Pisces january 2019 psychic horoscope

Pisces horoscope 2019:
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  2. Pisces Horoscope
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  4. Pisces Monthly Horoscope: December | jakubzidek.cz

Venus may have gone through a retrograde in your sign in October last year Scorpio, which saw you thinking very carefully about what you wanted from your relationships. But as dawns, she angles brilliantly to your modern ruler of Pluto, suggesting that you can be particularly passionate and persuasive when it comes to the things you believe in or a close relationship.

With Jupiter, the planet of growth, emphasizing your resources, and the North Node pushing you to be more expansive and open to new ideas, even though Saturn and Pluto continue in a strident area, they will serve to help you to distil the ideas and thoughts that are really meaningful.


This can also be a year when you find yourself wanting to break through any barriers and restrictions. Travel, higher education or professional development can all be things that grip you.

But with Uranus moving into your sector of relationships, where he will stay until , if there is any tie which has lost its sparkle, you may find yourself looking for a new, more engaging alternative. The wonderful news Sagittarius, is that your guide planet Jupiter returns to your sign for the first time in twelve years. He is also set to be with you for just over a year, and this can be a time of many new beginnings and bright possibilities.

Jupiter bestows upon you your curious nature, love of new challenges and dislike of settling for the status quo. Yet the continued emphasis on your sector of resources has taught you, over the last year particularly, that you must balance your optimism with maintaining a stable, especially financial, foundation for your existence.

But you are given the added bonus of Mars the planet of drive, being located in your sister fire sign of Aries, as the year begins.

Pisces Horoscope

This is going to boost your creativity considerably, and with Mercury in your sign at the turn of the year linking with Uranus the planet of innovation, don't underestimate what you can achieve by following your hunches and taking the less trodden path.

Just balance this with a careful marshalling of your resources. The location of July 2nd's Solar Eclipse, and the Nodal Axis and its link to stern Saturn, gives you a great opportunity to balance your enterprising qualities with achieving tangible and material results.

Venus is urging you at the start of this year, to embrace the concept of collaboration. There will be times this year when you don't get everything you want, and it may feel other people are not being very cooperative. But actually, the subtle influences unfolding are asking you to just achieve the right equation between doing what's good for you, but also making others feel part of things.

For with Saturn sitting on your Sun at the turn of the year, along with a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 6th combining with Saturn in your zodiac sign, and Mercury hidden away in your 12th Solar House, rather unwittingly, you may give the impression of being somewhat aloof, withdrawn, preoccupied or even austere.

The truth is of course Capricorn, that you will be focusing on the matters that are truly important, and your gift for prioritization means that you know you cannot spread yourself too thinly and must narrow your focus. But it will be how this is perceived. With the Nodal Axis impacted by Saturn from April 21st through to mid October, this delicate equation is going to be particularly acute.

However, Jupiter and Uranus are going to urge you on the path of increased enlightenment, firstly by becoming more conscious of your spiritual potential and motivations, and latterly, by breaking away from any situation which is too restrictive as far as your self-expression is concerned.

There's been such a massive emphasis on the 12th Solar House of your situation, that over the last year you may have found yourself going through a crash course in terms of understanding who you could really trust and rely upon. But also given you are the zodiac's armchair psychologist, discovering a fantastical amount more about what makes you tick, but the motivations of others too.

Is this process at an end?

Star articles

Well, truthfully, no, Aquarius. But there is a shift of emphasis this year, and a lot of it can be very positive.

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Last year saw a massive sluggathon between your modern ruler Uranus and Mars in your zodiac sign, from mid-May through to late September. This could have brought some complex issues, particularly around your family, and emotional security very much to the fore.

Though Mars is not going to be supercharged in your sign this year, it does start in a very positive location, and along with a fantastic angle between Mercury and Uranus, this combination gives you the chance to demonstrate to people from the get go, just how innovative and original you can be in your approach.

But what's going to be vitally important this year, is to ensure that whatever you're investing your time and energy into, is well balanced. And if there is a lack of balance, this can throw up some issues, especially around your vitality or emotional well-being.

Look to be as virtuous as possible around life organization, chores, physical activity, diet and nutrition and work. If all these things are monitored in a careful way, there are wonderful opportunities to progress.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope: December | jakubzidek.cz

For with Jupiter's support, your networking skills and ability to collaborate, can see some fab breakthroughs at so many levels. You start this New Year with your traditional ruler of Jupiter in a superb location for you to raise your profile and be more ambitious throughout the whole of With your sector of creativity also superbly boosted, what's not to like?

Well, the key to progress Pisces, is having a clear set of aspirations. If you're not quite sure about what you want, it's possible that you could move into scenarios which aren't ideal, so the clearer your plans are in terms of your long-term hopes, the better you are going to do.

Time to come closer and experience love, Says Your Pisces love horoscope 2019

With Saturn emphasizing your friendships all year, and linking in with the Nodal Axis for a significant amount of it, it's possible that some old alliances will change. But nobody is going to leave your world who is truly right for you, and a process of evolution is being played out. This will be emphasized particularly by the Solar Eclipse of the 6th January, because you can be very fluid in your reactions and responses to situations, and therefore, very receptive, and you are being asked to take a more strategic view in how you approach life.

With Uranus moving into your sector of everyday communications, and bright and breezy interactions on 6th March, some fresh ideas can pour into your existence, and be highly stimulating too. Neptune your modern ruler, is also going to be influential, and one of the things that you are going to crave this year is the platform to demonstrating your flair and creativity, and especially from mid-May to mid-September.

Horoscopes Aries 21 March - 20 April You have an inherent love of initiating things Aries, and whilst offers rich possibilities for you to do precisely this, some strands of your situation are going to be about the consolidation of what you have been working on for some time.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June Your relationship sector sparkles beautifully into life as Jupiter penetrates deeper into the sign of Sagittarius.

  1. Hard work pays off in 2019!.
  2. Horoscopes 2019.
  4. Cancer 22 June - 23 July It may seem like the record is stuck, but just like the last few years, relationships really are going to be at the heart of your possibilities for , but perhaps this year in a slightly different way. Virgo 24 August - 23 September Whatever talents you have, and whatever personal hopes and wishes you would like to manifest in your love life or creatively, some kind of change is probably inevitable this year Virgo.

    Libra 24 September - 23 October Transformations in your home environment can continue this year, but I also feel that whatever you have been developing in recent times, can also become more bedded down and established, or conversely, you may move altogether if your circumstances are not ideal. Scorpio 24 October - 22 November Venus may have gone through a retrograde in your sign in October last year Scorpio, which saw you thinking very carefully about what you wanted from your relationships.


    Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December The wonderful news Sagittarius, is that your guide planet Jupiter returns to your sign for the first time in twelve years.

    Capricorn 22 December - 20 January is going to prime an opportunity for you to balance your own needs, expectations and goals with successfully interacting on an intimate and close basis with the people who are truly important to you.

    Aquarius 21 January - 19 February There's been such a massive emphasis on the 12th Solar House of your situation, that over the last year you may have found yourself going through a crash course in terms of understanding who you could really trust and rely upon.

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    You will be full of ambition and will show off your best qualities as a result. When it comes to love, your relationships will be the stuff dreams are made of, nothing will be able to divide to your couple! Read your Pisces horoscope for more essential astrological information and yearly predictions. Reach for the stars, Pisces and consult an expert!

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    Your determination will bring success. Financial problems are on the horizon. Find balance in love. Ready for a confidence boost? An passionate love declaration. Your strength is impressive. Give your partner some space.