Male gemini compatibility

The Gemini Man: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
  1. Gemini Man and Leo Woman ⋆ Astromatcha
  2. Gemini Man in Love & Relationships
  4. Gemini man personality traits and characteristics
  5. Mars enters Aries

As with other highly intellectual signs the price paid for his mental firepower is a relative lack of emotion and a very low tolerance for boredom. He thinks too much, and feels too little, which has some consequences in many aspects of his life. Dynamic and exciting he's easily bored, and favors variety in all things.

He probably has multiple interests, each holding his telescopic attention for short bursts. Be as adventurous as you like! Your Gemini man appreciates variety, and is a good choice to experiment with.

Gemini Man and Leo Woman ⋆ Astromatcha

He will prefer sex being somewhat unpredictable or varied. In the long term this can be a challenge for those leaning in other directions. One thing to know is that in some ways he enjoys the theory more than the practice and has a good imagination. If you like sex once a week on Mondays at 10pm and only in the missionary position, you can still keep things unpredictable by talking about wild and unusual ideas.

Gemini Man in Love & Relationships

Don't worry, he won't hold you to any of it, so be as outrageous as you like to keep him guessing. It's the mental stimulation more than the physical which is important.

This is always a hard question to answer, as one person's idea of kinky can be very different to someone else's. Individuals also vary a lot, so this is a bad area to generalize in. All things being equal though, Gemini men are amongst the more kinky, yes. Ageless, charming and clever, Gemini is an excellent communicator, and can talk the birds out of the trees.


Exciting and stimulating lovers, they have their own brand of charisma, and if they set their mind to pursuing someone will typically succeed. He is very friendly and communicative by nature, and this can sometimes be seen as flirtatious whether intentional or not.

Gemini men get some bad press in this area related to getting bored with partners. Work on the assumption that the day your Gemini man totally understands you will be the day he gets bored and act accordingly. This isn't a sign you want to bare your soul to, or share everything with.

Gemini man personality traits and characteristics

Be as mysterious and deep as possible. Gemini's love puzzles, and the trick here is to be a human puzzle. While playing mind games is generally cruel, in this case it will be indirectly appreciated.

Gemini men are often unromantic, so love notes and whispering sweet nothings isn't normally their style. They're typically fairly straightforward and will outright tell you they love you. Often the bigger issue is determining how sincere they are. If you're questioning the sincerity the most obvious physical signs are that if they love someone they want to be around them all the time, they'll share personal details with you and get a little jealous less so than most other signs if you hang out with other people while ignoring them.

For a full description of how a Gemini man acts when in love please see our article on Gemini in love. Your Gemini will have his own unique personality traits. This article talks about sun signs, however there are many other factors. For example his moon sign determines his emotional personality which affects whether he is sensitive, romantic, loyal etc.

With his date, time and location of birth these other factors can be calculated for a complete picture of his personality.

To explore this further please see my article on astrology compatibility readings.

Mars enters Aries

I have a list of the top most famous Gemini celebrities and historical figures. Your best approach is to be deep, mysterious and interesting, without being too emotionally needy or intense. If you can keep him guessing, and give him a lot of freedom you'll find it's repaid.

Ideally you should have your own interests, and be spontaneous enough to surprise him occasionally. Everything fascinates him and he is ever curious. He loves problem-solving and approaches challenges like a game, applying his cool logic to reason himself out of hairy situations.

A social sign, the Gemini man is most comfortable in social situations, holding forth on a variety of topics, ideas, and opinions. Gemini men love interesting company and are fascinated by the different and the exotic. Charming and congenial, the Gemini man is popular and effusive with his friends. Kennedy, and Johnny Depp.

Charming, flirty, and irresistible, he has incredibly high standards and may throw up a smoke screen or act unpredictably to hide his deepest emotions. The intellectual Twin is not always comfortable with the great passions that lie within him which are unleashed when he falls in love.

For this reason, the Gemini man does not fall in love easily or often. Thoughts, not emotions, influence him the most, so get him talking about his opinions. He is a fun loving and roguish lover, with bold romantic gestures.

  1. Summary of Gemini compatibility;
  2. Gemini and Gemini - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life?
  3. Compatibility of Gemini Man and Leo Woman.
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Game, set, and match — love is sometimes pure diversion for the Gemini man. In relationships, Gemini men will often exasperate their partners with their objective reasoning in arguments.

Routine is anathema to the Gemini man, so the biggest threat to a relationship with a Gemini is boredom. His partner will have to keep up with his mental gymnastics or risk losing his attention. A partner must also be extremely intelligent and secure enough to provide him with plenty of space to roam.

Playful in the bedroom, sex is an adventure for the Gemini man. He wants to try new things, new toys, and new positions. Mental games, rapid-fire riposte, sexual banter — all these things turn him on more than satin lingerie or candlelight ever will. His is a cerebral kind of sexuality, and he will use all the information at his disposal to please his partner satisfactorily in bed.

The Gemini man is a generous lover, and seldom possessive or jealous. He is generally considered most compatible with Libra, Aquarius, Leo, and Aries.

Gemini and Libra Compatibility

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Capricorn and Aquarius Compatibility: Radiantly Reckless Taurus Moon Compatibility: Compassionate and Caring Leo Moon Compatibility: Passionate Pride Virgo Moon Compatibility: Precise and Perfect Libra Moon Compatibility: Languidly Loving Scorpio Moon Compatibility: