New york astrology meetup

  1. How to Start a Local Astrology Group
  2. Quest Bookshop: New York Esoteric Events Calendar
  3. Astrology: What is it, how does it work, and why does it work
  4. Here's a look at some Astrology Meetups happening near New York.

Astrology is an amazing tool for self-exploration and for discovering the beautifully precise rhythms of the universe. Many people think that astrology is nothing more than the sun sign columns found in the newspapers.

Those who realize that astrology is much more than this are far and few between. Whether you are just at the beginning of your journey or have been exploring the subject for some time, here you will find a place where others "speak your language.

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All are encouraged to participate, and anyone interested in leading a discussion topic is very welcome to do so! Please contact the organizer if you have a discussion topic. Or sign up with email. Meetup members, Log in. Start a new group. What are your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs? Sun in Pisces 11th house, Moon in Leo 4th house, Gemini rising.

Introduction Astrology is my vocation and avocation. Member of 23 other Meetups. One thing that works particularly well is to look and see if there are any metaphysical or new age bookstores or businesses in your area that might be willing to let you host meetings there.

How to Start a Local Astrology Group

Many of these places are already having regular events for different subjects anyways, so they would probably be willing to work with you in order to set something up for your group. If you are having problems locating a new age bookstore in your area, follow the smell of patchouli and self-help books. Worst case scenario, see if there are any hotels with conference rooms that you can rent for a few hours each month.

This may take a small investment on your part, and obviously this will force you to collect some money for the meeting if you are being charged to use the room, but if your group is successful then eventually it will all be worth it. Now you need to find some other people in your area who would be interested in attending the meetings, and then start getting things organized and scheduling some dates.

At this point in the process I would highly recommend setting up a website for your group , as many of these issues will tend to fall into place in the process of getting that set up.

Quest Bookshop: New York Esoteric Events Calendar

More specifically, and this is important, set up an account on the website www. Meetup is this interesting website that has been around for a few years that allows people to organize local interest groups in their area.

If you are organizing a group then it is invaluable for the following reasons:. I have been using Meetup for my local astrology group in Denver since the beginning, and my friend Kirk Kahn has a very active astrology Meetup in New York as well.

Basically, every astrology group should have a page on Meetup.

Astrology: What is it, how does it work, and why does it work

This is the single best thing that any existing astrology group can do in order to improve their group. If you are lucky, perhaps you live in an area where there are a number of notable astrologers who would be willing to come down to give a lecture at one of your meetings. So, unless you have some particularly extraordinary personal bravado that enables you to talk local astrologers into giving talks for free, you will probably have to start by holding a few meetings on your own, accumulating some members, and hopefully saving up a little bit of money.

Maybe start out by holding a some discussion groups, or just some casual meet and greet type get-togethers. If you are particularly cocky, you could try giving your own lectures for the first meeting or two, like I did, although this only works if you are incredibly, incredibly gifted.

The key to success when you are starting a new local group is just to keep doing it, and to do it consistently. Set a specific date, place and time where you are going to do your meetings each month, and stick to that schedule. If you do this consistently then people will start working it into their normal monthly routines.

They will always know that your meeting is on the second Saturday of the month at 3: Before too long you will have a group of regulars who show up at every single one of your meetings. This is sometimes difficult with local groups where you speaker selection is limited, but one thing that I would recommend is to always aim to have high quality meetings, with intelligent lectures and discussions on the topic of astrology.

One of the primary goals of all astrological groups is to help educate their members and improve their knowledge of astrology.

Having more knowledgeable and well-rounded astrologers in the world is one way to improve the status of the subject in general. So do your best to make sure that your group is having high quality discussions on the subject that go beyond just the basics of astrology.

Encourage people to think about all of the different facets and forms of astrology.

  1. Sunday 14 July New York City Astrology Meetup | Anthony Louis – Astrology & Tarot Blog?
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Here are just a few ideas along those lines:. In short, if you are going to organize a local astrology group, then do it well, and do it in a way that advances the subject and creates a smarter and more well-rounded group of astrologers in your area.

  1. Sunday, February 22nd: Cosmic Astrology Meetup?
  2. Co-Organizer;
  3. How to Start a Local Astrology Group!
  4. Nyc Astrology Meetup;
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Not only will this help to improve the astrological community as a whole, but it will make your local group much more appealing to potential attendees in your area.

That is pretty much it for this guide. Basically just find a place to hold meetings, set up a page on Meetup. Organizing or attending local astrology meetings is a rewarding experience because it helps to connect you with other people who are passionate about the same subject.

So what are you waiting for? If anyone has any additional tips or comments about organizing a local astrology group then please let me know in the comments section below.

He offers personal consultations and teaches online classes through his website at www.

Here's a look at some Astrology Meetups happening near New York.

However a new astrology group is going to be small. And small means the speaker could be seated at the head of table handing out charts or other information easily printed and copied at home. From that point it is easy to stand up and make points on a flip chart or other method of drawing a picture to make oneself clear.

What the speaker needs to be is incredibly, incredibly prepared. This is the key to all presentations.

  1. Astrology Meetups in New York;
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  5. Kirk K. - The New York City Astrology Meetup (New York, NY) | Meetup.
  6. Astrology Meetups in New York - Meetup;
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