Cancer january 16 birthday horoscope

Love and Compatibility for January 16 Zodiac
  1. January 16 Birthday Horoscope
  2. Hey there!
  3. Lucky color
  4. January 16 Birthday Horoscope 2017-2018

January 16 Birthday Horoscope

This impulse could push them into marriage quite early, just as it could move them to another extreme, but the real thing they should strive for is the point of balance between action and attraction, passion and emotion, and all those things they value in their life. Creative and turned to beautiful things, individuals born on this date excel at creative work, all types of art, as well as value assessments of any kind.

They will feel the need to fight for material security, and this makes them great in the field of finance and financial risk. The inner state of constant spite makes them excellent in sports and races, while Venus gives them the tact to be an accepted and tactful member of a team.

They will shout when needed and fight for their rights, passionate and focused on creating love in the world.

Those born on January 16th heal their emotional battles best with grossular garnet, preferably orange for their primal inner emotional need. This is a stone to heal their heart, and a relatively rarely used January stone that sparks social growth and service to the community.

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  4. Planetary Row.
  5. January 16 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality.
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In its green variation, this stone heals emotional bruises and helps these individuals find their place among family members and in their entire family tree. Those born on the 16th of January have an eye for beautiful things and they will appreciate a new art masterpiece in their home at any time.

Hey there!

They need something to shine a light on their static world and allow them to make a change, and even if you simply pay for housecleaning, they will be grateful for the chance to be relieved of a small piece of responsibility. Artistic, piercing, and extremely inspirational, these individuals can be leaders in entire art forms and ways of expression.

They are innovative and know where to search for beauty, finding it in things that others might find obsolete or wrong.

While extremely helpful with dilemmas of others, unable to resolve their own. They can see the totality of a project at its conception.

Lucky color

They enjoy spending money on beautiful things but are not good at managing their finances. Generosity is the problem; they loan money to friends and relatives.

Learning to use their psychic awareness in a positive way can be a challenge to January 16 people, who tend to be afraid of their abilities.

Once they discover their prescience can help them and others, they are more confident about using their special talents. When they set their sights on achievement, they stick with it.

Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: High spirits, a joyful heart, good health.

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  • In this edition we have included foot reflexology charts as part of the health section. So many health problems could perhaps be avoided or alleviated if we understood which organs were most vulnerable and what we could do to protect them. Though there are many natural and drug-free ways to strengthen vulnerable organs, these charts show a valid way to proceed.

    The vulnerable organs for the year ahead are clearly marked in the charts. Try to pay special attention to the specific areas marked in the charts.

    January 16 Birthday Horoscope 2017-2018

    If this is done diligently, health problems can be avoided. I consider you — the reader — my personal client. By studying your Solar Horoscope I gain an awareness of what is going on in your life — what you are feeling and striving for and the challenges you face.

    I then do my best to address these concerns. Consider this book the next best thing to having your own personal astrologer!

    Cancer January 2019 Horoscope - Gregory Scott Astrology