Virgo horoscope week of february 3 2019

Virgo Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  1. Virgo 2019 Love Horoscope
  2. Mars enters Aries
  3. Virgo Horoscope Preview

Your sign is governed by Mercury, planet of the spirit.

Virgo 2019 Love Horoscope

During , in the career segment, the Virgo natives are great organizers, detail oriented and have very good manual skills. They are responsible and they execute and finalize their task very well. In , the Virgo natives are health conscious. They are concerned about their own health, as well as others. They like to stay informed about nutrition, medicine and natural remedies.

They aim to understand the mechanisms of body functions and its needs. The children need your attention and love all year round. From time to time, they will face small health issues. In love, during , you are extremely pretentious and exigent, this is why it is possible to take a long time for finding the perfect partner because the partner needs to be truly perfect.

Also, in their affective relationships, these natives like to serve, to be of help, therefore they will do everything in their power so that their loved ones will lack nothing. Suspicious and insecure, they need many proofs of love. Yet, they never feel sure or convinced enough, which is a significant drawback.

They need to learn how to be happy and to appreciate what they have, and to quit finding faults, if they want to be happy and to enjoy harmony in love. Throughout , you will benefit from a continuous flow of income, which will offer financial stability. This means that, in financial terms, can turn into a year of prosperity.

You must maintain a positive attitude all throughout in order for the year to be full of success and satisfactions. Those born under the Virgo sign distinguish themselves by physical beauty and sensibility. Relationships, professional life, love, and marriage are influenced by their dominant characteristics. Find out more about this zodiac sign.

Affection is the watchword in their couple life, which not only has to be present, but it also has to be persistently expressed. The Virgo Man is attentive and warm in his private life, enthralled by fondness, fascinated by the tactile sensation and as meticulous as in any other activity. As a lover and husband, he is a bit childish and dependent, he is overjoyed for the affection he receives and for any appreciation, no matter how small it is; he will do anything to deserve them.

The Virgo woman is very careful with the look and the comfort of her husband, she is loyal and devoted to her family. As a mother, her mild hypochondria will project upon her children, resulting in an overprotective behaviour; in turn, the children should show understanding and manifest affection relentlessly.

Despite their fight for consolidating their career, the natives will focus on the idea of being a good parent or, at least, a family member whose presence will always be perceived. The most compatible signs with the Virgo native is love are: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

Pragmatic, analytic, with a tendency of being too much of a perfectionist, you are extremely loyal and stable.

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The Taurus and Capricorn natives can understand them perfectly, forming a good house together. With a gastrointestinal tract and abdomen more sensitive, willing or unwilling, they are careful to eat healthily and to track their reactions to different foods. With a frail nervous system, they experiment transient anxiety. Stress can cause them migraines and bile ducts issues.

The obsessive concern for the health state can degenerate in hypochondria. You are a promoter of naturism and homeopathy, of bio, vegan and raw-vegan diet. You should protect their sensitive digestive system.

The vegetarian diet is the most suitable for them. Seeds are a valuable source of proteins, the vegetables carrots, potatoes supply minerals, while the whole grains — dietary fibers. The recommended foods are vegetables boiled, for a better assimilation — spinach, lettuce, peas, brown rice, millet, and lentils to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Celery, tomatoes, apples, and bananas are also indicated due to their high content of potassium. You have a high level of energy, therefore, your lifestyle should include regular physical activities, which can help them burn calories faster.

The money situation is affected by Saturn in Capricorn, which requires moderation in spending. No investments are recommended with such a position. Saturn brings a lot of responsibility in everything that involves money, and financial planning is not the strong point of your zodiac sign.

But, without a question, if they are reasonable and skilful, they can make important acquisitions. The material comfort will be extremely important s and this is why they will try to ensure they have everything they need.

They will be extremely fearful of losing money, of becoming poor. However, in this regard, you will be very tempted to earn more money in order to maintain your lifestyle and they will do anything to obtain it. It is possible to take into account a long-term business, to save money or to make cold-blooded calculations.

In May , you will accumulate income and assets, but everything will be done with patience, with hard work and more calculations than before. You will have to also pay more attention to spending and especially to losing money through scams or investments that can end up in failure.

The financial situation gets improved especially in the first part of July Any extra money will be obtained through hard work. Between July 20 th and 25th ,you will receive valuable advice from a close person regarding the way they should manage their spending.

