Regulus astrology software

Ensar, The Master of Oud
  1. Regulus – Watcher of the North
  2. Regulus Platinum 8.0
  3. Regulus 1.6
  4. Regulus Platinum | Cathar Astrology Software

In addition to the 56 points Regulus already allowed users to include in chart wheels, transit graphs, etc. Switching between Tropical, Sidereal, and the Draconic Zodiacs is simple, and Regulus Platinum 6 also allows you to copy any screen to your computer's clipboard, for pasting into other programs, and to save any screen as a graphic.

Regulus Platinum 6 offers a very fine set of enhancements to an already phenomenally powerful astrology program. Regulus Platinum version 6 has an incredibly powerful new set of Primary Direction features based upon the work of Alexander Marr.

The features include an automatic rectification module based upon entering life events with fifty different life event categories to use , as well as other Marr functions such as Epoch charts, dual tests, etc. The new version of Regulus Platinum also sports a wonderful Asteroid module, including a table packed with information about each asteroid speed of travel, glyphs, aspects to planets, etc.

Among the many other enhancements of the program are the ability to create Lunation charts, Eclipse charts, and many new types of Return charts. Regulus Platinum is one of the most powerful astrology programs on the planet, and it has just gotten even more incredible. This version offers incredibly comprehensive capabilities for Vedic, Medieval, Horary, Hellenistic, Modern Western, and Huber astrological approaches, and for working with Fixed Stars and Arabic Parts.

It is beyond the scope of this mini-review to elaborate upon all of the features of each of the aforementioned modules, but I'd like to describe some of them: The Vedic module is a model of efficient design, with the ability to view up to 12 divisional charts plus a Rasi chart and the current chart, and a table featuring Panchanga information, all on one screen.

You can also view any of four types of dasas and bhuktis, tables of alternate lagnas and upagrahas, and more. The program has a well-done monthly astrology calendar, incredibly powerful astromapping, complete with editable theme mapping e.

Unique functions include the ability to re-view the charts and tables from all previous sessions, to modify the appearance of printouts using over image tools, and to view wonderful extra ring wheels showing Arabic Parts, midpoints, Nakshatras, Terms, or Sidereal signs, etc.

The program introduces many new techniques, such as Alexander Marr's Ascensional chart, several unique types of progressions including the keys method, and the Evolution Point of Don Neroman , and Barbault's Planetary Cyclic Index.

Regulus Platinum has wheel and page designers, both tabular and graphic ephemeride, sortable predictive hit lists, an eclipse finder, diurnal charts, a planetary node table, three sets of degree symbol interpretations, two planetary hour calculations, an astro-clock, and easy to use animated single, bi- and tri-wheels.

There are even natal and transit reports built in, and templates for creating your own reports. Regulus Platinum is a very impressive and multifaceted program. It offers such a wide range of astrological functions, from traditional astrology to Jyotish, the Huber method, Cosmobiology, and modern Western approaches, that it will serve most astrologers very well.

Its unique features and top-of-the-line implementations of many astrological tasks will win the hearts and minds of those who explore the program.

You can also see images of different Regulus Platinum screens by clicking here. I've added Regulus to my " Great at Every Price " article comparing the features of the best Western astrology programs and recently uploaded it, and it gives a description of Regulus' features and how it compares with other top programs.

You can read it by clicking here. I will be reviewing the features of the Professional version of Regulus Platinum throughout this article.

There is also a Basic version, and a special Huber Professional version with even more Huber features. Anyone who needs a program that can perform all of the basic and intermediate astrological tasks, as well as a huge number of very advanced ones, will be very happy with Regulus.

Regulus can import charts from many other programs, allows you to customize everything from point and aspect colors, and calculations like house systems, etc.

Like only the most advanced professional astrology programs, Regulus Platinum provides a vey large set of tools for many different schools of astrology including Modern Western,Vedic, Medieval, Hellenistic, Huber, and Cosmobiology, plus powerful Arabic Part and Fixed Star modules.

But Regulus offers much more than meets the eye. On any screen, the right-click menu provides users with a very large range of customizations, that make each function that much more powerful and worthwhile. An example of Regulus' right-click menu: When looking at a natal chart screen, right clicking on it displays this menu: Choosing the first option, the rectification panel, reveals this screen to the left of the natal chart: You can use this panel to change everything from the time of birth by many different time increments , or the date, time, longitude, or latitude, or the position of the Ascendant or MC.

