Libra darkside astrology

  1. Dark Side of Libra: Dramatic, Controlling, Condescending, Repressed
  2. The Libra Dark Side Astrology
  3. Libra Dark Side in Astrology
  4. Darkstar Astrology -
  5. Libra’s Underbelly

Yes I do throw tantrums and become manipulative but only when I am wronged and taken advantage of for a long time. My behavior is actually a slight reflection of yours. Off course, I am not going to vent on strangers when I am wronged by a close one as it will not be justified.

Nor I will treat my closed ones badly if I had a bad day. Yes I can be dark by being extremely lazy and indecisive but everyone has got a dark side. I love, appreciate, care and support all those close ones who accept and love me for who I am.

I also appreciate the creativity of this author by portraying Libra's negative image since I was really bored of those charming and peaceful stories about Libras As someone that has done a lot of astrology reading I can admit I know some of these traits can be very true of a libra.

I have to say you have gone out of your way to taint this sign more so than they deserve and more so than your other dark side write ups. I must agree with fellow commentors that your distaste for this sign is merely a reflection of your own negativity and distorted observations.

You look and sound evil and very quite bitter. If your not a "capricunt" you have the face and attitude for one. And I know there's a dark side but I'm not a dark person.

However I met a libra and she's like me but diffrent. The shadows are her home! This describes her to a T. I couldn't wrap my head around it because I'm not like that. This is very true about Libras. Don't let their "niceness" fool you. I have a Libra "friend" that I grew up with and I thought she was the nicest person but now I realize how untrue that is.

She is conniving, manipulative and a backstabber. She uses people and shes a know it all. I used to call her a best friend but she is far from it. Shes ugly on the inside and on the outside and she's vain for no reason. I am supposed to get along with this sign but it is the one I like the least.

I get along with Virgos and Scorpios just fine. I am pretty sure there are killers of all signs I can agree with some of the second parts of statements: Of course I'm born in October haha I happen to be controlling indeed toward those who get closer to me; in the work-social arena And sometimes I just make fun of people- for instance if they make racist comments and I'm just having a beer on Sunday night, instead of punching them in the face I get this attitude of smiling from ear to ear, looking them straight in the eye and and making them feel like shit.

But then again, it's for a good cause? I'm a Libra with lots of planets in Scorpio. This article was accurate about "some" of my dark traits.

Dark Side of Libra: Dramatic, Controlling, Condescending, Repressed

This just says a lot. Every astrology reading sugarcoats signs like Libra so it must be that shocking for you. There are bad people, no matter which sign they are, and your sign is not inmune to that evilness.

Yeah I do see these traits in myself I just find it happens when I'm being too nice or something and I always seem to attract the wrong people Im working on how to tell which person I should be friends with and people just taking advantage of me As you know im a libra and have a pretty hard time saying no I think all libras have a dark side to balance out being kind, caring, and considerate One day includes both sun and moon rising and setting, to be complete.

This was an interesting read. I'm a Libra Sun with a Libra Ascendant. I'm going to be very honest, I was pretty ruthless with my ex wife, especially in the latter part of our marriage. I was married to a Virgo woman, one who heavily did the virgo thing which is pessimistically driven to chastise and be judgmental to the end.

I know that sounds brash, and probably just as bad as how Librans have been painted on here, but there is a very specific driving force as to why I acted the way that I did, and it's because of how how she treated my children. I've been blessed with a moon in Leo, for all of those with Leo in their charts, you know that means firey devotion on a different scale.

For me, it was to my defend my kids and anytime she went past the line of reason in punishing them, I was right there to invoke the one thing Librans are good at, utilizing and that is our rather sharp tongue. They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot.

There is a reason why they say Librans make good judges, its because we are able to take every situation or event and tear it down to it's nuts and bolts to see what's really within.

We don't use emotions to figure things out, we don't use tactile sensory to figure things out, it's about all that is mental and the air signs are especially built for this. The Native American totem of the Libran time frame is the Raven. They said that the raven people were feared in the tribes because they always new what was going on without hearing a word, they always knew.

