Astrology for the soul january 21 2019

  1. January lunar eclipse astrology
  2. Astrological Energy for the Soul 2018 – 2019 – 2020
  3. January 2019 lunar eclipse astrology

January lunar eclipse astrology

November 7 The North Node entering into Cancer for the next 1. November 9 Jupiter moving into Sagittarius for a year or more, gifting humanity with the spirit of freedom and fire, as well as a generous amount of hardcore philosophy and Truth, as we realign with natural law in an expansive way.

We will see generous donations of Natural Law wisdom from the Universe, and the desire for freedom, love and adventure wins out over the drudgery of the old paradigm. The death and rebirth of the old structure, the restructuring of society, our definition of success being rewritten, huge expansion in society, rising like a phoenix from the ashes of the old.

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  6. January 21 Birthday Horoscope .
  7. Astrological Energy for the Soul - - - ANARKEDEN.

The more loving and conscious we are the more smooth we can make this transition , its happening whether we are ready or not, and the universe is asking us to listen closely to our heart and intuition to ascertain True Divine Guidance at this time.

I think we need to all come to terms with the fact that we are in a pivotal moment in human history, we have been in world war 3 for a long time now.

The war against humanity, freedom and love. The war still persists. AnarkEden is a divinely channeled art-piece, an expression and declaration of love and freedom. I am setting a time-frame for the Uprising in order to provide focus and direction to humanity, with a vision that is appealing to all human beings at our deepest core.

Astrological Energy for the Soul 2018 – 2019 – 2020

I have faith humanity will implement AnarkEden. Permaculture is untapped and there is so much potential waiting to be made manifest through this study, same with astrology, consciousness, shamanism, metaphysics, shadow work, CE5, free energy etc.

We have limitless discovery potential before us. Permaculture is the most beautiful thing I have ever come across. Astrology ties everything in as well, they both do.

January 2019 lunar eclipse astrology

They are interconnecting subjects. I thought I was already giving my all!

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  • Permaculture provides a way of thinking and acting in reality that can create a WILD human culture, ANARCHY stable system of no masters or slaves never before tried, perfectly harmonized with nature and natural law in a way that provides endless abundance and endlessly enriches all life.

    What is my perspective? Uranus continues making challenging aspects to the North Node. Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus Boom!

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    Jupiter closing Scorpio and entering Sagittarius Revelation. AnarkEden The Scorpio intensity is exaggerated causing us to be more authentic, raw, real and upfront, direct in regards to our healing in order to move forward in our destiny.

    This tense square energy is activated on: October 24 October 31 November 7 November 30 On October 25 the newly ingressed Scorpio Sun power, intensity will activate this huge forward moving tension as it challenges the Moon in Taurus on top of Uranus.


    This energy is positively activated on: Please Share With Your Friends! And with ruling planet Mars charging into your sign just a few hours before This is especially true between May We love the way you love us, Cancer.