Prasna astrology rules

  1. Answering a Query
  3. Fundamentals of Horary Astrology
  4. Other Articles on Horary Astrology
  5. Fundamentals of Horary Astrology

The results are amazingly accurate for both the methods. It detects your latitude, longitude, time zone and DST so that you do not need to enter anything. This is probably the fastest way for casting horary and time charts. Its principles are similar to the principles of Natal Astrology.

It is a branch of Vedic astrology, which is still widely used across the Indian subcontinent. Horary Astrology is a unique way of providing astrological predictions on any subject from event horoscope. It is based on a chart that deals with specific questions. To answer the questions, this ancient astrology doesn't require details like date, place and time of birth, it as an alternative answers the queries based on the time they were placed to the astrologer.

On the basis of the queries laid down, a chart is formed.

Answering a Query

This chart shows the details like - what is going on at present, how could the future be affected, etc. It, therefore, provides solutions for dealing with critical situations. This helps one decide whether to continue with a particular course of action or not.

This is perfect for person who may not have his time of birth. The zodiac is divided into segments based on the Rashi lord, Nakshatra lord and sub lord in this method of Astrology. So, there are segments in the zodiac, and when a querent the person who ask the question comes with a question, they are asked pick a number between 1 and This determines the ascendant and the planets are placed in the chart for the time of query disregarding the actual ascendant for the moment.

Horary chart

In this method Time of Query and Place of Query is important. In western astrology the horary method is now being re-discovered by modern astrologers, enriching and improving how astrology is being practiced today. After the chart is calculated we must first examine it for judgment. The rules for prediction are as follows:. Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Home Contact Us Customer Care customercare astrocamp.

Sign in New User? Paid Services Reports. Fundamentals of Horary Astrology. Subscribe Magazine on email: If one or both of the co-rulers apply in benefic aspect Conjunction, Trine and Sextile to the planet ruling the appropriate house for the question, then there is a positive outcome to the question.

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Only faster moving planets can apply in aspect. The order of moving planets from fastest to slowest is:. Planets Applying in a Square indicate that the question is more trouble than it is worth. The following list is a small sample of the thousands of questions I have been asked in the course of my practice.

I have chosen them to show the wide variety and almost endless application that is limited only by one's own imagination and personal experiences:. Many people have heard of prasna and its power; but unfortunately they cannot always take advantage of it for two reasons: In the first case, the seeker should carefully ascertain if the astrologer he is dealing with has had any special training in prasna.

If he has not had this special training yet is consulted, the results could be disastrous. I know of one case in which a woman asked a well regarded West coast astrologer the question: But it was likely the worst mistake of her life; it led to a major scandal, forcing her to leave town in a rush, hurriedly giving away all her possessions.

The astrologer was untrained in prasna, so he did not charge her much; but it turned out to be a very costly consultation indeed. It cost her thousands of dollar plus the complete ruination of her reputation.

The pity was that when she showed me the prasna chart, it was obvious that she should not have gone forward. The second case simply requires some basic training on the part of the seeker as to how to ask a prasna.

The importance of correctly formulating a question cannot be overstated. In ancient Greece, the Oracle of Delphi was famous for giving accurate answers.


But sometimes the answers were so enigmatic that no one could understand them, the reason being that the question itself was unclear. The astrological texts also state that the questions of certain persons should not be entertained:. If the configuration of the chart is positive, then the answer will be yes--otherwise it would be no.

If the configuration of the prasna chart is positive, does it mean that you should stay at home? Or does it perhaps mean that you should actually go to visit Mr. Or if the configuration were negative, does it mean that you should not visit him?

Or does it perhaps mean that you should not remain at home? An example of a convoluted question that would be impossible to answer is as follows: If not, then should I get into real estate, or move back to England?

Astrology is a great science and I think you have mastered it. It should be divided into a series of questions, beginning first with, "Should I get into the herbal import business? In any case, one should not jumble so many questions into one. With these simple pointers, you now know how to ask questions properly in order to get a clear answer: If you still have a doubt or something is not clear please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to assist you.

Before we leave the subject of prasna, I would like to give an example from my files as to how it is used. In December of , I received an urgent call from a friend. His mother-in-law had just been rushed to the hospital to undergo emergency surgery for diabetes related problems.

The woman, an aged, traditional Indian lady, would not sign the consent forms until I was consulted and had given approval. I had noted the time of the call, so with that I began my calculations. My conclusion was that her condition was serious but not life-threatening.

Fundamentals of Horary Astrology

My client then conveyed this report to his wife and mother-in-law. But soon after, I received another call from my client: The condition is very serious, and my wife is doubtful. I looked at my calculations again and saw no indication of death.

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  • Prashna Vedic Horary Astrology Explanation of Prashna How to Ask a Prashna.

So I told her, "If your mother dies during or because of the surgery, I will not be able to explain it astrologically. If that happens, I will give up the practice of astrology. My conviction was so firm that the wife's mother then signed the consent forms and underwent surgery.

Later that day when I came back to my apartment, I found a message on my answering machine: For more information on Prasna see Astamangala Deva Prashna.

Read What is Vedic Astrology? The comment area below is to discuss about the science of prasna but not to ask your own personal prasnas.

Such comments will be deleted. If you are serious about asking a prasna then fill in the prasna form.

Other Articles on Horary Astrology

Thank you for understanding and for keeping the comment section focused on its original purpose. In this scene from the 3rd canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam we see Lord Kapiladeva , an incarnation of Lord Krsna, who expounded the Sankhya philosophy. Kardama Muni married Devahuti on the condition that after he begot a son from her that he would leave for the forest to self realization.

His wife also wanted to get the same benefit but could not follow her husband, but the Son being the expansion of the father and the Supreme Personality of Godhead blessed His mother with fearlessness by answering her questions -- prasna -- about the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna.

Fundamentals of Horary Astrology

A scene from the 10th canto Srimad Bhagavatam: Rukmini asked Krsna to kidnap her so that she could marry Him instead of Sisupal.

Image copyright Bhaktivedanta Booktrust, Krishna. A scene from the Light of the Bhagavatam: