people find themselves quite simply being drawn to you.

Now is a great time to speak up. Because this part of your chart is associated with the planet of age, you could easily find yourself being drawn to someone either a lot younger or older than you.

Earlier this year, Venus went backwards — reversing as she does about once every 18 months. There have been so many big planetary changes affecting us all one way or another recently.


Last month alone we had the move of lucky Jupiter into Sagittarius which is hopefully going to help deliver us all a happy silly season and into next year. The next big planetary move of December is the Sun into the sign of Capricorn. You can think of the Sun as a sort of spotlight and whenever it changes signs, as it does once a month, it shines a spotlight on a different part of your chart.

For example, it could be on your Love Zone or your Career Zone. As the Sun slips into your 12th house this week, you get to slip into the Twilight Zone. The Sun goes through this part of your chart once a year. As it does so, you can expect to feel a little more like staying at home and contemplating either your navel, or your life, or both.

And that is just fine.

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  • Aquarius Weekly Horoscopes?
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Take it easy on yourself this week and over the next four weeks. Also see if there are events from your past which have created patterns which are now dictating how you react to events in the present… is it time to break with the past? The Sun in Capricorn of course goes with the end of the year and covers Christmas Day. If Jesus really was born on December 25, he was a Capricorn not a Pisces, as people often assume, since Pisces is the super-spiritual sign and the mystical last sign of the zodiac.

The constitution is not very strong, but it is wiry and stress should be avoided as much as possible. Swollen legs and ankles, and all problems and weaknesses of these parts, poor circulation, cramps, pains due to flatulence, and spasmodic and nervous diseases are peculiar to this sign.

Hay fever and other seasonal ailments can be common. Aquarians may have trouble with their eyes, so regular testing is recommended, especially if headaches occur routinely.

Sunglasses should always be worn on bright days to avoid eye damage. A quiet and peaceful environment, bushwalking, regular exercise, swimming, sport and reading are all good medicine for those born in this sign.

Aquarians' destiny shows very favourable conditions for success. They will have a strong will, diplomatic skills and sharp perceptive abilities. They may be interested in the sciences, big business or a humanistic career.

One thing is certain: They will put all their energies and enthusiasm into achieving their individual goals. Aquarians will also be interested in research and will strive to solve all the problems of the world and reveal all the answers to the mysteries of their profession.

They will not have a compliant attitude toward authority figures. Aquarians will always discuss their tasks intelligently, especially if they feel their talents are being underestimated. They will be successful in an independent profession as their own boss. Their career choice could be one of these: Any other career that will allow them to work independently may also attract.

They have the genius to do anything they want and this is why they like challenging types of unconventional jobs that give them opportunities to develop their own talents. They may have a hidden interest in metaphysical matters, alternative medicine, mind dynamics and science, anything that has a touch of the unconventional or difference will attract them.

Many Aquarians do exceptionally well in the fields of New Age teaching, faith healing, astrology and martial arts. The more conservative types prefer careers with a touch of adventure or challenge, especially in the areas of aeronautics, aviation, broadcasting, psychotherapy, and computer programming, electroplating, exploring, nuclear physics, radiology, research and space technology.

They will never find routine home or daily chores satisfying; those sorts of things thoroughly bore them to tears. The Aquarian woman is a mass of contradictions, an approval seeking and non-conformist, sympathetic but detached extrovert during the day, a recluse by night. An independent thinker, the Aquarian lady can be quirky and offbeat in her moods, habits and tastes.

She dresses as she pleases. Her opinionated and freedom-seeking nature can be hard for her partner to take at times. She dislikes and will rebel against any form of possessiveness.

The Aquarian woman is usually as good as her word; she is a tireless worker and crusader, always helping others with their battles. She will attract to those whom she considers different and will be happy in an experimental environment or alternative lifestyle. She can be timid, however, and somewhat passive in personal relations.

She will generalise rather than personalise, especially about her friends and herself. Usually sexually broad-minded, she believes in personal choice and is completely liberated about sexual freedom, but she can be quite erotically inhibited in her own life.

She fears rejection and usually thinks twice before she jumps totally into a new relationship. Her fear of intimacy can sometimes be a problem. She is an eccentric lover, with a streak of unpredictability. She may even consider having an extramarital affair if she feels in the mood. The Aquarian woman is usually fond of animals, or shows a humane attitude toward them.

She adores a life partner who is intellectual, futuristic, and experimental and enjoys an alternative lifestyle. Her partner should maintain a harmonious equilibrium to keep the relationship running smoothly.

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  6. The Aquarian woman is the best friend of any sign in the zodiac. The Aquarian man is a highly intelligent, distinctively individual, independent and charming man. He has an irrepressible sense of humour and a spontaneous, offbeat sense of fun.

    Because he is so open-minded and interested in many things, he is a stimulating communicator, and others will relish the challenging conversations they can share with him.

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    7. Aquarius Daily Horoscope.
    8. People are fascinated by his elusive, free-spirited approach to life, and impressed with his courage and quiet determination. The Aquarian man can seem very detached, aloof or indifferent. He becomes extremely bored and restless, and may crave greater freedom and new challenges. Aquarians can be tactless and outspoken, with a sharp, sarcastic tongue.