We work from the shadows, you'd figure that would be a Scorpio thing being ruled by Pluto, but despite being ruled by Venus, our hermit like needs tend to make us more powerful in our endeavors when we are in solitude to let our mental powers loose. By the way, those of you who had Libran parents that treated you like garbage, what's your sign?

My children I mentioned earlier just so happen to be a gemini girl and a sagittarian boy. They will never make her needs for materialistic stability happy, nor her emotional driven self to be happy. Like a few here said earlier, there's more to the picture about the signs, you have to look at the sum total of your chart.

One Libran is not going to be the same as the other. One of my best friends is a Libra with a moon in Pisces. So don't take the general layout of the Libra to heart, it's only one sliver of what variations there can be about the Libra. I'm super proud to be one.

I'm a Libran and I all I care about is love. I love so deeply and I treat my man like he's a god hoping to get that amount of attention in return but it never happens. I've been in two long relationships with Aquarius and Gemini , they are supposed to be the best compatible signs with libra but not in my case , they care too much about their parents and careers more than the woman they love.

  1. 2019 Horoscopes.
  2. ;
  3. commonsense woo;

I don't care about anything when I'm happily in love. I ignore my family my friends and my work. I do whatever makes my lover happy just to keep the harmony and passion between us.

But now I discovered that I gave everything to the wrong people. My family and friends are being very supportive while my lover soon to be my ex is just busy with his new job.

And I don't want to become a mother after all I read here , It's a big responsibility that I can't handle I'm very fragile and need someone to constantly take care of me.

I'm 28 years old , born on September 27 and I wish I can hear stories of girls who share the same birthday with me as I need some answers. I want to know what's going wrong because I'm doing all the right things but all I'm getting is disappointment. Freaking true to the core. Did not tap out because I do not believe in giving up easily in love.

Or so I thought. Boy was I so wrong and regretted holding on for so long. Thank God doctors brought me back alive. Everyday, physical pain reminds me of how manipulative, hypocritical, cynical and deceptive she can be.

And to think I still stood by her EVEN when I was admitted and discharged till her demented form comes devouring me inside out again!!! I was a fool sheltering her from all her accusers but they were actually right all along. I was a big fool.

Curse you Libra for messing men's life everywhere you go. You should have gone to the shrink when he asked you to! I'm a libra myself. But damn I've definitely never seen an article talking so badly about us Librans!

People should understand that not every Libran is the same. They may share common general characteristics but that's it. All that's left like the bad traits mentioned above which seemed to me like traits of a dangerous personality disorder is formed depending on countless variables the way one was raised, experiences etc..

In fact the way one reacts to whatever angers them is much more beyond a zodiac sign. Reactions are learned through experience and habit, you are not born with a certain way of reacting due to a zodiac sign. This article is way too shallow for the most part.

And I do know many people who fit this above profile but are not Librans and also not related to Libra in general. It is overly exaggerated. So now every Libran is a bad parent? Mother, father, uncle whatever.. There are many bad parents and abusers, even family murderers with different zodiac signs.

And what's described in the article is more like a personality disorder, rather than a dark side. Seems to be written by someone who had a bad experience with a Libran and conluded that all Librans are like that one scumbag they once knew..

Shewolf, it is painful for all when people don't understand us. Often, the question "Why? People themselves don't know what drives them. But when others give you guff, you can be sure the problem is about them, not you. It is build up frustration, anger and pain, because you once were nice, and understood and accepted ppl by the way they are, but we seem to have to mold, like we aren't good enough Well, I that feel that my negative side is taking over at the moment, don't really enjoy it, I'm not in peace, I cry when I'm alone, think that I just wanna die, it's like I'm out of place All I wanted was ppl to accept me the way I accept ppl by the way they are, and for example stop wondering if what I say to a 3rd person upsets my partner, etc Maybe, some ppl here commenting on bad libras, we aren't perfect we're humans, and we libras look for balance apologies for wrong methods to achieve such , but maybe try to find the reason behind such behaviour and maybe you can help We aren't that stubborn!

My mom is one and i was in love with one. Chastity, this article is solely about Libra's dark side. Like every other sign they have a bright side, but that's not the subject of this article. They have a bright side as well, and many good traits. Libra is often misunderstood and seen as the villian because they are too themselves.

