Weekly horoscope gemini bejan daruwalla

  1. Free online horoscopes Bejan Daruwalla
  2. Bejanji’s Profile
  3. Horoscopes for you
  4. Life Meter

You are in communication mode. You are all over the place, physically and metaphorically.

Your mind is razor — sharp and fast as lightening. You slice them out of the picture without drama. You want to exchange ideas and grow in stature.

Free online horoscopes Bejan Daruwalla

You want to learn all that there is to learn about every topic under the sun. You are self-assured and confident. You have the necessary material, psychological, spiritual and physical resources for all that you aspire to do.

You are hard — working and determined, and, as we all know, genius is all about perspiration. You carry out Herculean tasks in this phase. You are also in risk-taking mode.

There are equanimity and equilibrium in your life. There are peace and balance. You have reached a point of inner stability. This is a good time for teachers and counsellors.

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You are able to solve complex human problems as you have a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the web of life. You are keen to pass on this knowledge to others.

Also, you are able to understand what makes you tick and what triggers you off, and this self-understanding helps interpersonal relationships.

Family matters are predominant in this phase. You interact with relatives and friends and need to sort out issues that are troubling you. Your thoughts focus on your persona life, inner feelings, longings and desires.

Bejanji’s Profile

You want to get a move on in life, but, before that, you have to know your inner workings. It is time to know real you, shorn of the make — believe. December 24 — December 30, By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla. To view a significant other accurately, wait until this unrealistic trend passes.

Moon urges you to be careful and realistic in your dealings with other people, both in the personal and professional spheres.

Horoscopes for you

What seems a dream come true would benefit from at least a little scrutiny. Money could be a bone of contention. Regardless, it pays to be on your guard. You and someone you love may not see eye-to-eye. Going on an outing or excursion could be a good strategy for improving your ties with someone.

While a plenty of astrologers tend to follow one or two techniques to make astrologers predictions, Bejanji is known to combine the principles of Vedic and Western astrology, I-Ching, Tarot, Numerology, the Kabalah and even Palmistry.


The right combination of these principles enables him to make highly accurate and relevant predictions. Bejanji has been closely associated with a number of newspapers, magazines, television channels and publishing houses all over the world.

Petersburg had conferred on him the Best Astrologer of award. In the last few years, owing to his failing health, Shri Daruwalla has been forced to cut down on his active role in the organisation. However, he officially named GaneshaSpeaks. I want to leave it behind for the betterment of mankind and thus entrust GaneshaSpeaks.

Life Meter

Shri Bejan Daruwalla had said these very words, while announcing the succession of his legacy to GaneshaSpeaks. He has been associated with the selection of the core team of astrologers at GanehaSpeaks. And today, the way GaneshaSpeaks.