Scorpio star sign personality and compatibility

Scorpio Zodiac Sign
  1. The Scorpion in Relationships
  2. Scorpio Compatibility
  3. Scorpio Compatibility - Zodiac Sign Astrology

They're intense people who will take betrayal or disloyalty worse than any other sun sign. Many Scorpios in love lack self-confidence, so they can become extremely jealous and self-destructive. They need to feel that they are truly loved. As partners, Scorpios are physically passionate, sensual and very possessive.

They are great lovers and have amazing sexual stamina. Scorpios are mysterious and give the impression of being emotionally cold which can be very sexually attractive to people. They experience things deeply and intensely and when they are fully committed to a person, they're capable of great sexual devotion and loyalty.

As we described the Scorpio above as an intense, passionate, influential, protective and loyal partner, it goes without saying that Scorpio is the kind of partner that values love above else. The mysterious Scorpio is utterly emotional and seeks a connection that spans beyond universes, powerful and deep, fulfilling and unique. People born under the sign of Scorpio can often appear as weirdos, and truth to be told — they might be, but not in a bad way.

They are not interested in meeting the norms of the society and that is a good thing. In the game of romance, though, they are quite the romantic type, lighting up candles, taking their partner out on a picnic at a random time of a random day, bringing flowers and other sort of traditional gestures of love.

Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces are highly compatible with the Scorpion, but how compatible are the other signs? Learn more about Scorpio compatibility with other zodiac signs here:.

Scorpios are focused, determined and resourceful individuals. If they choose a job that doesn't support their creative side, they can easily get depressed.

  • Scorpio: Scorpio Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits.
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They need a job that motivates and excites them and also makes them feel proud of themselves and boosts their confidence. Scorpios can be great leaders, but they're not so great team players.

The Scorpion in Relationships

They are fiercely independent and happiest when they're completely in charge of things, therefore they can often be found running their own business.

Money is not the most important thing in the world to Scorpios and they're never defeated by a lack of money. These individuals can find themselves penniless from time to time, but luckily, they have the enthusiasm, the energy and the skills to pick themselves up and try to earn money again.

According to zodiac Scorpio man is extremely passionate about everything in life. Even though he appears calm, steady and cool, this man is really intense. In love, he can be jealous and possessive, but he will stand by his partner and support them in whatever they do.

He is picky when it comes to choosing his close friends, but he is a loyal, faithful and devoted friend. The Scorpio man has the ability to remain calm and collected when everyone around him is falling apart, which allows him to act efficiently.

He is never concerned about other people's opinions and always does the things he wants to do, regardless of what the world thinks. When the Scorpio man gets angry, you can be certain that the anger is going to leave a mark.

The Scorpio woman is magnetic, seductive and mysterious. She is stubborn, highly sensitive and egoistic, but when she loves someone, she will do anything for them.

She is a loyal and devoted friend and a caring and passionate lover. The Scorpio woman is not very friendly, so it can be a little difficult to earn her love and respect.

Scorpio Traits

But once you succeed to earn it, she will become the most affectionate and loyal partner. However, you should know that the Scorpio woman won't take up with just anyone — she likes people who are as direct and determined as she is.

You're highly energetic and emotional and even though these attributes can sometimes overwhelm you in life, in the Universe offers you numerous opportunities to learn to control your feelings.

In January, Saturn moves to Sagittarius and a positive time for you begins.

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  4. Scorpio Horoscope: Scorpio Zodiac Sign Dates Compatibility, Traits and Characteristics!
  5. Scorpio Facts.
  6. Scorpio Sign Traits Overview.
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  8. This is the perfect time to improve your outlook on life and the way you approach life's challenges. Keep your thoughts on the positive side and you will certainly face the challenges and obstacles in your life with more courage. Around April 6, you will see even more challenges arise, so you may feel a bit depressed and discouraged.

    You're prone to depression, so April is the right time to think about getting professional help. However, by August you should already feel stronger, more positive and you will see improvement and success in all areas of your life.

    Scorpio Compatibility

    Jupiter lights up your stars in October, which means that you'll learn how to have fun and take life less seriously. Your relationship is strong and stable in , which is good for you, Scorpio, as it will be a huge source of positive energy to help you trough the difficult times.

    Scorpio is too jealous, brooding, and intense for light-hearted social Libra, and Libra's cavalier approach to commitment and responsibility push Scorpio's hot buttons. This is not a union that is built to last. Gemini is a social butterfly. Scorpio is stubborn and determined.

    These two would have a complicated and arduous relationship. Head and heart collide. Scorpio is suspicious of everyone, Aquarius has never met a stranger and is a friend to all. Scorpio is receptive, Aquarius is assertive. Aquarius demands freedom, and both are stubborn. This is a push-pull relationship that would contain endless power struggles and clashing agendas.

    Although signs within the same element match best with each other, quadruplicities do not follow the same laws. For this reason, Scorpio tends to match better with Cancer and Pisces than he does with another Scorpio. This is because Scorpio is a fixed sign , and fixed signs are deeply rooted, intense, and can be very stubborn.

    The unmovable nature of a fixed sign can be overwhelming when partnered with a like-minded individual. Such similarities may inhibit relationship growth as well as the personal growth of each partner. The intuitive and domestic nature of Cancer a cardinal sign can be healing to an intense and brooding sign like Scorpio.

    Likewise, Pisces mutable is a slightly less serious sign than Scorpio and can provide the relationship with some much-needed optimism. There have been some astrological theories involving zodiac opposites that lead people to believe that the polar opposite of one's zodiac sign actually represents an ideal match.

    In Scorpio's case, this ideal partner would be Taurus.

    1. Scorpio Horoscope: Scorpio Sign Dates & Traits |;
    2. Scorpio: Scorpio Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits!
    3. Scorpio's Elemental Matches.
    4. Scorpio Symbol, Planet, Element, and Quality.
    5. astrological sign 28 january?
    6. There are numerous reasons why such theories are incorrect, but the most glaring would be that of elemental understanding. Though earth and water signs can complement each other, these are still two completely different elements.

      A fixed sign like Scorpio requires a partner outside his own quadruplicity. Unfortunately, Taurus is also a fixed sign, and a fixed earth sign to boot. Taurus is notorious for his stubborn attitude and his need for emotional stability. Scorpio's emotional needs are far different. Whereas Taurus aims for status-quo, Scorpio thrives on extremes and must delve into the very depths of his soul on a daily basis.

      Passion, intensity, and truth at any cost are values that define a Scorpio. In love and other relationships, Scorpio is passionate. The relation will be exciting, maybe even like a big gasp. Those who want to plunge into the ocean of emotions do well to pair up with Scorpio.

      Compatibility with other Star Signs depends on much more than similarities. Scorpio, the perturber of the Zodiac, belongs to the element water, which is that of all things emotional.

      Scorpio Compatibility - Zodiac Sign Astrology

      So do Cancer and Pisces. Nor for that matter is Scorpio always incompatible with, say, the fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, although they are quite different.

      Actually, differences are important in a relationship. If there are few of them, both will be bored with one another. Each Zodiac sign has one of those qualities. Scorpio is fixed, which means being uneager or slow to change, sort of conservative in a fashion.

      Scorpio even looks at the past so distant it is called legendary, and the traditions that are mythical. They are Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius. None of them is that compatible with Scorpio, since they will insist on their respective ways, quite unwilling to compromise.

      Scorpio finds that too limited and predictable. Scorpio is more compatible with the mutable signs, which are the followers of the Zodiac.