Some people agreeing with this in its whole has proven they know and strongly dislike a certain libra in their life, and have no reason to disagree because of the obvious pain THAT negative libra has caused.

I don't particularly like this post but that's because it just doesn't fit me personally. But I can agree when there's a negative personality and it's fixated on the sign some ppl are going to agree. I am a Libra male and lately I have been feeling disconnected from myself sign.

Mostly because most things I read about Libras don't feel like they connect with me. Most things are always flowery in tone. I searched out an article like this to better understand myself. I am a only child also raised by a Libra mother. So to say my ability to maintain connection is fucked is putting it mildly.

It sux to say but all these dark traits are traits I have observed in myself to some degree some more than others and I feel it growing.

Things seem to be falling apart around me. Irritability is the worst part I hate about myself. I have zero desires to be a negative libra but honestly don't how to turn it around or even if I can. The constellation Libra contains stars that belonged to Scorpio until astronomers not astrologers! Lolz, I think your Sun might be among those Scorpio stars.

I'm a virgo male and married a female libra. While we were dating i let her know about my one true longtime best friend which was my first ex gemini from high school yrs different schools. We were close like family and talked a lot on the phone and only during work hours my choice after we started dating in We have been doing that since to we did hookup a few times before none since then no longer felt right.

Godfather to her daughter and son her parents never had. Met my wife in early We talked on the work phone but never in person till and just to show her the engagement ring and never since. My wife told me how she was teased a lot coming up and I was did all I could to show her how much I loved her.

Well long story longer I could not invited my best friend and family to my own wedding I'm hurt didn't phase her. I found out later they talked on the phone after my wife told me.

My wife had even made a threat to her so while all this was happening behind my back, bad blood was gushing between guess who? Bingo my libra wife and my libra wife. My friend never said a single word ever.

She wanted me to turn on my friend and hurt her, did didn't fly with me I'm grown and 3yrs older. I let her Stew in her own poop made it worst. She invited my best friend over to the house for a business presentation but did admit it was no good purpose.

The cat she got for us 1month before she moved in liked me more than her so we got 1 more so they could play together that failed dead cat. What ever happened in her head destroyed her.

She took the kids and tried to move into a shelter and she didn't even know why. Libra females are lost of words. She doesn't have money or a job with 3 kids luckily I still support my kids and back to her parents house. She thinks I walked out on her? One of them that you should really fear about my dark side are my games that I put you in you are my pawn and will always be until I get my revenge or I hear an apology if not you'll never be out of my loop until you're gone or I am.

If you cross my line you're already in the game of life or death for me. I will never approach you or talk to you because I already gotten more than a 1k people that you know and I know on my side. So good luck living. Yes I do get angry and yes I get angry a lot sometimes. It all depends on what you do and what you don't do also my mood. When I get angry I yell and scream but if it gets worst I start getting physical and it's scary.

I once got angry at one of my siblings and I zoned out while I was close to their neck to chock them. I didn't thank god my parents were there to snap me out of it. Yes I am extremely lazy bit I am actually thinking of ways to understand some concepts an etc. In my head and finding out how my mind games are going in my head.

Some of you seem quite bitter and let your insecurities show by bashing Libras. I think the problem is that you were too selfish and judgemental instead of taking the time and making a genuine effort to get to know and understand a Libra better, you chose to ASSume, criticize, demean, and judge someone you never really got to know. Most Libras are quick to put a wall up to protect themselves from insecure, jealous, judgemental, negative, condescending people who attack them.

I much rather have Libra friends, lovers, co-workers, or acquaintances than any other sign. Although I do see some parts of the negative traits, for me personally, I think some of these listed seem exaggerated to highlight the most negative Libras out there.

I was a bit indecisive in my younger younger years. I will admit that. But, because I get impatient and irritated at other people's indecisiveness, I learned to make quick decisions and move on.

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  • After more than four decades, I have realized that II much more prefer the company and friendship of other fellow Librans. And just reading some of the negative opinions and attacks on Libras by others here, it just reaffirms my choice. I avoid confrontations and drama if at all possible. I strongly dislike negativity and conflict.

