Capricorn weekly horoscope rita ann

Rita Ann Freeman's Weekly Horoscope
  1. Weekly Horoscope for Taurus
  2. Daily Horoscopes for Capricorn
  3. Capricorn Weekly Astrology Forecasts Released on Monday
  4. Weekly Horoscope for Taurus |

Many of you will have a highly enjoyable 24th and 25th if you let yourself because indications are that in the early morning hours of the 25th repressed emotions must be examined and if there are those among you who have a history of having problems with the 25th you need to examine them and shake them off and get in the spirit and set things aside and place the needs of the others around you ahead of your own and dive into the day and enjoy what is there for you to enjoy.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscopes Beginning Sunday

Get in the spirit! Relish the day and these little 24 hours that means so much to everyone you love. The 26th is filled with excellent bargains and if you are fortunate you'll go shopping and find the dreams of avarice as you love to save money. The 27th indications are you show excellent he's with members of the opposite sex and getting all your request is granted and getting the nod on almost any wish you have appears likely.

You have but to ask.

Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Friday the 28th is an excellent day for a birthday as you become the center of attention birthday or not, and tons of affection are headed your way. Saturday the 29th don't be stubborn and try to be an agreeable soul with every opportunity you have. Sunday the 30th your stars indicated excellent day with soft emotions and agreeable energies.

This week you may be required to have nerves of steel, especially in newer relationship status.

Daily Horoscopes for Capricorn

A frank or open discussion the 26th may put a new spin hand a positive direction of a fledgling status, especially one with Scorpio , Cancer , other Sea Goat, Pisces or Taurus. Single Capricorn s may find serendipitous encounters with Virgo , Aries , Aquarius or Leo near the 29th and could prove to be lifelong and quick starting.

Read the weekly partner horoscope Rita Ann is a very high profile astrologer. Fifth generation, Rita Ann started studying at age 4, charting at age 9, amateur counseling at age 15, and went professional in her mid twenties after college.

Boy, when you do it you do it up big and it looks like you've done it up big this year as your stars indicate you have gone all out for the 24th and 25th and you will be able to relax and enjoy your excess the 25th all day long.

Expressions of your love and affection will reverberate back to you much of the day of the 25th and again the 26th especially in the afternoon hours.

Hot bargains the 26th and 27th may send some of you to the mall or have your fingers clicking on online deals. Hope you have some room left on your plastic. Take the initiative and don't sit on your hands on the 28th as indications are it is a day of action for you especially with certain members in your family like Capricorn , Scorpio , Libra , Cancer and other Taurus.

Capricorn Weekly Astrology Forecasts Released on Monday

Reach out to them if they appear to need you and be there for them if they are seeming to have either a bad day or are in need of your input.

Highly idealistic and enjoyable energies are indicated for the 29th and 30th and preparations for the New Year may have your head spinning.

Capricorn Weekly Astrology & Tarot Horoscope December 10-17 2018

Parties and gatherings are likely but a personal agenda of your own running at the same time seems quite likely. A frank or open discussion the 26th may put a new spin hand a positive direction of a fledgling status, especially one with Scorpio , Cancer , other Sea Goat, Pisces or Taurus.

Single Capricorn s may find serendipitous encounters with Virgo , Aries , Aquarius or Leo near the 29th and could prove to be lifelong and quick starting.

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  7. Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn.

Read the weekly partner horoscope New friends are very likely near the 26th to 29th and certainly from any social or community events schedule around them. Having someone's ego 'get in the way' is a rather viable 'threat' this week, particularly near the more sensitive days of the 26th and again the 28th.

Weekly Horoscope for Taurus |

Power or money people need to get a strong impression of cooperation, professionalism and respect, especially near the 26th and the 27th. Any goal, job or project that was improperly handled, especially the 26th, will draw the attention of others, big time.

Heads will likely roll!

Don't be one of them! This week's scenario is highlighted by you finding yourself revealing secrets or very private matters, and also asking very penetrating questions of others.