Birthday horoscope virgo february 3 2019

Mercury enters Capricorn
  1. February 3 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  2. 2019 Virgo Horoscope: Ups And Downs In Profession Are Likely
  3. February 3 Birthday Horoscope
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The cosmic year isn't complete without mentioning the three pesky Mercury retrograde periods, so look out for them in March, July, and November. All three cycles are immersed in emotional water signs, so struggling with feelings will be the norm. The key to getting through a Mercury retrograde this year is to follow your intuition.

If it feels right, it probably is right. Small but significant Pluto is also visiting hardworking Capricorn this year.

February 3 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

It goes retrograde between late April and early October, then ends the year direct. Rebuilding from the ground up is the focus of this transit, giving you the belief that if you want it badly and try hard enough, anything is possible.

Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are driven by excitement, and there's no shortage of that this year.

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With expansive Jupiter in outgoing Sagittarius until early December, you enjoy a mix of fun and adventure. Travel and learn from other cultures as much as possible.

2019 Virgo Horoscope: Ups And Downs In Profession Are Likely

Love goddess Venus doesn't enter any retrograde periods, and the mood is passionate and aggressive when she spends time in the fire signs Aries in late April, Leo in late July, and Sagittarius in early November. There won't be any shortage of excitement in your love life! Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn use logic more than other signs, so you're happy about Saturn's placement in earthy, practical Capricorn.


The best way for them to heal their deeply emotional world is to help others heal theirs. They are teachers and speakers with the ability to bring any subject directly into the mind of their students, to be understood and stay there for as long as necessary.

February 3 Birthday Horoscope

They will be excellent educators, and find joy in speech, problem solving, and helping those in need. We will find a person born on this date to be known for sharing what they own with the world, for their convictions lead them only in the direction — the direction of equality and basic humanitarianism.

A wonderful stone to aid the ability to communicate in a loving way, is chrysocolla. Not only does it help those born on the 3rd of February to share their emotions with the world, but it also gives them compassion and helps choose the right words for emotional healing of others.

It is a crystal of teachers and truthful communication, that removes strict boundaries between the one holding the lecture and those who listen.

To find the right present for a person born on the 3rd of February one must really know what direction they chose to follow.

Hard work pays off in 2019!

Although their hunger for knowledge and natural curiosity help to widen your choices, they still wish to learn only things that are set in their path of inspiration and purpose.

Their gift should be something to use, touch, and get creative with, and depending on the level of closeness shared, they will enjoy an expensive pen or a set for clay sculpting or painting. Their inner child wishes to try something new at all times, spray paint or scratch their own map of the world.

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They wish to experiment with creative work of others just as much as they'd like to travel, to the nearest park if circumstances don't allow them to move any further. Wide in perspective, adaptable, giving, and ready to help those in need. They are humanitarians with a powerful purpose and personal philosophy to support their deeds, always in search for answers on how to make this world a better place.

Running from emotions and negativity, they could find themselves distant from home, family, and their own heart, developing all sorts of psychosomatic physical conditions before admitting they were wrong. Aquarius - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.


Financial hurdles is one of the issues that you are likely to face on a personal level. A lot of students may face problems with their studies, where they either may not be able to score well, in spite of working hard or, concentrate efficiently while studying.

On the professional front, work will keep you a lot busier than usual, between the 23rd of March till the year end.

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  8. You may feel spiritually inclined because of the effect of Ketu in the Sagittarius sign. Also, have good control over your temper as it will effect you negatively and taking very good care of your health between May till July is also necessary, according to the prediction in your Virgo horoscope Know the percentages of different aspects of your physical and mental state.

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