Aquarius aquarius cusp friendship compatibility

  1. 4 Traits of the Capricorn Aquarius Cusp
  2. 4 Capricorn Aquarius Cusp Traits that Make People Jealous
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Further, Librans are also masters of diplomacy and will easily strategize their goals and communicate with these cusps. The lack of the ability to receive criticism in a sporting manner which is common in the Capricorn Aquarius cusp is compensated with the diplomatic abilities of the Librans.

This makes them the perfect partners of this cusp! Geminis are gentle, affectionate, and highly adaptable. Like the Capricorn Aquarius cusps, Gemini have a wide social circle and communicate well with people.

In fact, the communication skills of Gemini are some of the best! The partnership between a Gemini and a Capricorn Aquarius cusp is bound to result in the best entertainers at any social gathering.

Since Gemini are themselves intellectuals, they bond well with the Capricorn Aquarius cusps. This made for each other couple will definitely have an amazing relationship! Gemini is itself an air sign and will thus mix well with the cusp that takes the earth sign from Capricorn and the air sign from Aquarius.

Since Cancerians are themselves understanding and supportive individuals, they will relate well to the dreams and aspirations of their partners, helping them fulfil those with a great zeal.

All they need is someone supportive and strong whom they can look up to when seeking inspiration. This makes Cancerians the ideal romantic partners for the Capricorn Aquarius cusps. In fact, Cancerian men are the best matches for Capricorn Aquarius cusp women. After all, they can best handle these powerful personalities!

Since Pisces are the 12 th and the last sign of the zodiac, they understand and blend well with the traits of their peers, particularly those that precede them. Since Capricorn and Aquarius immediately precede Pisces, the latter have a great understanding with the Capricorn Aquarius cusps.

Since the Capricorn Aquarius cusps are imaginative individuals, a relationship with a Piscean will add colors to their vivid dreams. Pisceans are known to provide the much-needed inspiration and support that these cusps need from time to time. Furthermore, like Capricorn Aquarius cusps, Pisceans too are highly creative and thus add to the creative qualities of this cusp.

Like the Capricorn Aquarius cusp, Virgos are humanitarian souls at heart. Their sole aim is to help others achieve their way and attain freedom.

4 Traits of the Capricorn Aquarius Cusp

They are both high achievers and dedicated to make their dreams come true. They both have a disciplined approach and value culture and tradition. Like the Capricorn Aquarius cusp, Virgo too follows a practical approach while also being a highly emotional being when it comes to matters of love and relationship.

In fact, Virgos, with their high standards, make for great inspirations for these cuspians. Together, they make for a great pair! The Capricorn Aquarius cusps are very comfortable with Scorpio Sagittarius cusps.

They also partner well with the Virgo Libra cusp and the Pisces Aries cusp. As the Capricorn Aquarius cusp is a mix of the earth and air elements, they will have lasting relationships with Aries and Sagittarius which are the fire signs.

However, beware, for these combinations, particularly with Sagittarius, can leave them confused and wondering! The air signs, it is believed, are best suited as romantic partners for the Capricorn Aquarius cusp. One thing is for sure: They are highly social beings and love to be with people. While Capricorn Aquarius cusps might seem mysterious and quiet from outside, they experience a plethora of continuous emotions and thoughts in their mind.

They have a strong sense of emotions and understanding.

Capricorn being an earth sign and Aquarius an air sign, the cusp acquires the traits of both and gets a character of its own. They are highly responsible souls who can be trusted upon and will never let their partners down.

They make for great partners with Gemini and Libra since they will be very communicative and understanding. They will also fare well with the fire signs since the latter make things lighter and fun for the sometimes serious cusps.

These cusps particularly have a great way with logic and reasoning abilities. Moreover, they are great leaders and visionaries. They are also judgemental, detached, and aloof at times and might seem lost in their own world. A zodiac sign that can balance these traits well will be the best soulmate for these cusps!

If you were born in the cusp of mystery and imagination, as the Capricorn Aquarius cusp is called, you are an extremely hard working individual. Equally interesting is your love life, where you seek intellectual partners who can inspire you to dream big and chase your dreams!

You tend to gel will with Librans owing to their beautiful personality that is known to establish a balance in everything they do. They will help you face criticism and understand life as it comes.

4 Capricorn Aquarius Cusp Traits that Make People Jealous

Pisceans too make for great soulmates thanks to their creativity and imagination. They fit very well into your dreamy world and will provide you the critical support and inspiration when you need it the most. Virgo, like the Capricorn Aquarius cusps, are kind-hearted and compassionate souls and will do everything it takes to make someone happy.

These cusps tend to have a healthy relationship with the water signs as the latter respect and understand the cusps well. Cancerians are ideal matches, particularly, if you are a cusp female.

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While the earthy Capricorn teaches our cuspian to be more stable, the Aquafish fills the goat's life with romance, color, and creative ideas. Both of them are not alike in any manner, but yet, they complement each other like none other.

Cusp of Aquarius Capricorn! (January 20th -26th)

The Aquafish tends to get a little wobbly at times because of being swayed from materialism to spiritualism, illusion to disillusion! This cusp is also not very good at handling the practical details of life. Therefore, being with a Capricorn helps this cusp become a bit closer to practicality and stand firm in reality.

Not that the goat would forbid the water-bearing mermaid to dive into the waves of spiritualism and imagination, but it will always be standing on the shore to see if the Aquafish is okay. Cancerians are ruled by the moon, making them highly sensitive and emotional in nature.

What makes this union so made for each other is the fact that it is the Moon that controls the tides in the ocean, tides that form with both water and air.

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Cancer is a cardinal sign, which means it is the initiator of the course that needs to be taken. This can be advantageous to the Aquarius-Pisces, as they tend to feel quite lost and become quite indecisive at times.

  • Dates: January 16 - 22.
  • Imagination / Contradiction / Mystery.
  • tlc birthday astrology january 15;

Another brownie point for our cusp would be the sensitive, caring, and protective nature of the crab. On the flip side, the crab can get very possessive when the Aquafish feels like taking a swim alone, not because it doesn't like the company of the crab, but because it wants to experience the tides with its own self. When both fail to see a point from the same angle, words may be fired at each other.

While the crab absorbs everything calmly, there might come a point when it will sting back with its claws and say some of the most hurtful things ever heard.

Libra is symbolized by the scales, scales that can be pulled from one extreme to another, but always work towards attaining a balance. Yes, because this cusp tends to dwindle between two extremely opposite worlds of the real and the unreal, where on one hand there is practicality, and on the other hand, there are innate desires, a Libran would help this cusp achieve a balance.

Librans are blessed with the ability to analyze the pros and cons of two extreme situations. They are the diplomats of the zodiac for sure! Being an air sign, they are also highly intellectual and can very much involve anyone in some great in-depth conversation.

Scorpio not only shares the watery tendencies of this cusp, but it also possesses many traits that can make the life of our cuspian quite firm and positive. The Aquafish is known as the psychic of all the cusp combinations that exist.

Also, both are loyal, romantic, sensual, and highly sensitive towards the harshness that surrounds them. While our cusp may get intimidated during turbulent times, the presence of the Scorpio's confident and assertive support will negate the questioning tendencies of this cusp.

Well, a Scorpio can be quite jealous and possessive at times. The need of this cusp to accumulate more and more experiences, even be a little flirtatious, can irate the Scorpion quite a bit, resulting it to bite the Aquafish with a venomous sting.

Scorpions are known for their ability to take revenge. And if this venomous aspect of this sign reaches the Aquafish, things can turn out pretty ugly. However, we are sure that the commonalities and the love between these two will save this relationship before it gets to that point.

This cuspian needs freedom based on trust and love. That being done, this sensitive but extremely lovable cuspian will make the union beautiful and dreamy beyond anyone's imagination! Pisces Man in Love. Pisces Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility.

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Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility. Capricorn Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility. Aries Man Pisces Woman Compatibility. Libra Man Pisces Woman Compatibility. Pisces Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility. Pisces Woman and Virgo Man Compatibility.