    I am loyal and very protective of my friends and loved ones. I try to always be fair and give everyone a fair chance. Unfortunately, some people are selfish, insensitive, and don't know how to value a sincere person like myself.

    When that happens, I've learned to respect myself and just move on. Friendship and respect are a two-way street. It seems not every one is on the same page though. That only helps to make it clear that those people are not compatible and I don't want them in my life. I swear I'm making a note objective after years of analysis and hearing the testimonies of many people.

    Libra is a sign that exploits the very positive stereotype given to them in many articles, but and a big but. This is not true! They are the most hypocritical people, will never hear the truth from them. They are popular works as well and everything that motivates them is to please themselves under the guise of providing the other. They are manipulators, competitive sickeningly beneath the surface,.

    Their status is important to them before everything, even before their family, they are treacherous and chasing sickly, dressing up as those who are fans so they do not have their own character, for them there is nothing to admire a man who slept with many girls, not considered to be a man, not cool - This is the person they imitate every day and every day until they meet someone greater than him in this field is very shallow, and thus inherently boring dressing up as other people, are subject in any depth,.

    Are looking for the meaning of life, the chronically lazy and manipulate the environment to work for them. But the best thing I sickening Libra is that they always find a patsy to do their dirty work, who come out worst in their name but unconsciously.

    I'm Aquarius and many followed after constellations Libra and always pretended I did not notice, but they are so careful people! I find this article very interesting. I'm a Libra, too.

    Every sign has its positive and negative qualities. The tough part is to stare in the mirror at your own soul and evaluate where growth is needed and where your shadow side is prevailing. I can be controlling, passive-aggressive, late, insensitive, and then I alternate between being detached and clingy.

    Let me tell you, it's hard to see your own pattern on behaviors and I'm just beginning to see mine. To the folks on here who have had abusive parents, my heart goes out to you. Rather than concentrate on the abuser and their sun sign, what can you do to heal? Because the odds are likely that these people were abused too, as children, but other sun-signs.

    The Libra Dark Side Astrology

    And they were abused children, too. I've been abused by a Scorpio, Virgo, and Sag. You know what sun sign I became the most bitter towards? An Aries, who absolutely did a number on me and broke my heart. Remember, our sun sign is merely one aspect of our natal chart and we as souls also have malleable egos that undergo change through our upbringing and experiences.

    My last girlfriend was a libra, she was just like that. She say yes to you but did what she wanted at the end behind my back. She was an escort I realized. She was her entire life and she used her charm and quiet to put everybody in trouble. When I confronted her she used to say: I do not know, I do not know.

    Never answered for anything, always playing the victim and running away to find out she just went to get drunk and laid until next day. This story here may not be in order because I have so much to talk about. I have been with a libra woman for five years.

    It was right after my divorce. She had a kid that was 2 and mine was also 2. At the very beginning this gurl treated me like I was her world and I treated her like she was my queen. Then I start noticing that she wants to control everything around me.

    Even comes in between my child and his mother. She did not want me to get along with her. So I told her that us bringing this issue between us is not healthy. I thought I had taking care of that but I didn't. She was married once and have a 15yr old daughter.

    Before she met me. She left her with the ex husband claiming that she wanted a better life and career. Then with her job, she moves from state to states dating around people. Then she met another dude while she was having an affair with a married man then got pregnant by the new guy. The new guy went out and cheated on her with tones of women and the wife of the husband had also found out about the affair.

    Then she moved to another state where we met. She never told me about her had an affair, she claimed that the guy never told her that he was married. Then out of no where one day, the wife messaged me then that's when I put the whole story together in my head. Asked her about it, she denied it. Anyways, I can never communicate any issues with her.

    She is always blaming me or saying it's my fault. She never care for her sons school activities. She has anyone or anybody babysitting him.

    I feel so sorry for the kid. She always wanted to spend money that we don't have then complaining that I need to work more or she needs to work more. She never satisfied, she now keeps her friends away from me.

    We are at a point, where she wants to do whatever she wants to do and I'm not allowed to ask. Had I knew this about libras, I would of tried working things out with my ex wife instead.

