Number 25 song on your birthday billboard

Number one today, December 27 2018
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So sorry to see you go! Not to the level it ended up being. But I could feel this buzz. Before long, 21 had gone to No 1 in nearly 30 countries. In the UK and the US it bedded in at the top of the charts for a month, for two — for half a year.

Soon Amazon confirmed it had never shipped more CDs. Guinness kept preparing new bouquets of world records. Having already celebrated 21 as its album of the year for , the trade magazine Billboard was obliged to make 21 its album of the year again, for The producers of James Bond invited Adele to sing the theme for a new instalment, Skyfall , and when it was released as a single, that sold millions, too.

She won a Golden Globe.

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In Britain, she became Miss Adele Adkins MBE, the honour lengthening her name even as Adele became so well known around the world that a first name would always do.

When critics at Rolling Stone decided 21 was among the best albums ever made by a woman , Adele was pipped only by Patti, Stevie, Dusty, Joni and Aretha.

What was Number 1 on my 14th birthday? Find out what song supposedly 'defines your life'

It was said that, when a song by Adele played on the radio at Leeds General hospital, a girl awoke from a coma. In the ramshackle lounge at XL, she has started to play me Palms tight around a mug of tea, she cocks her head and mouths along to the first track: After my, uh, sabbatical.

That apple core — the one left behind in the lounge by whichever XL employee was using the room last — begins to tremble and fizz whenever her vocal climbs in pitch The label still occupies the same tumbledown office it always did, on a mews in west London.

Body-rubbed posters of affiliated artists overlap on the walls of the lobby, the one advertising 21 gummed up behind an umbrella stand. A fruit bowl has three shrivelled pears in it. Other things changed in her life. Definitely there were fewer queues, cruddy tasks, trips by public transport.

At the same time she lost her access to some of the easy small talk and anonymity of everyday life. And I understand that.

Cooler-than-you cool, a fringed teenager who went around behind aviators and Marlboro smoke, whose friends were mostly striving artists, who kept in her bag a copy of Time Out folded to the gigs page.

When I first saw Adele perform, at a small London show back in , she came on stage wearing a floral frock and a snarl.

She played an acoustic guitar while drinking a pint. By the time I met her in New York, this phase was more or less over, the singer now dressing in black, favouring big lashes and lots of liquid eyeliner. The inner hipster hung around, though; Adele retains the use of a fully-functioning dickhead radar.

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Everything you can imagine. Books, clothes, food ranges, drink ranges, fitness ranges They wanted me to be the face of a car. A million pounds to sing at your birthday party? It draws you in. But after a while I just refused to accept a life that was not real. Or — no — expecting things to be done for you.

And it frightened me. I think it was something simple like running out of clean clothes. And me not having the initiative to wash my own clothes.

Occasionally, on the tracks I hear from her new album, Adele sounds as if she pines for her pre- 21 days. I miss it when life was a party to be thrown But actually I love it. One particular lyric, from a song called Million Years Ago, seems to point to an explicit malaise.

What does that feel like? It makes you lonely. I mean, I can usually break the ice. A contradiction troubles the very famous.

Adele: ‘I can finally reach out a hand to my ex. Let him know I’m over it’ | Music | The Guardian

They might only be exposed to the worst of the rest of us, inquisitiveness through a long-lens, clamminess up close. Ridiculously, surprisingly, I was starstruck almost to incoherence on meeting Adele — managing only a croaky greeting before scurrying away across the venue.

Where, inevitably, I spent most of the gig craning my neck to gawp at her. A few years ago Adele settled down with a new boyfriend, a charity executive called Simon Konecki. In they had a son together, Angelo. Gawping from a distance, it appeared as if romance and motherhood provoked a period of hibernation. We saw her out at two Brit awards, two Grammys ceremonies, and in early she flew to Hollywood for the Globes and the Oscars, not so long after giving birth.

Which loads of people were doing, by the way.

Does the Number 1 on your 14th birthday define your life?

All these Hollywood superstars, lined up and breastfeeding in the ladies. Because I saw their tits. Tussauds unveiled a waxwork.

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Even I can see it was a bit weird. I think it was the right thing. It slowed everything down. For my children, if I have more. I want my child to see his mum running a proper business again. Being a boss again. Hopefully smashing it again. In the lounge at XL, we start to nod our heads, bounce knees, tap hands on available surfaces.

My love is deep and true with my man, and that puts me in a position where I can finally reach out a hand to the ex.

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A policy of namelessness seems to be part of a deal Adele has made with herself, a way of discussing her new album without too badly waiving the privacy of those closest to her. It must have been easier to cluck away about a meanie former boyfriend.