Capricorn horoscope today january 24 2019

Mars enters Aries
  1. Catalog Navigation
  2. Daily Horoscope for Wednesday January 24
  3. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:
  4. Capricorn Horoscope Overview -

A Mercury-Pluto alignment gives all signs some major things to think about, and all signs may find themselves ruminating on issues, plans, or getting frustrated when a project or relationship has stalled.

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Today is a great day to let go of expectations and just live moment to moment. Today, as always, everything will shake out in the end.

Control what you can, but let the rest go. Here, what else to expect for all star signs for Wednesday, January Want to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your horoscope!

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday January 24

You may find yourself getting caught up and frustrated in a lot of detail-oriented drama. Socializing can bring you out of a bad mood and can help give you the perspective you crave. The trick today is to let your vulnerability show. You like being in control, in charge, and the one orchestrating events. What if you were to let go, just a little bit?

See what happens—you may be surprised.

If something is bothering you, speak up! You may find a lot of social plans cropping up, and find them to be a great distraction from some stress and drama.

Capricorn :Your live will change in 2019

So, yes, escape, but have a return plan! Can just trust, just once, that everything is the way it should be?

More Inspiration

You believe in the power of your intuition, but your mind is gunning for a decision that may not make sense to your body. You have more time than you think you do.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:

Old, reliable income streams may have dried up, but this cleared the way for new opportunities to start flowing in. All these gifts should come in handy around the Aquarius new moon on February 4, when Mercury also in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus.

Some unexpected expenses may pop up—possibly related to home or family—but try to take them in stride. Money management is just one part of a very diverse skill set—and the spring of provides plenty of opportunities to show off your range at work!

Capricorn Horoscope Overview -

Between April 27 and June 24, inner planets traveling through Gemini will activate the Jupiter-Neptune square, making it a very fine line between service and self-martyrdom.

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