Horoscope taurus february 2019 in urdu

Taurus Horoscope 2019: You May Indulge In Leisure
  1. Taurus Horoscope 2019
  2. Taurus Horoscope | Taurus Horoscope - Find Your Fate
  3. Yearly Horoscope 2019
  4. Yearly Horoscope by Moon Sign

Already married siblings are feeling the weight of the relationship the burdens are heavy.

Taurus Horoscope 2019

Taureans working towards a second marriage have good opportunities this year. They should look close to home, in the neighbourhood. Those working towards a third marriage have an exciting social life but marriage is not likely nor is it advisable. Your 2nd House of Finance is not a House of Power this year.

There is much freedom to shape your financial life, as you will. In spite of this perhaps because of this I see prosperity this year. Increases in earnings, travel and travel opportunities, pay rises, promotions and more recognition for your work.

You seem loose and carefree when it comes to money and the anxiety and strain, which tend to block earnings are removed. Mercury, your Financial Planet, is a fast-moving planet that will move through all the Signs and Houses of your Horoscope in the year ahead.

Financial trends will be short term and are best covered in the monthly forecasts. As always, more than most, you need to be careful when Mercury retrogrades three times a year. These are times when your financial judgement can be confused or not up to par.

Financial confidence is not what it should be either. This too, will be covered in the monthly forecasts. Your 10th House of Career is a House of Power and important changes are going on this year.

You felt the beginnings of them last year but now the change is in full swing. Your career is going to involve more creativity. You have a need to follow a career path that lets you express your highest ideals.

You need to feel that your work helps the world, that it has some meaning and purpose.

Taurus Horoscope | Taurus Horoscope - Find Your Fate

Friendships and networking are unusually important in advancing your career these days. This has been a trend for many years and is now even stronger. You are meeting important friends, people of high status, people who can and want to advance your career.

You have a knack for knowing the right people and this is a big help to you. Many a Taurus is going to opt for a spiritual or artistic career. Many will seek jobs in spiritual or charitable organisations. Job seekers have wonderful aspects all year With almost all the long-term planets either making good aspects to you or leaving you alone, your health is excellent this year and, though your 6th House of Health will become powerful after September 25th , I read this as more of an interest in health education and in health regimes.

You are interested in health for its own sake and not because you are under the weather.

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It means a healthy social and love life. It means looking good as well as feeling good. There is a strong connection between love, vanity and health Please keep in mind that a personal Horoscope for your exact birthday, birth time and birthplace could modify what is said here.

When your love life is good, health tends to be good. When health is good, your love life tends to be good. When health is good, you look good. It all translates almost immediately into your physical appearance. When health suffers, your looks suffer in a more dramatic way than for most people. Often the cure for a health problem will be to cure a problem in a love relationship.

Equally often, it will mean sprucing up your image, buying some nice clothing or a fashion accessory or getting your hair done. And often, it will merely involve giving your body some of the sensual pleasure it needs.

Overall paying more attention to your kidneys, hips and buttocks can enhance good health. Your kidneys can be strengthened in many natural, drugless ways such as foot and hand chiropractic, kinesiology, herbology, acupressure, acupuncture, massage and shiatsu just to name a few.

With the Lord of your 8th House moving into your 6th House of Health on September 25th , Taureans would get good results from detox and elimination regimes.

Pluto in your 8th House of elimination reinforces this. These elimination or detox regimes can be herbal, nutritional or mechanical i. Health becomes more interesting beginning September 25th. You may have to put more efforts in education to get good marks. Laziness and distractions might creep in to shatter your sheer concentration.

Parents and elders are advised to take this into consideration and offer their children a good environment for studies. You are advised to take this opportunity and make use of it to excel in your studies.

Saraswati Homa to Excel in Education. Hang out with your family or friends to sweep off depression. Good time to take a break from hectic activities and offer some comfort to your body.

Practice breathing exercises and meditate during the twilight.

Stay away from anger, stress, and thoughts revolving around a painful state of past affairs. Avoid extremely spicy foods.

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  • .
  • You might experience urinary infection or discomfort in the lower part of the abdomen. Consume a lot of fluids to enjoy good health. Stay away from crowded areas. Listen to good music to divert your mind. Dhanvantri Homa for Good Health. April, June, August, October during these months you are advised to pray to your favorite deity and perform recommended rituals.

    This month, you need to be very specific in all your activities, which may otherwise cause unnecessary confusi Taurus Love and Relationships: Your love life would be normal this month.

    Yearly Horoscope 2019

    You may want to take your love to the next level by bringing up the Taurus Money and Finances: This month, financially you would be normal.

    You may make some expenses for prestigious purposes. This month, you need to be careful while handling tough and sensitive works. Confusions arising in work may ca Business would go averagely with an increase in pending works this month. You should take a stand on your comm You would be very confident in finishing your works within the committed time, but due to certain unavoidable Your health may upset you for the most part of this month.

    You would not follow your diet properly, which may Taurus Student and Education: You would continue to be efficient in all matters. Expected results in examinations are foreseen.

    Daily predictions are very accurate , appreciate your Team for their in deep understanding of Astrology. At first my situation was hopeless and I was facing lot of hurdles to get admission. After chanting those mantras, I got admission easily.

    Yearly Horoscope by Moon Sign

    I would like to thank Mr. Karthik for his awesome prediction that changed my life today. This can keep you grounded.

    The full moon the next day brings you all the comfort and pleasure that is near to home. People may be crazy busy, but there's still time for tender, sensitive gift giving between friends, and for doing and receiving favors that make this season so great. Ask an experienced psychic.

    There's something you still need to know! DEC 27, - The moon squares larger-than-life Jupiter, providing the motivation to attack issues and turn them into opportunities.

    Taurus Horoscope 2019: Good Time To Set Priorities

    Initially a nameless card, Death very seldom literally means death. Instead it is the image of profound transformation, the ending of one cycle, and the transition into a new state. Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who