      They can also be evasive and difficult to pin down. They will make a romantic commitment in their own time and will not be hurried. Despite a busy work and social life, they will always be there for you. The Aquarian man is very strong-willed, dynamic and gregarious.

      His kindness and generosity will often surprise you, and his unpredictable, enigmatic qualities will fascinate you for much of your life. Although he loves to exercise his brilliant and questioning mind, this man also places great value on genuine and lasting friendships.

      The Aquarian man loves to laugh and have fun, and he adores witty exchanges. Sport and outdoor interests also give him pleasure. A love for the unusual and offbeat combines with a need for personal freedom in relationships.

      Never restrict an Aquarian man; he needs room to breath. Your ruling planet Uranus will be in full force in the financial sign of Taurus from for the next seven years, which influences your sector of home, property and investments, and mirrors on your business interests and career. During this year these influences will play an important part in your destiny for better or worse.

      You may find that due to circumstances property may be bought or sold to rectify urgent family situations or to reduce debt. The continuing influence of Saturn in the business sign of Capricorn will sway private, confidential and health matters during the next 14 months and you may need to assist family, relatives or friends with health matters or those who could be confined in some way.

      Your partnership sector of Leo will dominate with much activity during July and August when irritating Mars creates family squabbles, rash and impulsive situations over family or financial matters. For some there will be endless periods of frustration as well as a cooling off in personal relationships.

      For others there will be the ending of a long-term business or personal partnership and, in some cases, legal matters will prevail.

      You will need to be more disciplined and show less of your happy-go-lucky personality traits this year. You may benefit from a little added discipline and responsibility by putting your priorities in order. From January to August your responsibilities will grow both at work and at home and whilst Jupiter transits Sagittarius during this 12 month period it would be advisable to get as much rest in between the pressures that you experience throughout this year.

      With Jupiter and Neptune causing a little confusion throughout , there may be a connection with hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or places of confinement that require you to take charge of legal or official matters.

      Career and financial security will be important to you in as you endeavour to advance your interests in the direction of your choice. Venus will keep the balance in your destiny this year, especially in the months of January, March, May, June, August, September and November.

      Aquarius Personality Traits and Influences

      No matter how difficult you may find some months throughout , you will be well protected with all your issues. The home will be the centre of focus during the first six months of the year. This would be a good time to buy, sell, build or plan extensions to the family home; some may redecorate the home or office or spend more time in a second home or holiday unit.

      Pluto, planet of breaking down and rebuilding, will slowly bring both benefits and losses through an extreme set of circumstances, so be extra careful with all financial transactions throughout this year. Be on guard, as conditions outside your control could influence relationships, cash flow and profitability.

      It will be necessary to remain optimistic while at the same time keeping the reins on over-expansion of business and personal interests. On the positive side you may get the wanderlust spirit and take a long holiday overseas or some could be offered overseas employment.

      Some of your cherished hopes and wishes can be achieved between October and December; expect some interesting career changes to take place when Mars and Uranus build up pressure, and an opportunity for advancement could be competitive.

      Expect to meet many new acquaintances throughout and if it is challenge you want this year, you can rest assured has plenty of that ahead, especially in the areas of family relationships, jobs, study, travel and material gains. Fortunately, the year ends on a positive note as Jupiter protects in the sign of Sagittarius and is compatible with your sign of Aquarius.

      You may develop your creative side this year, surprising yourself and others. You may also be lucky enough to experience a legacy or lottery win in The four eclipse patterns in January and July could bring some changes quite unexpectedly and experience major home and employment changes and a growing responsibility for older members of the family or children.

      You will have a more serious and determined side to your nature, especially in the type of work you wish to pursue. During this year you will have numerous opportunities to follow a different direction, as Uranus, the planet of unexpected change, continues its long transit through the financial sign of Taurus.

      Some will take a different track with employment; choosing a professional sport, or any other competitive-type physical activity that may attract you, whether it be gymnasiums or on the land. You may also enjoy employment that involves banking, medical, travel, sales, marketing, public relations, communication, technology, journalism, screen writing, real estate or hospitality.

      Lucky Jupiter will transit Sagittarius, bringing many offers of a professional career or further studies at college and university. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, your sector of social activities and friendships, it may be through the people you meet that open new avenues of professional employment for you. Success can also be achieved in accountancy, economics, law, investigation, corporate management, biochemist, dietician, or services to humanity.

      Venus will transit your career sectors during July and October and during this cycle you may also have an opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills through new learning practices and higher education. You may find yourself involved with libraries, computers, research, technology and travel in connection with your employment.

      For those Aquarians who are considering medicine as a profession, is a positive year for the commencement or completion of studies, success is indicated. Thanks to constant work opportunities, you will have many offers through new contracts and agreements.

      You can direct your energies in an organised and disciplined way; you will know when to run or when to stay. Your constructive energy level will allow you to take control of any situation you are involved in and make a clean sweep for success.

      During this year your opinions will change sequentially as the weeks go by. Pluto in Capricorn will give you the authority you need to stand your ground over any issue or person that may oppose your plans and ideas.

      You may have to watch stress and anxieties during April, May, August, September and December as the planetary aspects will create at times a difficult situation with members of the work force. With the intuitive planet Neptune in Pisces, your ability to be open to new information and new ways of looking at life without prejudice or judgement will be enhanced.