February 25 horoscope sign libra or libra

Love and Compatibility for February 25 Zodiac
  1. Birthday Compatibility, Zodiac Signs, Zodiac Compatibility
  2. Sabian Symbol
  3. February 25 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  4. The 12 Zodiac Signs

This is why you can be a very great worker, and a very lousy one as well. In fact, in many cases you exhibit both qualities at the same time. You just need to be approached properly for your boss to get the right kind of work from you. In fact, you can even overdeliver and impress people.

Birthday Compatibility, Zodiac Signs, Zodiac Compatibility

Unfortunately, you have such a touchy pride that if your superior says that wrong word, that would be enough for you to feel depressed, discouraged, and diminished. Not surprisingly, your work quality suffers accordingly.

Mars enters Aries

People born on February 25 are best fitted for jobs in the arts, seriously. There is moodiness and extreme emotional idealism on the one hand, and perfectionism and pride on the other.

You exhibit a lot of instability. In many cases, a little bit of instability can go a long way. The worst thing that can happen is when people think alike and feel alike, and they end up stepping off a cliff.

Unfortunately, it takes quite a while for you to get this realization.

While you can be a loving, supportive, and warm person, your tendency to insist on your personal view of emotional reality can earn you many enemies. The worst part is that you tend to attract enemies that operate in the shadows.

These are people who look like friends. In many cases they act like friends. They definitely sound like friends.

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But they often wait until the worst time possible for you before they stick the knife in. This is usually not physical. But they wait until the proper opportunity. When they let you down, it becomes a crushing letdown.

Sabian Symbol

So do yourself a favor and practice a little bit more empathy. As such, you suffer from mood swings. Give them the freedom to be wrong. Neptune is not only linked with emotions, but it is also known to be some sort of emotional dictator.

You feel that your emotional states are your personal connection to deep truth. You are under the impression that people would benefit tremendously from your deep personal truths. While that may be true at some level or other, ultimately it is false.

February 25 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

Because she is usually so attractive and charming, it is sometimes difficult for men to appreciate the talents and intellect of the typical Libra woman. In many ways she is the most feminine of the zodiacal types. It has been said that although she thinks like a man, she reasons like a woman.

These women have a natural ability to make relationships work. Though self-sufficient, they are not happy alone and usually have a partner in their lives. Libra children are naturally sweet and obedient. Even on rare occasions when their behavior is rebellious or aggressive, they are more well-mannered than other children.

February 25 - Birthday Horoscope Personality

Adolescence brings big changes; this is often the first time that the placid Libra child becomes difficult. They usually manage to retain their lovableness, but their freedom-loving nature often draws them into controversy. Libra men and women are the most romantic among the zodiacal types. Venus-ruled, they have an idealistic view of love and togetherness.

Once these people fall in love, they start thinking of marriage.

The 12 Zodiac Signs

Libras don't enjoy romantic suffering. Whenever they are disappointed in a relationship, a Libra man or woman will spend a little time grieving and then move to another partnership. Because they are very social people, Libras make good friends.

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Libras are great counselors, because they have the ability to weigh the pros and cons of an idea fairly and without bias. They love giving parties, and they have talent for making people feel at ease.