    Because to me a family Foundation comes first. I think that she will be one lonely person. She will be dating and doing this dudes but little does she know that karma is a bitch and life gets harder as you get older and still living a life like you are 21 forever.

    This exactly describes my soon-to-be ex-wife' s negative side. She is controlling, cold, puts forth no emotional effort, is mentally abusive to me and our two boys, cannot use conflict constructively, and seems to wait for what she "deserves" to fall into her lap because she can't be bothered to put forth any effort.

    She is a leech and a psychic vampire. I can't believe I fell for her fake charm 12 years ago. I moved out almost 1 year ago and, after 11 years of marriage, she has not once told me she misses me or that we should try to work it out.

    I guess she is waiting for me to "fix" myself so we can get back together-ain't gonna happen! I love my boys, but I am sorry I had kids with her because she is abusive and repressed. I am a Libra, born Sept I am the classic nuturer; my careers have been Flight Attendant and Nurse.

    So nuture along with some level of authoriity. Honestly I can't see this dark side of me-I am far from perfect, but passive-agressive I know I have my faults but really, I have never observed this behavior in myself or other Libras.

    Well I guess this just confirms the notion that I'm a pos who doesn't deserve love and hurts everyone who tries.

    What's the point in living if you're unable to experience it in a way that benefits others? And wow, that's interesting. Another thing is I share birthdays with Judge Judy so that Scorpion energy is very heavy around that time, as well. Another eye-opening information that I read on your article was that Libras have a tendency to see others as mindless and themselves as more enlightened.

    I noticed I kinda do this unconsciously but it's not intentional, I enjoy helping people and educating them. It's probably an ego trip lol. Also, how does a Libran balance out that pain they repress in a healthy way? We do tend to shut them off and find unconventional ways to deal with them.

    Thank you for your post. Two stars classically belonging to Scorpio called the North and South Claws were given over to the constellation Libra in This accounts for Librans retaining several Scorpionic traits; you might even be, in classical terms, a triple Scorpio! Hmm, as a Libra I can relate to some of this but I'm only detached because my emotions run deep and I'm scared to show my vulnerability.

    Moon in Scorpio I do have a slightly tendency to vent on, just like your co-worker did but like I said I don't want people to know anything about me.

    Though, this could explain the reasoning behind a Libra moon's actions. I saw this more in Libra moons. I don't like conflict but I'm not afraid to start it and end it because you know that's life. This was a good read, more of a constructive criticism.

    I am cold in relationships but crave physical affections Venus in Libra. I can see where you make certain points. Though, I'd love to save the world and bring joy to everyone's day, I need to focus on my needs first because then I project that better. If I'm not there for me, who will be?

    Libra Sun combined with a Scorpio rising. Wow u r such a rude person , most of the ppl I've met with are librans , and though every zodiac sign has a good and bad, what you are doing is creating a negative mental image in minds of people about the librans.

    Its true they can be aggressive but they cool down as easily and have a golden gerat which cares extremely about the people they hold near and dear.

    Libra Dark Side in Astrology

    What you did up there is like you have a personal vendetta against librans and that's so wrong. This truly describes my mother in law Knows how to stifle desires of family members and how to act innocent and to play mind games.

    These people are very good at socializing, but have lack of sincerity when it comes to their own family members. They are willing to feed the whole town, but will make their family member go hungry. I am libra and I am very introverted. Most people who cut me off from their lives because they got offended with something I said to them.

    But they never said to me what it was directly. Most of people who I cut off from my life were people who I had almost never talked after years, people who I feel never cared and suddenly decided to ignore me. Conflicts are part of life. There are people that we don't like and vice-versa. There are people with who we will have more difficulties.

    I love my mother but she is one of the people with I have problems she is a leo. I tend to have more conflicts with aquarius people in general because of my nature I am introverted and not a sociable like many of they are , I don't call acquaintances friends as they do, they are cold in general, I don't like small talk, it sucks to me to talk only about intelectual things most of the time, etc.

    My mother is a libra. She is a bully, verbally and emotionally abusive, and the biggest manipulator I know. She loves to belittle, gossip, and spread rumors. She has never taken responsibility for anything in life. She chugs her crown royal then blames everyone else for her faults and problems. She's the lamest person I know.

    LaMorenita I would like to be able to converse with you further regarding your knowledge on Librans especially men. I am sure it will help me immensely through a current situation with a male Libran. Most astrologers will say Libras are sweet, balanced, and peaceful, and leave it at that.

    I grew up with three Libras and wondered why I never saw an astrologer discuss their dark side. I think one commenter had a good point: Librans create unnecessary conflict and then attempt to restore the balance any way they can.

    Seems like your libra bashing. Its funny because I know 2 Arquarians who display these characteristics, and they have no libra prominent in thier charts. But im not suprised, Arquarians have a big mouth towards others but hate to be judged lol.

    Liv, I bet your Sun-sign Aquarius who is just like the article has Libra prominent in his or her chart. This is so on point till it's shocking! Sad to say it but I do know this to be true especiall with some Libra men born in October smh..

    I'm a cancer and all I have to say is this is true!!!!!! This describes my father and a lot of libra men I know.

    When libra men doesn't get what they want, forget it. He should be in jail for the physical abuse but got away with it. We grew up fearing for our lives.

    Suicide seem like a better option, that's how horrible it was I'm glad I survive it. My mom no, she passed away from it in 95 when I was I had to raise myself and I turned out pretty good. Being guided from the other sign. I'm sorry not sorry I just believe in the zodiac and use it as a guide, the same way people use their bible or any other thing they believe in.

    The zodiac has not let me down, the whole 34 years I been on this planet. Before there was religion, there was the zodiac. Believe it if you want and numerology. The people who say" I don't believe in astrology" Those are the very same people that read their horoscope on the low when nobody is watching, lol.

    I know all signs have negative traits but Libras The september libras are very different from the october ones. The octobers ones I know, they are just very vindictive. People on here can take offense all they want, to this article but the author hit it dead on the nail. I have way more stories about this sign, it would go on for a few pages like a mini novel.

    Darkstar Astrology -

    I'm writing a script about my encounter with libras and at first it was 25 pages but for some strange reason now its pages, lol I got a lot to say about this sign. Every since I was little I have been meeting or attracting this sign and its to the point where it's all the time. Maybe because my father is a libra october 11th. I tent to always meet October libras, some of them having the same birthday too.

    I can always tell a libra and I run from them, like literally. You tell you me you are libra, I'm out like the road runner, lol. I do love libras as friends. The libras I know they love the arts and they are teachers too.

    My father swore he was god and is the most self righteous man I know, never been wrong a day in his life. I find nothing balances about libras at all. Libras love the idea of whatever it is that they want, love money, etc but rarely will they do anything to get it. They will hook up with someone to make their life easier.

    My father never worked. I can't on here. Libras are critical of everything. Very clingy and needy too. Love to play the victim. I can recall my father doing 2 maybe 3 nice things for me but then he went back to being a bully and abusive. I meet other libras who are nice at first but then if they want you and they feel rejected by you, forget it.

    A friend of mine, I had to stop talking to him because he was in love with me and he's married and he doesn't care. He's still keeping hope alive. Every time I tell a libra why I don't want to be with them and I talk about their traits and how they are, even the good parts, they stay clear from me, because I know or much.

    1. The Sign of Balance = The Illusion of Balance.
    2. Libra’s Dark Side | Seagoat Astrology.
    3. ;
    4. cusp compatibility aries aries.
    5. capricorn 23 february horoscope 2019.
    6. february 27 horoscope virgo virgo!

    I have been told by several libra that I have a slick mouth and that I'm a know it all. They can't run their game on me. They can't charm their way on me. This actor I met, i wanted to meet him for a long time. He was a libra, married I never knew that and dude wanted to sleep with me. I can always tell a libra, always, they have this look about them.

    I have told several libras, that they were libras and they ask me how I knew that, lol. I can't be bothered with them. You literally would have to have no life to deal with a libra. They want to control and possess every part of you. They don't care about how you feel. I keep my communication very long distance. I'm a cancer and they keep flocking to me.

    This is an enigma to me always will be. Wow I feel the same way about the cappy part. It's like here are some positive traits about you, but wait let me add some dark quality so you feel more shit about yourself.

