Birth time astrology reading

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  4. Birth Chart Entry

Can you tell me which of my potential partners is more compatible for marriage and which is more of a friend? You will find that you are compatible with different people in different ways.

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Every relationship will have some areas of harmony as well as some areas of discord. The planets represent the different parts of the psyche, and how the planets inter-relate between your charts will show how and in what ways you inter-relate with each other.

It is also generally true that soft aspects conjunctions, sextiles, trines indicate a relatively easy interface, whereas hard aspects squares, oppositions, and to a lesser extent, ses-squares and semi-squares produce points of friction read more about aspects below. For example, your Sun may be in trine to your partner's Sun, but your Moons are in square aspect.

This shows that your egos will get along well together, but you will suffer differences of emotional expression or friction in the domestic sphere. The type of relationship is also an important consideration in how inter-aspects will be expressed.

A Mercury-Mercury square between two charts could indicate a dynamic working relationship between a writer and his or her editor, for example, but would probably be a source of too many arguments in a marriage. In some cases, both descriptions will be true; if you're married and also write together, for example. As for whether a person will make a better marriage partner or 'just a friend' - that depends on what you're looking for in a marriage partner.

But if you focus on just one aspect of a relationship, say sexual compatibility Venus-Mars , to the exclusion of other important areas, the relationship will run into problems later on. Most of us expect to get along on the majority of levels with a prospective marriage partner, and we acknowledge that it is unrealistic to expect perfection.

We are only human after all. We should accept that the ideal relationship exists only as an ideal.

Birth Data Entry

All relationships are a matter of give and take and compromise. I cannot find out what time I was born.

REAL Astrology Explained Simply - How to Read a Birth Chart!

Is there any way that I can receive a predictive reading without this information? The best place to look is your birth certificate. If your time of birth is not listed there, you can still run the reports using a Noon The time of birth affects the positions of the natal Moon and the houses primarily, as these change degree quite quickly.

Aspects are an important part of astrology. As the planets move in their elongated orbits around the Sun, they form angular relationships with one another for which astrology uses the Earth as center the horoscope is a 'geocentric' map of the heavens. There is no way for our computer to know what your source of the birth data did in regard to this calendar conversion.

Attention, the astronomical year counting is to be used. The historical year 3 B. The difference arises from the fact that the historical counting style has no year zero, while the astronomical style allows for the year zero. If you wish a chart of the moment, please, leave the first name field empty and type "now" into the last name field.

After selecting a unique place and pressing the "continue" button, the date and time of the moment will be filled into the form. Please use astronomical rather than historical year numbers. The astronomical year 0 corresponds to the historical year BCE.

Free Astrology Birth Chart Report

The Gregorian calendar is usually not used before 15 October Please append "jul" to the year number, unless you really want to choose the Gregorian calendar.

Birth Time Entry Please select the hour of birth in the hour field, and enter the minute between 00 and 59 in the minute field.

The birth place will be marked on the map and information will be given about the Universal Time and the time zone of the place for the given birth date and time. Gender of your partner in single-person horoscopes The text of all horoscopes is worded according to the gender you have entered in the data entry form.

Birth chart

In all partner horoscopes, the computer knows the gender of both partners, and therefore chooses the correct wording for partner references. Some text in single-person horoscopes contains partner references, too. The default setting of the computer assumes that your partner is of the opposite sex.

You can change this setting so that all partner references are worded according to a relationship with a person of the same gender. To do this, please use the checkbox next to this glyph. If you activate this checkbox, all partner references will be set to 'partner of the same gender'.

For example, if your birth place is Dallas, Texas, try entering "Dallas" only. A list will appear and you can then choose the correct Dallas location. Once you're happy with your selections, click the Submit button. Please tell us why you're writing example: Double check birth data. We can help you with time zones if needed, as there are some issues regarding the accuracy of time zone information in all astrology software programs.

It's a good idea to check that the time zone offset is accurate. See also video instructions for how to use this Free Reports section of the site here. Checking off "Time Unknown" instructs the program to leave out the Ascendant and house positions in the report, as these cannot be determined with any accuracy without a birth time.

Birth Chart Entry

For most users, there is nothing special to do - the report is produced without the time-sensitive data. For those interested in knowing the possible range of signs and degrees on a particular day, read on. The time in the birth time field is used to calculate the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets.

If you are interested in using the best average for the day, you can enter noon.