February 14 2019 aquarius horoscope

Planetary Row
  1. February 2019 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits
  2. February 14th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
  3. Star articles
  4. Horoscope 2019
  5. What does the astrology for 2019 have in store for your star sign?

February 2019 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits

You have Neptune and Saturn to thank for that, showing you practical ways for finding happiness. Expect an interesting fresh start this March! Taurus might want to revisit an important relationship in November.

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With Saturn and Jupiter - the two planets that rule success and money both on full strength, your instincts for when to take a risk and when to play it safe will be spot on.

Jupiter brings amazing opportunities whilst Saturn ensures that you're not cutting any corners. Put the two together and is a fantastic year for making career progress! With earth energy so strong, it's time for all signs to take responsibility and not wait for others to hand you the perfect job, raise or promotion.

February 14th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

Meanwhile, Jupiter in Sagittarius favours international projects, publishing, media, travel, teaching and the courts. With your ruling planet Saturn in your sign, the world is your oyster! Nobody will be able to deny you a thing!

My Horoscopes

Right on cue for the life-changing eclipses that arrive in your sign. Jupiter and Uranus bring you a lucky break on December 15 th and things start looking up.

Virgo could also see some major career progress this year.

Star articles

If you decide to take a chance on yourself and bring your unique gifts to the world, you will have many an opportunity to shine, especially from December onwards! Next up are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries with lucky Jupiter on their side! For you, this is a great time to take a risk and try something slightly outside your comfort zone. You could do your own start up, publish your work or get into show-business or other entrepreneurial projects.

Horoscope 2019

Or perhaps you could join an agency or club? Libra can expect a new start on the career front in July. Taurus, is a wild card for you. So make the decision Taurus! Embrace the future and you could become the next sensation.

Maximise your chances of a great year career-wise, by getting your Personal Career Analysis Reading, here!

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With so many planets in earth, money is at the forefront of your mind. The cosmic bottleneck in Capricorn urges you to take a realistic look at your finances and come up with a long term plan…but Uranus has plans of its own! If reality sucks, be open up to new ideas. The whole world is in the process of reinventing itself, financially, and so could you!

Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn are here to teach you about expansion and contraction, i. Saturn urges you to stay conservative whilst Jupiter wants you to branch out. This could result in some growth and expansion but there's no room for complacency.

No less because Jupiter will enter Capricorn on December, when only real growth will prove to be sustainable. But you will have to watch your expenses and be cautious around financial speculation, where Neptune muddies the waters.

Trust in your environment to set some conservative safeguards so you can take full advantage of your money-making window! Take this opportunity to plan for the long term and build a solid financial future. You can use your facial expressions or the position of your body so that you can communicate more easily and quickly.

Your mind will be more sensitive and able to process a great amount of information. Though, it will tire you and you might look confused, slower or ponderous more than usually.

You will make a good leader too. You will also be capable of persistent and purposeful love. Your energy can get you anything you long for.

However, look out when there are any stressful situations because you may tend to behave thoughtlessly and even arrogantly. During this time, material values will be the most important to you, no matter if you want or not.

You will focus on any additional income too. When working, you will be very dedicated and concentrated. Aries a Although February is a hectic period for Aries, you should not forget a Taurus b You certainly won't lack motivation in February, so after overcoming th Gemini c Although the desire to fight for your own beliefs is very strong in Feb Cancer d February will be accompanied by the strong influence of Venus.

Leo e In February, Leo should really learn to make compromises, although they Virgo f When it comes to relationships, Virgo will tend to follow their heart r Libra g Libra should not be shy to lend a helping hand if somebody needs it in Scorpio h In February, the horoscope recommends Scorpios to be team players.

Sagittarius i The career situation will change a bit in February. It will be necessar Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn. Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius. Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.

Aquarius 2019 Yearly Horoscope - True Sidereal Astrology

Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Sun in Pisces sextile Mars in Taurus.

What does the astrology for 2019 have in store for your star sign?

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If you want to continue on this site, click YES. Major Astrological Aspects and Transits T Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn February 2 nd: Venus in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries February 3 rd: Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius February 3 rd: Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius February 8 th: Mercury in Aquarius sextile Mars in Aries February 9 th: Mercury in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries February 10 th: