Are capricorn and capricorn compatible

Capricorn and Capricorn
  1. Capricorn and Capricorn Nature and Nuances:
  3. Capricorn Capricorn Compatibility In Love, Sex and Marriage Life
  4. Capricorn And Capricorn Compatibility And Love Match

On the flipside, pessimism can get to them when things do not turn out the way they plan.

Capricorn and Capricorn Nature and Nuances:

Being an Earth sign, Mountain Goats do not take shortcuts to achieve their goals and prefer to spend long hours at work until they complete their tasks. Because of this, most Capricorns find it difficult to balance personal life and career.

Capricorn-Capricorn Compatibility

By choice, love is temporarily shelved and work takes front row while duty to family takes second. Goats highly value tradition and family. Their devotion to family is impressive. One of the reasons why they want to do well at work is they want to provide the best for their parents and siblings.

Capricorns know precisely how they want their love life to turn out and do not really mind waiting for the right one to come along. They seek hardworking and ambitious partners who also value family traditions.

Goats match well with people who are looking for long term relationships.

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Those born under this sign are very reliable and faithful partners who are determined to make their relationships work and last. The idea of moving from one relationship to the next is not their cup of tea. They match well with optimistic, traditional, romantic and loyal people.


Although Capricorns are not very expressive with their feelings, their partners can count on them thru thick and thin. Will two Capricorns ever have time for love?

Find out what is in store for two workaholics.

Capricorn woman is goal oriented even in love. She paints this picture of the man and relationship that she wants to be a part of. Her cool demeanor can be off putting at times and her one track pursuit of success can be intimidating.

First, she feels being in a relationship is serious business and not one to take lightly. Goat wants her first relationship to be the last, so she just wants to be certain that a man can be trusted.

This lady is willing to wait for Mr Right to come along.

Capricorn Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility

It is also known that public display of affection is not her thing because this classy lady believes that there is a proper time and place for that. She gets attracted to successful men who values tradition. She can be stubborn with her methods, so she needs a man who can help her see things from a different perspective.

An adventurous man is also a good candidate for this lady who tends to overwork herself. Capricorn man is an old soul and shows maturity even at a young age.

Capricorn Capricorn Compatibility In Love, Sex and Marriage Life

When he is ready to get involved, he seeks a long term relationship; the kind that will lead to the altar. He is on the lookout for a woman who can be a good wife and mother to his children. This man is not the type to go for flings and he prefers good character and intelligence over looks. The last thing he wants is to fall short in his commitment.

It is not easy to get close to this man. Fenale, Capricorn with capricorn rising male, Capricorn with sagittarius rising Are we compatible together? He is in Egypt for 2 more months.

Capricorn And Capricorn Compatibility And Love Match

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