Libra horoscope for 5 january 2019

A Fresh Forecast Taking You From November 2018 to December 2019!
  1. Libra Good Days Calendar for January
  2. Solar Eclipse January 2019 Astrology
  3. Libra Horoscope 2019
  4. Libra Horoscope 2019 Predictions, You Will Retain Your Balance

Although unpleasant, the relational stress can be the factor that prompts to finding new, progressive solutions. In a transit that gets manifested especially in March, Mercury in Pisces amplifies the focus on work and career starting from March Gifted with more practical sense and competitive spirit than usual, you have chances to succeed in concretizing the professional goals.

As the weather gets warmer, their accounts might become richer. It is good to know that from October, not everything will be as bright. You s risk to lose a great amount of money or, simply, you will stop making money so easily. This is why, if they make smart investments, they will have money all year round.

Similarly, if they save, they will have money for the entire year. If not, the end of is not going to be a good one for the Libra natives from a financial point of view. Once Uranus enters the Taurus in August , new opportunities will appear , whether to hold a position they aspired over the years or to find a job abroad.

Regarding money, again, you will enjoy a favourable period: It gives them vitality and confidence, it highlights their qualities, making you to be appreciated and admired.

In July , you will invest the better part of their energy in their career and will be quite busy dealing with all the occurring opportunities and occasions.

Started during the summer of the previous year, the journey of Jupiter through the house of Libra also continues in the first half of The doors to success are open and the chances of advancement, expansion, and prestige may occur anytime.

Saturn helps to focus and to elaborate strategies. In , you will have opportunities at every step, they will only need to know how to take advantage of them.

Libra Good Days Calendar for January

Jupiter continues its journey that started in June in the house of career and will bring luck and prosperity in this area. We are referring to promotions and merits from the colleagues and especially from the superiors.

You will be the center of attention and things are going great. The first trimester of will be marked by fatigue and a poor state of health, indispositions, and hypersensitivities. However, once the period has passed, after taking a break to recover your energy, you will enter on an ascending slope. You will need to revitalize your mental state because many affections are caused by a major mental discomfort.

If you manage to detach yourself a bit from the unpleasant aspects of your professional activity and life in general, all those somatic manifestations that keep bothering you will disappear — especially the digestive ones. The sensitive areas are the lower back and the kidneys. They need to get used to physical activity and to quit idleness.

Being governed by Venus, these natives might be gourmands, thus exposed to culinary excess. Therefore, a good idea would be to learn how to be more moderate. Drinking a lot of water is imperative. Therapies with essential rose oil or jasmine oil aromatherapy , but also taking additional potassium supplements can be very beneficial.

The health state is satisfactory, except for some minor issues, for which they will find effective remedies. Starting from the second trimester, nothing seems to satisfy them. They have the tendency to regard everything in a bleak and gloomy manner and to consider things worse than they really are.

Relax and stop worrying for no reason, because, ultimately, your mental state will influence your health.

Solar Eclipse January 2019 Astrology

Starting from the second half of the year, you become more sensitive to the external germs and you can easily get sick. In the last trimester of the year, you become agitated and nervous and permanently worried. The activities that please you, the company of your loved ones and other methods of relaxation, such as massage are weapons you can use to overcome these moments.

This is a year when you must avoid at any cost stress because it can end up affecting their health. You are true fan of sweets and this is the reason they tend to frequently put on extra pounds, especially in the tight and waist area, so they are prone to obesity.

Your health state is not very good, although they seem to be strong and full of energy. In reality, your resilience to diseases is not quite good, this is why you must be careful when adopting a lifestyle and diet because a good choice can help them protect their health.

You should drink plenty of water in order to eliminate the toxins from the body. In turn, alcohol and carbonated drinks should be avoided because they can affect the kidneys. An ideal solution is to sign up at a gym, where they can meet new people while exercising. January 21, Full Moon in Leo: In January , your love life crosses trough positive changes, the professional life it is also favored by creativity and boldness, and the financial area is oscillating between extremes.

February 18, Sun enters Pisces: Libra natives are planning to invest in a new business that can bring them profit for a long time. They must reflect at the advice of the experts in this area and they must extend their business.

Those who work abroad will get paid very well and they will make progress a lot, this time of the year. March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: Mach , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: Mercury retrograde in Pisces has an impact on the financial area, giving the gift of motivation, ambition and the opportunity of a turn of events which allows them from the beginning of the year to increase their earnings in the bank account.

April 10 — August11, Jupiter retrograde: Their negligence can bring inconvenience and then they can suffer from real health problems. April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: The course of Saturn in leads through new tracks the couple relationship , converting aspirations which are about love and a potential companion for life.

April 24 — October 3, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: At the Half of , you will spend money on a luxury that makes them feel good. May 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: In , your career will be at its peak, and remarkable progress will be felt often.

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  2. Solar Eclipse January 2019 ~ Solar Flare;
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June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: How can you infuse your lifestyle with more joy and intention?

For me, step one is to eat all the fancy cheese and wear exclusively gold for the month because I am a Walking Nightmare Person! Sorry not sorry—astrology makes the rules, I just follow.

Libra Horoscope 2019

With so much energy and emotion, you may experience the culmination of unfinished business. Try and let go of projects, people and ideas that leave you feeling tangled up and drained.

Now is the time for acceptance, so new energy and flow can surround you for the next step in your journey. Following the theme of , you will notice a need for communication with partners and close friends this month.

While it can be a blessing to be a chill air sign, you can sometimes give off a vibe of being icy or standoffish. Being vulnerable is a huge part of building trust and maintaining a healthy, reciprocal relationship. So speak up, sweet Aquarius.

Libra Horoscope 2019 Predictions, You Will Retain Your Balance

You will be surrounded by people this month, Pisces; some supportive and some not. Choose where to direct your energy and attention. Spend time now cultivating what is important to you—autonomy, career, people, romance, hobbies—and you will bask in the results later this year. Take a deep breath and trust. While winter can be a time of social hibernation for some of the signs, you might find old friends, acquaintances and relationships surfacing from the past.

True friends and family will recognize your growth and support your decisions to put yourself first.

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  2. Libra 2019 Horoscope.
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Now is a time for renovation and shaking up your space and routines. Your itch to travel may seem overwhelming, so pair that feeling and urge to an action: No idea is too outrageous for you, Taurus.

Get out a notebook and spend the time creating a plan of action—whether it be a new business idea, traveling or lifestyle choice.

You will have the motivation to follow through, if only you just get started. Hold yourself and others to the same high but human standards. Your thoughtful nature and compassion can sometimes hold you up, Cancer.

This year, make decisions. This month is a new chapter for you.

Mercury enters Capricorn

There is so much alignment this month for you Leo, beginning with the new year and your desire for a completely fresh start.