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Professionally, in , you have the tendency of letting things go on their own. But they also can have countless moments when they get stuck on different plans and this is when they get very discouraged. The negative side of this aspect can lead you to excessive criticism, but also to a stuck imagination.

Horoscope Month by Month

Creatively speaking, you can be filled with ideas and plans for realizing a dream. This can be a fertile time on many levels, physically and emotionally. This position is associated with casual dating and exploring romantic possibilities. Excessive emphasis on, or attention to, having fun to the detriment of other life departments.

Throughout this transit, you may need to come to a balance between attention to work and health routines and attention to romantic and creative needs. However, for the most part, you are likely to feel supported and confident during this approximately year-long cycle.

A lover, child, or friend can open your mind or heart to new experiences.

Virgo 2019 Horoscope ♍ Tarot month to month! 🎉

Creatively speaking, you can be well-received and your audience is likely to expand. Your sense of drama expands now. Interestingly, these areas of life that are set to expand are the same areas set to contract see below.

Mars enters Aries

Instead, they coexist and you may get a chance to blend them to your benefit. This can be a productive time when hunkering down or committing can be joyful. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.

There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence will stick with you off and mostly on until December It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Virgo.

Tests can come to your romantic life during this cycle. For those of you who are single, there can be some reluctance to enter into light-hearted romantic relationships. If you do, you do so cautiously, and you are attracted to more mature or stable people during this cycle.

Because you are more discriminating now, the pickings might appear to be slim. Those of you who are dating might feel some loneliness, as it can be hard to find what you are looking for at this time. An existing romance may be tested but strong ones strengthen further.

Keeping this aspect of your partnership alive requires work. Those of you who are parents could feel the weight of responsibilities towards children during this cycle. They may require more of your attention now, although this can be rewarding.

However, for many others, this is a time when a relationship stabilizes and it feels great. In fact, this can be a generally more stable or steady time in your life, and this is exactly what you need at the moment. Creatively speaking, you are a little more serious in your approach. You might be turning a hobby into a business now, or you might find that there is less time for creative hobbies, pastimes, amusements, and entertainment.

Your work can require more show, drama, creativity, and entertainment value, and it might be a hobby-turned-business.

Romance and work can be tied together in some significant way. Some of you could be working hard on, and putting a lot of effort into, creative hobbies or pastimes. You are in particularly good shape from January to September for solidifying a relationship, combining the responsible and more romantic elements of your interactions very successfully!

You can be filled with desire—or circumstances create a need—for more structure in all or any of these areas of life, including children, romance, creativity, and recreation. This can be a truly wonderful time for feeling balanced and steady. Firming up areas of your life that have become wasteful can benefit you in many ways.

This can be a good time for realizing a dream or goal, particularly along creative lines. The last time a similar theme occurred was from In March , you entered a lengthy cycle in which your intimate world and shared resources have been unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting.

Uranus moved on to a new sector of your chart from May 15th to November 6th of before returning to complete its journey through your intimacy sector. In March , it finishes for good!

Virgo Horoscope Preview

The best news about this is that, from March forward and until , Uranus is in supportive, positive aspect to your sign. Until March 6th , your intimate life and support systems from others are stimulated and opened in a continued theme. These areas of life can be the wildcard area of life, but also highly stimulating and innovative.

You may be far more experimental when it comes to opening yourself up on sexual and intimate levels. You have been learning a lesson in detachment during this cycle — sudden changes in the support you receive from others may have forced you to become more independent financially or you may have chosen to cut off certain ties that have changed the way you approach the world.

Prepare yourself for fluctuations by settling as many debts as you can. Watch for gambling or risk-taking with money and a partner who may be doing the same. Watch your heart as well, as there can be some problems with intimate partners who can come and go and leave your head spinning. You may be attracting people who have different ideas about the intimacy of your relationship than you do, or you may be consciously isolating yourself perhaps due to a fear of becoming too attached.

Otherwise, this can be a powerful period for exploring a new way of approaching your attachments. You can feel a strong need to free yourself from problems related to money or intimate relationships. You experience a spiritual awakening of sorts.

Travel opportunities may arise. Life experiences are unpredictable and exciting. You are embracing change and easily incorporate changes into your personality.

Note that this influence is now consistently with you for many years ahead until April Love affairs can bring intense personal transformations again this year and beyond.