Astrology eclipse february 15 2019

  1. Mercury enters Capricorn
  2. Table of Eclipse Dates from to - Susan Miller Astrology Zone
  3. Planet Calendars
  4. How to deal with Eclipses by Susan Miller

Where will an eclipse impact you in your personal life? Look to the sign and degree of the eclipse. Then look at your chart and see where that degree falls. Look at the house where the eclipse falls as that will determine the area of your life that will be most greatly impacted.

Look to see what other planets are involved in the eclipse as their energy will add significantly to the story of change, movement, letting go, and release.

An eclipse is a shift in the vibrational alignment between the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon creating an analogous shift in the alignment of our own energies. We are not only on Earth but of Earth.

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What she experiences so do we, each in our own way, according to the constellation of energies in our own unique charts. The moon is in between the Earth and the Sun.

Mercury enters Capricorn

From our perspective here on Earth it looks like the Moon is blotting out the Sun. Powerful time of reprogramming your essential life force to align more correctly with your personal growth and evolution.

Is your behavior out in the world synchronous with how you perceive yourself to be? The Earth blocks out the light of the Sun reflected onto the Moon so the Moon, though full, is darkened, sometimes appearing red.

Very eerie and so cool! Lunar eclipses ask us to go the emotional realms and see what changes need to made there to bring about the desired balance of energies.

Table of Eclipse Dates from to - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

Use the powerful force of the eclipses to propel yourself into new territory. The solar eclipse February brings to completion projects or issues raised at the August solar eclipse.

That last eclipse was quite elite in its style, whereas this Aquarian eclipse has more of a working-class flavour. This February eclipse aligns with fixed star Gienah in the constellation of the Swan so it still has a regal taste since all white Swans in the UK are supposedly owned by the Queen and are a protected bird.

The affections are ill-regulated and unsteady, the talents develop late. There is some love of water and swimming and the arts.

Planet Calendars

This time it is actually one of his animal disguises. Jupiter took the form of a swan to seduce Leda, Queen of Sparta. Abraham Lincoln is a good example. He was known to be a religious skeptic, and in the end, was assassinated for his abolition of slavery.

On the other extreme, there is Paris Hilton…totally a slave to the matrix and its baubles. Once in a position of power, you cannot rebel against your paymaster or you will be brought down. Best keep a low profile with this one and work underground.

You can still work to bring down the system, but you have to be very clever about it! It is a divine discontentment, the same that the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautauma felt before he left his comfortable home.

The Moon fairs much better than the Sun in Aquarius decan 3 because here it can work its lunar magic peacefully under the moonbeams.

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  • How to deal with Eclipses by Susan Miller | Agent Karma.

Those touched by the Solar Eclipse February will come to peace with the fact that they will never really be accepted by society. It no longer bothers them too much as they know how messed up the system is. Woody Allen marrying his adopted daughter. In she came out as a lesbian.

Moon rules the breasts too.

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This decan seems to be awash with paradoxes. The Moon will bring this out in the home with a humanitarian mother.

Princess Diana certainly pushed boundaries about what is acceptable behavior for a princess. This solar eclipse February brings to a head the themes I mentioned in the February Astrology report. The yod is like the finger of God pointing at you.

Aquarius January 2019 ~ CLEAN SLATE & ECLIPSE CHANGES ~ Astrology ~ Horoscope

So whatever you think is a higher power, you should feel pretty inspired by during the period leading up to the Solar Eclipse and then after. Themes are relationships with Venus being involved and Saturn for stability or commitment.

It is pointing towards a traditional connection with Ceres. Or a fling that will affect you negatively in the future?

How to deal with Eclipses by Susan Miller

The Yod effect continues to February 17th when Ceres moves on to Praesaepe for about four days. We will have to be careful of ultra-collectivist thinking too.

Some people are comfortable with that sort of collectivity while others are more individualistic. However, the more one is under threat, the more people are likely to band together and cling to their family groups.

Moon conjunct Mercury can be very naughty or very nice, this is the trickster we are talking about after all.