    And about the Libra, I know a girl libra and I'm not sure if this is what she's like behind the scene. But I have always gotten an uneasy feeling about her after knowing her for a while. Since I couldn't care less what kind of person she is, or anybody, as long you can leave your negativity behind or if you can't just simply leave.

    I just don't believe adjusting yourself just so someone can feel good about themselves or make things harmonic. That's just how it is, you meet someone that will like you or they won't like you. I have libran way of seeing matters,weighing pros and cons and yes some times i take too much time in deciding what option to chose and which course to navigate along.

    This supposition becomes so strong in their minds bcz they tend to analyse matters with intricacy,and this is the real hurdle in their decision making. Librans just have to come to the fact that even if they have chosen the 'very correct one' according to them,their would always be a possibility of turning that decisions to be a faliure.

    We're all human and comprised of the same emotions. However for those of use who follow astrology there are certain behavioral patterns that are discernible in the various signs. Of course there are always exceptions. Also if you think this is bad try being a Capricorn That being said, I grew up with a Libra mother. This woman always has to have the last word and it's usually a dig or a jab of some sort.

    It's all smiles and good times until you -really- get to know her. The arguments are endless. Nothing is ever good enough and there is always drama. Outsiders find this amusing but let me tell you, living with that is a special kind of hell because no one believes you until they experience it.

    And then they are shocked at the truth. Libra wears a very pretty mask but take that away and there is a whole lot of ugly underneath the friendly facade. I have a friend like that I love her like crazy.

    One day I went to visit her the train stopped running she knew I was coming and made a scene out of me and another guy.

    Libra’s Underbelly

    She backed off and allowed the situation to get worse. I knew her for four years I never met this person before. She drove off and left me in a parking garage I asked her to drop me off at the train station the guy kept getting in my face because he helped her out with something.

    I walked to the ts and slept out on the bench it was a scary moment for me. It felt like my soul was leaving my body that's how much damaged I felt. Four months later I said phuk it forgave myself and her.

    We met up again she brought it up and apologized after all that I can't believe I still love til this day. That night made me realize something words don't mean shit from people. Librans can be many things, but it seems to me the one constant negative Libra trait is irritability. I knew this all before I read it here. Also, I've always known that the men can be quite cowardly, if you consider that they only have big balls when it comes to women and children.

    My mom is a lot like the first commenter described. She is the boss in the family, and no one dares to go against her unless they are prepared to deal with her rage. He's every bit as vain as his female counterpart.

    All aspects of grooming enhance this handsome chap, and it's not beyond him to steal your creams and bubble bath, so beware! Part of the Libra dark side astrology is the fact that these Venusian babies, without some direction, will burn through money like it grows on trees.

    Whether it's spending money like there's no tomorrow or forgoing a diet and yes, Librans are always on a diet and having that second glass of wine, Librans are known for their tendency to overindulge.

    And it's not just wine and money; many a Libra has been spotted staring starring longingly at cup cakes and decadent pasties through bakery windows! Libra's overindulgence lends itself to browsing and buying at the shops. This is where we see another of Libra's darker qualities - indecision. At its best, it means Libra is incredibly diplomatic, but at its worst?

    Well, let's just say friends, spouses and siblings will put in a lot of foot traffic at the malls! It's the rare Libra indeed who says no to a party.

    New Year's Even bashes, birthday parties or even finding that perfect parking spot is enough to send Libra into celebration mode.

    By the way, male Libra likes to party just as much as lady Libra, but take note of all those kisses; this gent loves to flirt and have a good time. All that partying does lead to a tendency to cheat.

    Librans don't mean to cheat, it's just that they're so darned cute and attractive that everyone just seems to like them remember that vanity? Luckily, this usually stops once they're in a committed relationship, but with Libra, you just never know!

    Sharing tidbits of information is a virtual pastime and hobby for Libra, so if you like to play your cards close to your vest, consider another astrological sign for the role of "best friend". Now take a moment to learn about how to make a Libra fall in love. Here are some of Libra's other darker qualities to keep in mind: Unfaithful Prone to excess A bit of a gossip.