Magi astrology midpoints

Definition of Success
  2. Applied Magi Astrology
  3. Planetary Symbolisms
  4. Astrology Education | Midpoints

In order to completely understand why any marriage results in heartbreak, we need to study the Marriage Chart. We have written in our books and websites that we believe the future of a marriage depends in large part on the alignment of the planets Planetary Geometry on the wedding day.

If the planetary alignments on a wedding day are on the whole horrible, the marriage will almost surely result in heartbreak. The marriage of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston has resulted in heartbreak. The main astrological reason Brad and Jennifer are now experiencing heartbreak is because the Planetary Geometry was horrible on their wedding day.

We have been telling the astrological community how crucial a Marriage Chart is. Below is the tenth principle: No matter how much two persons love each other, and no matter how well their two astrological charts match up, if the two persons get married on a horrible astrological day, their marriage would still be tumultuous and stressful, and probably result in heartbreak.

Happiness can be attained by getting married on a perfect astrological day, if the date is properly selected utilizing Magi Astrology. The Magi Society wished the golden couple all the best and we were hoping for them to have a lifelong happy marriage.

But we were very concerned that their marriage would result in heartbreak because they were married on a Heartbreak Day. There are two major types of Heartbreak Days: This can occur in four ways: Saturn co-rules deception with Juno and it's the planet of control and dominance, including that of others. Saturn represents bad luck and confusion.

Uranus Uranus represents freedom and independence and the urge for both. Technology, aviation and space travel are ruled by Uranus. Media, fame and broadcasting come under Uranus as does anything that has to do with the public or is massive in size. Neptune Neptune rules longevity and anything that is long-term, such as real estate and patents. It's a sensual and creative planet that also rules health and youthfulness.

The sea, shipping and safe passage are ruled by Neptune as is electricity. Pluto Pluto rules power and the preservation of power, including the establishment.

It rules corporations and big business. It rules drastic changes, beginnings and endings. It rules never being satisfied and the hunger for power as well as possessiveness.

Chiron Chiron rules true love and marriage. It rules charisma, public image and karmic bonds and intuitive trust. It rules your career and your earning power.

Chiron also represents life, death and reincarnation. Juno Juno is an important planet in relationships in that it creates false expectations and deception. Juno rules sexual attraction and spells, sex without soul and narcissism. Relationships built on the allure of Juno can turn horrific once the spell breaks. Vesta Vesta represents authentic friendship, compatibility and connection.

It's a social planet that represents gentleness and giving. Vesta is reciprocal and rules both congeniality and fans.

Ceres In Magi Astrology, Ceres is called the "little godfather of business" and it accelerates everything it connects into. Ceres rules commercialisation and is often selfish. Pallas Pallas rules that which is logical, ordered and sequenced. This includes computer programmes and musical compositions.

Sedna Sedna is a difficult planet that requires absolute integrity from the person or object of the chart, lest it degenerates into corruption, unjust gains and immorality. Sappho Sappho is another difficult planet that connects into boundary issues, including lack of effective boundaries, which can result in neurotic behaviour and obsession.

Midpoints A variety of midpoints are also used in Magi Astrology.

These combine the influence of two planets into a separate entity, which can speak just as loudly as a real planet. Magi Astrology uses degree midpoints.

The Importance of Planetary Symbolisms. No, I am not unfaithful, illoyal or simply interested in sexual gratification. BUT I also notice that I seem to be more discontent than other people. I rather be alone, than be with someone without that spark.

I often have that feeling of: What if there is something else, something more, something deeper? I am not unfaithful, but I guess I am a bit of a "restless soul". Maybe that is Uranus-Juno. I think Venus-Juno would be different though. All I know is for me I could not be content with the "status quo" in relationships.

There has to be that inner flame. I guess I simply want too much. Oh and I also have a strong Vesta aspect in the declinations if I remember it right. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Applied Magi Astrology

Like all astrology it probably has to be seen in the context of the whole chart. In my case I have it both there, the signs of a "wandering soul" and a "faithful devoted heart". Interstingly though, even in traditional astrology Venus-Chiron conjunction is sometimes referred to as "true love". Of course if someone puts a square of Mars to our Chiron, it could be like a bulldozer on that very tender spot.

I agree with that. Mar posted February 07, Ceridwen, although this post is addressed to you as I am answering your direct questions, because this seems to be a very global issue related to Magi Astrology, please know that while you are reading this that my answer is both for you and for others who may follow this thread.

The Jupiter clash with Saturn was the second most common element for committed romantic relationships that do not last.

The Magi Society has never said at anytime, or anywhere that these clash aspects are fiat accompli.

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They have never said or even insinuated that there are no people who have successful committed long-term relationships with these aspects in play.

What the Magi Society has said is the each of these aspects is an exceptionally strong indicator of relationship turmoil so significant that the relationship has a high likelihood of failure. It is very much akin to a visit to the physician and finding out you have a catastrophic illness.

It is likely you will die, it is probable you will die, but there is also a chance you may not die. The Magi Society is no different than the physician in this example. Their prognosis is based on the research and the probabilities it revealed.

The Magi Society has also said that the day you meet someone for the very first time and those transits to your chart on that day play a big role in the outcome of the relationship.

Furthermore they have also said that the marriage chart is extremely powerful and if you get married on day that is astrologically auspicious in and of itself, AND the transits of that day make it a particularly auspicious day for both the charts of the husband and wife, that a fabulous wedding chart can help couples overcome very difficult clashes in their CAC.

There are no guarantees. There are no hundred percent certainties, just probability and likelihood. But also note that just like what your brief investigation uncovered, the more clashes you have the lower the probability they can be overcome. One thing to be very clear on is that while these clashes can be overcome, they cannot be extinguished.

The energy will be expressed in some form. The energy is definitely in play. If you research these couples you will find that, just like in the case of your parents, the energy will play out somewhere.

Planetary Symbolisms

There most likely is not enough attraction to begin with without some very powerful compatibility and romance linkages. Lots of helpful compatibility and romance linkages help, but they are not a cure all and they will not, in and of themselves, guarantee a successful overcoming of the clashes.

Anyway, is it true that with the midpoint-axis we only consider conjunction, trine, quinkunx, square so no opposition, sextile, semisextile?

In Magi Astrology the far and near midpoints are used concurrently. When referring to a midpoint aspect, you would use the most powerful expression of the pairing; conjunction, trine, square, and quincunx. Either the far and the near may be used in planetary geometry, regardless of the specific aspect the midpoint creates within the planetary geometry.

In Magi Astrology midpoints may make both parallel and contra-parallel aspects with planets and with other midpoints. The only notable exception is that declinational Magi Quads must have parallel midpoints to be considered a Magi Quad.

A Magi Quad may not be constructed with contra-parallel midpoint aspects. Jul posted February 08, While if there were strong indicators of romantic and sexual attraction, it would most likely play out in a different way. I also found that often the first meeting chart will reflect the overall essence of the CAC.

Even though it of course is not the foundation date of Magi astrology, it was then that they "went public". I was rather surprised to find that day had an exact opposition of Chiron to Saturn.

Of course there were also some other more positive aspects, but given the warnings they give about Saturn-Chiron, it surprised me to find that aspect in the publishing-chart.

Longlasting Neptune success Jupiter in writing Mercury about the astrology Uranus of love and money Venus as indicator of both? Two or more planets that are equal distant from the celestial equator, with each stellar body being either north OR south in declination.

An aspect formed when two planets are in opposite declination, that is, when they are the same distance from the celestial equator, one north of it and one south. Generally considered to operate like an opposition. Two or more planets that are equal distant from the celestial equator, with one stellar body being north in declination and the other body being south.

The influence is considered to be much like a opposition, although some consider similar to the conjunction. But can it still have some sort of an enhancement effect on the triangle, enough to make it a Romantic Mystical Triangle?

Max orb between two people's chart are 3' so is too wide Basic astrology forum, How to approach Synastry http: Jun posted February 08, It acts just like Saturn in these matters? Oh, and out of personal interest too, I don't find many Mercury magi aspects online, would a clash between Mercury and Neptune mean a lack of faith in what Mercury says for example?

Thanks in advance for any information. Jul posted February 10, It is considered a Cinderella linkage, right? And very positive for a relationship. Another question concerns Neptune and Pluto; if they are linking to Chiron those are considered Cinderella linkages as well, but how significant are they in actuality?

Mar posted February 11, The clash would not apply in this example. The parallel is not a clash aspect in Magi Astrology. I am currently looking into planetary geometry, and saw that in a heliocentric CAC there was a Yod, comprised of Venus, Mars and Pluto. Is this a sexual Dragon? They are in the category of romantic linkages, but they are not the most romantic of the romantic linkages.

The most powerful linkages in terms of purely romantic energy are linkages between romance planets; Chiron, Venus, and Neptune. Special Linkages the are Signs of Love and Intimacy, is a helpful refresher.

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You can download it and the other the first 14 chapters here: Would they be helpful to ignite the romantic fires as Venus rules both seduction and desire? Do not forget that the Magi Society symbolism for Venus is very different than mainstream astrology.

Planets Have Personalities and Symbolisms the Magi Society devotes three pages of that chapter just to symbolism relating to Venus. This is because we at the Society are idealistic and think love is forever.

Nothing with Venus is forever, though. These concepts would be more in line with where you are headed in terms of raising the level of romantic attraction.

Jul posted February 11, Though you said that only the strongest aspects to midpoints are considered,m and since I guess, the parallel is stronger than the contraparallel, the far midpoint, if contraparallel something would not be considered? But if this is so, does that mean that there are no clashes with midpoints in the declinations?

Astrology Education | Midpoints

Because one midpoint would be parallel and one contraparallel and only the parallel would be counted? Especially the longer chapter on the special linkages is really a "Must read". As well as the one on Romance Super linkages. In fact I have always interpreted Venus as a sign of seduction, sensuality, romantic attraction rather than love.

And I find that Venus actually can be a bit on the selfish side, even if it is wrapped up in a smooth and sweet package. Seduction sums it up pretty much I think. Which aspectfigures would be considered strongest in a CAC? Grand trine, I guess. Still symmetrical, but not containing pure enhancements Mystical Triangle, too, though it is not symmetrical, but at least contains one pure enhancement somewhere?

Mar posted February 12, Hello Ceridwen, Yes, without question Magi Astrology is very systematic and exceptionally logical. The Magi Society asserts that they are the largest association of scientific astrologers in the world. Theirs is a methodology based on research using generally accepted scientific protocols and it shows in how their brand of astrology is practiced.

It's been months since I am moaning about the system failure of astrology. If what you say above is correct, Magi astrology could be the one I am looking for. Thank you so much!