You can also save the changed chart under a new name, or immediately restore the original chart. Selecting the Aspect Grid option instead permits you to view any of three different types of aspect grids: A standard planet-to-planet aspect grid, or 2.

A planet to house cusp aspect grid, or 3. This Antiscia contact grid: It's very nice to have all of these available. The third right-click option, called Energy Balance, presents both more standard chart information and Huber assessments of the chart's factors in an information-packed way: The next right-click menu option displays Marc Edmond Jones whole chart patterns, depicted over the natal chart itself: The following right-click menu option displays Huber Aspect Patterns: The Energy Analysis right-click menu choice analyzes the energies of the planets and houses by Huber methods: The Dignities option displays a very well-designed planetary dignities and Lilly strengths screen: The other options in the right-click menu include going directly to Regulus' powerful astromapping module, printing any screen with over ways to alter the graphics , saving any screen as a PDF file, emailing the screen, and making a "clone chart" -- i.

All of this from a simple right-click menu, of which Regulus has dozens! This screen portrays the movement of the transiting planets over time, while oriented towards the natal chart in the center of the display.

You can use 12 noon i. January 1, in Caracas, Venezuela: Limitations in software design: A longstanding problem that existed in earlier versions of many astrology programs -- and still exists in one current program -- is that if you rely on your astrology software to search for outer planet transits and you limit the search to only a couple of months, they left out very major events.

The Time Line graphical transit display in Kepler and Sirius does not have this problem, and it is possible to configure their hit listings to avoid this too by going to Dates and Times to Print, and changing "the number of months before and after printout to find: They find events that have already entered orb but have not reached an exact hit.

The problem is the result of the fact that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto slow down and change direction twice a year, and near each station, they may approach an exact aspect for several months. If the beginning date of the transit search happens to be after the transiting planet has entered a one degree orb, and for the duration of the search the transiting planet never exactly aspects the natal planet, then the software will not list the event at all!

Bill Clinton was in a period of Neptune opposed Saturn during September and October of , but almost every astrology program completely omitted this transit if the search period was from September 1, thru November 15, because at the starting date the transit has passed the entering orb, and it didn't reach the exact hit until November 27, In the above image, we can see that Neptune entered one degree orb on July 20 and reached exactness on August But in October, Neptune stationed, and so Neptune doesn't exactly oppose Saturn again until November 27th.

If an astrologer searches for major transits during September and October for Bill Clinton using most astrology programs, the transit will not show up. Feel free to test your software using the above example. Bill Clinton's birth data is: August 19 , 8: This very serious deficiency in most astrology programs and can only be compensated for by setting your software to look for periods of at least three months at a time if you are using a one degree approaching orb.

If you are an astrologer who uses much wider transit orbs, like 6 degrees, your software becomes won't find many major transits unless you do scans of two years or more. The transit text listings in both Kepler and Sirius will omit some stationary events for short transit scans, but you can fix this if you make one small change in them.

After running a transit listing, you right-click and customize the report: Most astrology programs can list planetary stations, but not in relationship to specific transits. Since, often, the most powerful transits are ones where the transiting planet approaches a natal point and then stands still nearby before reaching an exact hit, this omission is significant.

Always look to see if there are stations within orb of major transits, because your software will not show them.

The Definitive Guide to Regulus Platinum Astrology Software

I just wrote an article called The strengths and weaknesses of astrological interpretation software exploring in depth the strengths and weaknesses of report writers, i. This replaces my previous short section on the weaknesses of interpretive software. You can read the article by clicking here.

Whether one uses astrodynes, shad bala, kuta analysis, or proprietary natal or compatibility scorings to determine which planets and signs are strong and whether people are compatible , they are all going to ignore factors that are not programmed in, factors that any astrologer looking at the chart would notice.

For example, there is no method presently in use that gives extra weighting to "bucket-handle" planets — i. And yet these planets are exceptionally strong in charts, and often indicate a person's greatest strengths. In other words, all planetary weighting schemes and numerical compatibility methods have serious weaknesses and cannot be relied upon.

Simply put, chart analysis cannot be reduced to numeric values and still be accurate. Recently, every major software company that had a compatibility assessment method in their programs, and several other astrologers, submitted their compatibility analysis systems to a test: Every single method failed completely! For the sake of convenience, people want to use astrology software to do "all their thinking for them".

A good example of this is in the selection of a good date to travel, get an operation, get married, etc. Astrology programs have excellent tools that show you what factors are occurring at any moment. However, to rely completely on software to choose the right time to begin an undertaking is a form of over-reliance -- for the same reason that all weighting schemes as mentioned above fail: In testing software for this article, I found that every program differed significantly from the others in the positions of the Moon and the outer planets for 1 AD.

Be very careful about trusting the planetary positions of any ancient chart. Many bugs still exist in astrology software. Among the most common are: Some programs do not realize that the time Be sure to test the software you are using to see if both times give the same results.

Regulus – Watcher of the North

Orb overlap errors, i. Both aspects are claiming the region from to degrees. Bugs in Vedic calculations. The formulae for Shad Bala and Kutas comparisons are incredibly complex, and the scores that you receive from one program to the next do not agree at all. An incredibly large amount of time and effort is put into the creation and improvement of astrology software.

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  • Regulus Platinum Professional Edition 8.0.
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The major calculation programs, for example, have many person-years of development time. And yet all of this work is done for a relatively tiny proportion of the computer market. Instead of being critical of software that has a few bugs in it, we need to do our part to learn to use the software effectively, help companies to find bugs, and appreciate how lucky we really are.

Most of the errors in our work are due to incorrect data entry or changes in the setup of our software, so we always need to double-check our work. Our chart files are priceless, and we need to back them up often. We also need to remember that we can't use some astrological techniques e.

We live in a time of incredible astrological resources, for which I am incredibly thankful. I remember when the first programs were released, and how far we've come. Our charting tools are magnificent. One of the blessings of the Internet is that now most of the major astrology software companies are offering free updates and bug fixes via their websites.

Some companies provide the ability to check for updates within their programs e. Solar Fire Gold and Regulus Platinum , while most others require that you log onto their websites and check for updates.

I suggest that at least a few times a year, you visit each companies' website to see if an update is available. Misconceptions people have about astrology software and further insights. In the mid's and early '80's, John Townley and Rob Hand introduced, in two books, the concept of Composite charts.

Composite charts are constructed by finding the midpoint of each pair of planets the same planet from both charts and placing that midpoint into a new Composite chart. For example, if the Sun was at 1 degree Cancer in one chart and at 1 degree Scorpio in the other chart, the Sun would be at 1 degree Virgo the midpoint in the Composite chart.

Many beginners to astrology embrace Composite charts without understanding what they are and how they are to be used. Some astrologers even use them instead of the time-honored and preeminent method of comparing charts, i.

In reality, Composite charts do not exist.

Regulus Platinum 8.0

They are mathematical constructs wherein, for example, the Sun can be many houses away from Mercury, even though this can never happen in the actual sky. Therefore, Composite charts are fictitious and there is no date when they occurred.

The recent Total eclipse in July inspired me to test how well astrology programs mapped the eclipse paths, and whether they could enable astrologers to find the charts on file of those who would be most affected by the eclipse. The results are documented in my article Eclipse Maps and the Influence of Eclipses, which can be read at this link: I received an email about rounding errors in a particular program.

In fact, Pluto doesn't move into Scorpio until about 1: I decided to test all of the professional programs, and while most of them correctly showed Pluto in Libra, a few major ones did not.

Some showed Pluto in Libra in either the birth chart or the data table, but not in both. The lesson here is to always pay careful notice when a planet is at 29 degrees 59 minutes of a sign or at 0 degrees of a sign, as it may or may not be in that sign, in actuality. You can test your software using the above data to see if it correctly shows Pluto in Libra on November 5, at 11 am in Berkeley, California.

Time Zones for dynamic searches In order to evaluate the above Pluto ingress into Scorpio issue, I used various programs to determine the time that Pluto entered Scorpio on November 5, What I uncovered was another possible "gotcha", i.

Essentially, no matter what birth chart is open in a program, astrology programs use the default location's time zone and daylight settings in calculating predictive events like transit hits and ingresses.

Therefore, make sure that you enter the time zone you want programs to use when running a transit search, or you may not get as accurate results. Most programs provide a box for selecting the time zone for any predictive search.

Issues with Calculating Progressions As I mentioned in the section above Time Zones for dynamic searches , the location and time zone used in predictive searches can affect the results. In calculating Secondary Progressions, for example, the Progressed Ascendant's position will vary a huge amount from one location and time zone to another. Most astrologers use the birth place for Secondary Progressions.

That's because they are based upon "A day for a year" i. In other words, unless you did move away from your birth place in the first three months of life, you should use the birth place for Secondary Progressed calculations.

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But if you have your software preset to calculate transits, returns, and progressions for your present location, then the Progressed Ascendant will be way off!

For El Cerrito, California, on the other hand, my current Progressed Ascendant is at 29 Leo 34 Therefore, all of the predictions based upon my Progressed Ascendant will fail if I don't reconfigure my software to use my birth place and not my current location for the calculations. A second issue is even more important.

Most astrologers assume that their software is precisely accurate in all of its calculations, but in fact there are programs that calculate Secondary Progressions very precisely and others that use much less accurate methods.


I was recently testing programs with this in mind, and some professional programs were weeks off in their calculations! Here's a test for you to conduct. Use my birth data June 27, 9: The progressed Mercury will enter a one degree orb of trining Venus on March 14, , is exact on October 1, , and leaves by one degree orb on August 21, Finally, many astrology programs will allow you to calculate the Moon's position using Parallax Correction.

This measures the Moon from the surface of the Earth, instead of from the center of the Earth. Almost all astrologers use the center of the Earth for lunar calculations, and the difference can be up to a whole degree!

Regulus 1.6

If you choose to use the Parallax-corrected Moon, understand that this too will greatly change the dates when progressed aspects by the Moon to all planets will occur and to the natal Moon by progressed planets. Can you use software to do the thinking for you? I receive many requests from astrologers for programs that will choose the right time to start a business, or have a wedding, or for programs that tell you about your life thematically, e.

While some astrology software programs do attempt to "do the thinking and analysis for you", I have tested them, and have yet to find one that does so accurately.

Too many factors have to be taken into account for computers and software to be up to the task. Astrology programs can call up pre-written paragraphs about the meaning of a specific transit or natal factor or interaspect, but they can't take into account multiple factors at once. Similarly, I have many requests for Daily Horoscope software.

Those requesting such software don't realize that it is impossible for a computer to generate daily horoscopes because, since the sky never repeats itself, canned paragraphs won't do the job. The computer would have to create new delineations by itself, which is way, way beyond the capability of even the largest super computer and most sophisticated software.

As I might have mentioned elsewhere, astrologers also frequently ask for matchmaking software.

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  • Regulus Platinum Astrology Software.

In the first double-blind astrological study of its kind, every astrology program that had a compatibility module was tested against sets of compatible and incompatible couples, and not one program was able to distinguish between the two groups.

Compatibility analysis is an art, and requires much more capability than any program can provide. Software can show where two charts mesh and don't mesh, but not the overall compatibility. In fact, as I was explaining to a client this week, incompatibilities may show up, at times, in the relationship patterns revealed in each person's individual chart instead of in how the two charts inter-connect.

Even the use of astromapping requires more than a basic understanding of astrology to be really effective. If you just use a Theme Map or Venus lines for places to go for love, you may move to the wrong place!

For love, planets in the Seventh House, the ruler of the Seventh House, and planets in the First House opposite to the Seventh House should all be taken into account, not just -- or even primarily -- Venus and its aspect lines.

And there is no astromapping software program that takes all of these factors into account. Zodiacal Mapping If you decide to use your astrology software for locational work, i. Like Donald Bradley and Neil Block before them, Jim and many other astrologers, explored, researched, and refined their understanding of this method, which has proved very accurate in describing the effects of location upon a person.

These lines do not show when a planet will rise or culminate visibly, but instead when they will cross the Ascendant or M. While these Zodiacal maps reflect birth charts, all of the research and conclusions of Jim Lewis' work may or may not apply since he was using different calculations. You cannot use standard aspect lines, however, unless you use Zodiacal mapping.

Irving goes on to point out that two cities within one degree of longitude can be over three thousand miles apart, illustrating the uselessness of applying one-dimensional "ecliptic thinking" to astromapping. In fact, it is unclear how such lines should be calculated, since this is a departure from Jim Lewis' work and there is no obvious mathematical way to construct aspect lines.

Whether the Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac is used in astromapping, the maps remain the same because it doesn't matter what the sign is, just whether a planet is aspecting the Ascendant or M.

Personal Vitae Hank Friedman is renowned in the San Francisco Bay Area for his psychic, astrological, and transformative counseling work with individuals and couples. His in-depth astrology readings blend Western and Vedic astrological approaches with his intuitive gifts. Since , Hank has assisted thousands of astrologers, personally and through his software reviews, to find the best software for their needs.

Hank has helped all of the major astrology software companies to debug their programs, add new features, and lower prices. Feel free to contact him via email , or visit his website: His new Learn Astrology Free website offers over free tutorial on both Western and Vedic astrology and new tutorials are added bimonthly.

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Regulus Platinum | Cathar Astrology Software

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