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Virgo Daily Horoscope
  2. Horoscope Review: The Top 10 Real Horoscopes in Fashion Magazines | Exemplore
  3. Magazine Horoscopes: Better Than Ever

Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Better Than Ever Picking up popular monthly and weekly magazines I always hunt for their horoscope columns, hoping they're based on real astrology and that forecasts will be entertaining and supportive.

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Ever Fewer Before the Internet, great magazine horoscopes could be counted on one hand. But we have some great ones now: The Top Five These are the magazines I most hope to find when stuck in a waiting room or salon chair. Here are the choicest columns, and why: Elle magazine gave the fabulous astrologer Susan Miller two whole pages for her long and luscious monthly forecasts until April , when the AstroTwins replaced her.

Astrologers once laughed at the bleached-blond twins, but they manage to deliver modish and truthful horoscopes for all 12 signs on a single page. Sample opening sentence from Scorpio's forecast, Oct.

Cosmopolitan we grab for its forecasts about our sex lives. It's been publishing horoscopes for decades, its naughty "Bedside Astrologer" annual forecast making headlines and shocking prudes long before sexy magazine horoscopes were routine.


Recently the print version switched astrologers from the AstroTwins, sisters Tali and Ophira Edut, to the very young Aurora Tower, previously the weekly astrologer for Cosmo online. Lack of space--only one page allowed--plus space wasted on a silly monthly Sun-sign profile telling Virgos, for example, what everyone knows: But when it says "New Moon in your sign on the 8th," that's astrological fact.

Coppolino knows what's going on in the sky, doesn't talk down to his audience, and edits a website, Planetwaves. Your Sun sign's weekly horoscope is available at Planetwaves. Tweens and early teens are Seventeen's target audience, so Brompton's column is written, or rewritten by an editor, in a breathy, boy-crazy style that's nothing like Brompton's daily horoscopes for London's Daily Mail.

Brompton is a personal favorite and I'll take her in any flavor. The next one stands out because it's so unexpected: She's the real deal, but the writing is colorless. Consider, though, that there's barely any space for the forecasts because all 12 are crammed onto one page along with 12 photos of Sun-sign celebrities, such as Aquarian Amal Clooney.

The print and online versions should both have the whole month.

Today's Birthday

Falling Stars and Former Journalists Glamour's print version has no monthly horoscope and hasn't had one since August They were real astrology "Venus graces your sign until the 18th" was a fact although none of the forecasts seemed to come true.

Peter Watson, former journalist, writes the forecasts. Tiger Beat , pop-star fan magazine for smitten schoolgirls who squeal over cute guys like Justin Bieber and Tom Holland, has horoscopes both online and in print by Julia Lee, who also writes Tiger Beat articles.

Its barely-there horoscopes advise Pisces, for example, that "change is in the air. This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

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Horoscope Review: The Top 10 Real Horoscopes in Fashion Magazines | Exemplore

Some articles have YouTube videos embedded in them. Talk over your problems, be they personal, professional or financial, with someone you know will lend a sympathetic ear. Open up a bit. Is that the real you other people see?

Or is it a mask you wear to protect yourself from the big bad world? Show your true face today. Find ways to co-operate with people whose support you will need to make sure your work and business targets for the new year can be met. The planets warn you have become a bit too set in your ways and need to loosen up a bit, especially when dealing with people whose approach to life may be very different to your own.

It takes all sorts to make such a wonderful world.

Magazine Horoscopes: Better Than Ever

You know what makes you happy, so do that and nothing else. Like everyone else you go through periods when you feel out of touch with the spirit of the times, but that is definitely not the case now.

On the contrary, you know exactly what is going on and what you should be doing to assist. Your mind seems to be working harder than ever at the moment but you need to recognize that your mind, just like your body, can be pushed too far.

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  5. Give yourself space to breath today — mentally as well as physically.