3 february horoscope for leo

Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Leo
  1. February 3 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  2. Leo Monthly Horoscope
  3. More Inspiration
  4. February 3 Birthday Horoscope

Mars moves into harmony with your sign on the very last day of the year, energizing you as you greet the new year.

February 3 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar fifth house. This is a time when pleasure-seeking and creative activities come into focus and grab much of your attention. You are particularly personally charming in a spontaneous, natural way during this solar cycle. This is the time of year when you are ready to perform and to express yourself creatively.

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This is a very playful cycle, when you are inspired creatively and emotionally. It's a good time for recreation, romance, connecting with children, and enjoying and performing the arts.

Your ego is tied up in your children, romantic relationships, and creative output now, so that you can be especially proud of these people and things. You can also be over-sensitive about these matters if you feel you are not getting enough appreciation.

From December 22nd forward: The Sun illuminates your solar sixth house. During this cycle, you take more pride in the work you do and in your health routines than any other time of the year.

You are sorting through the experiences of the last several months, separating the worthwhile from the worthless. This is a good time to build your skills, to get organized, and to attend to your health and wellbeing.

Leo Monthly Horoscope

It's a great time to make improvements to your regular routines. Your self-esteem and your ego are tied up in the work you do and in the services you give. Details are more important to you now.

It's time to bring order to your life by focusing on the little things that make up the whole. This cycle presents an opportunity to get rid of what doesn't work in your life, while also discovering what does.

You could seek distinction and strive towards perfection in your work.

More Inspiration

Efficiency should be your goal now. Your physical health, as well as the relationship between your body and your mind, are in focus. From December 2nd forward: Venus warms your solar fourth house now. During this cycle, you are especially fond of the life of the home and family. You are more receptive and gentle on a romantic level, and tend to be sentimental or nostalgic now.

You may particularly value the aesthetics in and around your home during this period. If things are out of whack on the home front, you will do whatever you can to create a peaceful and stable atmosphere.

February 3 Birthday Horoscope

Loyalty and sensitivity in your relationships are more important to you than typically. You might focus on ways to earn money in or from your home. This is a calming influence--a time when simple pleasures most appeal. Mercury is retrograde until December 6th While Mercury is retrograde, it's better to review, revise, and refine rather than push things forward, particularly related to communications, contracts, and transportation.

Misunderstandings and delays are more likely. Occurring in your solar fourth house this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to family relations, real estate matters, and domestic issues. Be as non-judgmental as you can with family members.

It may be challenging to keep a healthy perspective regarding deeply personal matters and family. Family members may be on edge, or appear to be.

Home repairs may not turn out as expected. Try to put off major decision- making with regards to home improvement, moving, and family matters for the time being. New initiatives surrounding home and property are best left for a better time, but reworking and reorganizing your home can be especially fruitful now.

All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of personal finances, as well as communications with friends or groups, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. Major financial initiatives should be avoided. Remember that friends don't mean what they say and don't say what they mean, and take what you hear with a grain of salt.

Group meetings may be delayed or cancelled. Mercury moves through your solar fourth house. This is a time during which you can enjoy increased powers of concentration. You may require solitude in order to get mental work done during this cycle. Your memory is more retentive than usual, and your thoughts often turn to personal matters, family, and loved ones.

You might particularly enjoy discussions about your early life, the past, or family matters during this cycle. In fact, it's a great time to open up conversations with loved ones, as you are more rational when it comes to personal matters now.

Your mind often wanders to domestic concerns, and issues surrounding your home, family, and personal past.

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  • On the other hand, this transit sometimes indicates an especially busy, and perhaps hectic, period on the domestic scene. For example, you might take home work or find that people drop by your home often during this cycle. From December 12th forward: Mercury transits your solar fifth house. During this cycle, there is a powerful mental connection with your creative self-expression.

    You are proud of your ideas, and very good at expressing them to others smoothly now. Your thinking is more creative than usual. You tend to entertain others with your conversation; and your sense of humor and of mischief!

    Your thoughts turn to children, pleasures, or romance during this expressive cycle. You might enjoy researching speculative ventures now. You especially enjoy games that involve competing with others on a mental level. Frequent tune-ins to your emotions and well-being are key.

    Much better to let things lie and allow things to shake out in a few weeks. Right now, know that everyone around you is on edge. On the positive side, this week can be a great time for networking, but in order to be effective, you may have to share some of your vulerabilities.

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    But you may feel exhausted this week. Prioritize, say no, and make sure self-care is an important aspect to your week. You need some relaxation and rejuvenation! Seek it out, Pisces. Make your year!

    Image from Dorian Legret. Your Weekly Horoscope for January 28 to February 3: Manage your newsletters To manage your subscriptions, please type in your email below. Quizzes Love Oracle Personality Tests.

    Mercury enters Capricorn

    Pet Chinese Mayan Name. The story of Moon and Jupiter always speaks of grand emotions, healing and feelings of true love, and we will see that these individuals have a need to give all they own to others, sharing their compassion and love with those their heart chooses.

    They will mend their own wounds by helping partners in trouble, in need of their generosity, a kind word, or protection. The best way for them to heal their deeply emotional world is to help others heal theirs. They are teachers and speakers with the ability to bring any subject directly into the mind of their students, to be understood and stay there for as long as necessary.

    They will be excellent educators, and find joy in speech, problem solving, and helping those in need. We will find a person born on this date to be known for sharing what they own with the world, for their convictions lead them only in the direction — the direction of equality and basic humanitarianism.

    A wonderful stone to aid the ability to communicate in a loving way, is chrysocolla. Not only does it help those born on the 3rd of February to share their emotions with the world, but it also gives them compassion and helps choose the right words for emotional healing of others.

    It is a crystal of teachers and truthful communication, that removes strict boundaries between the one holding the lecture and those who listen.

    To find the right present for a person born on the 3rd of February one must really know what direction they chose to follow. Although their hunger for knowledge and natural curiosity help to widen your choices, they still wish to learn only things that are set in their path of inspiration and purpose.

    Their gift should be something to use, touch, and get creative with, and depending on the level of closeness shared, they will enjoy an expensive pen or a set for clay sculpting or painting. Their inner child wishes to try something new at all times, spray paint or scratch their own map of the world.

    They wish to experiment with creative work of others just as much as they'd like to travel, to the nearest park if circumstances don't allow them to move any further. Wide in perspective, adaptable, giving, and ready to help those in need. They are humanitarians with a powerful purpose and personal philosophy to support their deeds, always in search for answers on how to make this world a better place.