February 19 horoscope aquarius aquarius

Aquarius Health & Wellness Horoscope
  2. Gemini and Aquarius - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life
  3. Pisces-Aquarius Compatibility

So, four elements and three qualities make twelve possible combinations — the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Aquarius is the fixed air sign.

That corresponds approximately to the dates February If you were born on February But the most important thing to decide is what sign you are. So, If you were born on January 20th or February 18thth, please check with the Zodiac Sign Calculator see the link below , or get your complete horoscope chart, to be sure of your star sign.

Click the header to get there. Here are all the twelve Zodiac signs and their dates of birth, i. For more about the dates for a specific Zodiac sign, please click the link.


March 21 — April July 23 — August The Maiden or Virgin. August 23 — September September 23 — October October 23 — November November 22 — December When Sagittarius and Aquarius find a mutual interest, it becomes the infinite source of new topics, information and could even change their life philosophies.

Aquarius partner can remain distant for a long time and Sagittarius might feel like a little child, talking excessively about uninteresting topics and trying to make a connection. When they finally point in the right direction and choose to speak of something that awakens Aquarian interest, their conversations will become incredible. Both of these partners are rational and give a lot of attention to their chain of thoughts.

Both of them are fast enough in coming to different conclusions. The contact between them will spark their need for intellectual sparring and they could end up in some great debates. When they share a love for something, they will talk about it passionately, excessively and find new ideas and solutions to incorporate in their approach to this subject.

The speed of Aquarius mixed with the passionate state of constant belief of Sagittarius, could make their relationship one of the most productive in the entire zodiac. It is hard to set the scale for emotions in this relationship.

Gemini and Aquarius - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

None of these partners is that emotional on the surface, although Sagittarius can fall in and out of love quite often. It is a good thing that Sagittarius is so changeable, or they would have trouble keeping up with their Aquarius partner.

Another good thing in this contact is the rational nature of both signs and their focus on mental processes. This will allow them to communicate about their emotions, whatever they are, without any sense of guilt or emotional pressure.

When their emotions start to build, it will take a long time before they are stable and both partners certain of their feelings for each other. There is so many things they would agree on, starting from the usual — value of freedom, and moving on to their own qualities and expectations. There will be activities that Sagittarius will want to commit to, while Aquarius will find them silly or even stupid.

They could have trouble reconciling their approach to religion and any religious activities could be the source of problems in their relationship, because their whole individual belief systems could be at stake.

To gain an insight about yourself, you can get a fully personalised Birth Chart based Detailed Life Predictions Report. The Aquarius men are determined and forceful, and always seek the truth and have a strong desire to know everything that is happening around them.

You will often find them multi-tasking as they wish to keep themselves occupied all the time. Some of their other finer qualities are as follows: The Aquarius-born men have great imagination, are intelligent and are determined to put their ideas into action.

They have a special inclination for arts and machines, and thus, gadgets, computers, performing arts, music have a major significance in their lives. Moreover, we recommend you to purchase Chart your Destiny report , as it will assist you to discover your natural talents, which can be applied to lead a successful life.

The Aquarius women are smart, independent and friendly. They have great strength that help them to conquer even the most difficult of tasks.

They are frank and have strong beliefs, but are also unbiased and tolerant of others viewpoint. Read on to know more about other qualities of the Aquarius women. The Aquarius women are truthful, independent and compassionate. They always try to look at the larger picture, and will not shy away from taking the responsibility to work for the betterment of society.

Besides, you can get the Detailed Life Predictions Report to know all about your life and future. Famous for their intelligence, wisdom and affectionate nature, it is not difficult for them to make friends.

They are popular in their social circles. But they take time to build an intimate relationship as they shy away from emotional commitment. The Aquarius-born can go on to become exceptional scientists and doctors, as they have the ability to analyse and concentrate for long hours.

They can also do well in artistic pursuits. Law is another field they can pursue and find expected success.

Aquarius 19-26 February 2018 "USING YOUR TALENTS" Weekly Horoscope

Financial matters never make them worried or anxious. As they often indulge in charity, they are likely to suffer serious financial losses. Do you wish to financially secure your future? Get a fully personalised Natal Chart based Finance Report to plan your finances wisely.

The Aquarius love their personal freedom and will not tolerate anyone who tries to snatch their space. However, the ones that they do let into their space find them to be very interesting and charming people.

They like to make everything perfect for their partner. Their approach to love and marriage is logical and intellectual, therefore loving with the mind is their way of being in a relationship. They are accommodating, will compromise and adapt to the nature of their partner. Moreover, you can opt for our Love Horoscope to know your compatibility with your love partner.

You may also try this fully personalised Birth Chart based Love Prospects report to know what the future has in store for you on the romantic front. You might also be interested in reading about Aquarius Relationship. Compassionate, sensitive, intelligent, affectionate and yet aloof, these people are very intuitive. They guard their personal space so carefully that sometimes it is difficult for others to get close to them.

Thereby, they can end up being very lonely people. The Aquarius-born are admirers of beauty, and are attractive and gentle people. Their unconventional thinking and creativity may often manifest in their strange and unpredictable behaviour. They are forever looking to expand their horizons of knowledge, and their analytical minds also draw them towards science and invention.

Though not easily agitated, as they are patient and persevering, the Aquarius-born people are not open to changing their opinions easily. To learn more about yourself, you can get a free Astro Profile report. For the people born between January 21 and January 29, the planetary rulers are Saturn and Uranus.

Saturn gives them the determination to overcome the obstacles in their path to success. Uranus imparts imagination and creativity which makes them unique individuals.

Pisces-Aquarius Compatibility

It is a formidable combination. A person born during this Decan would do well in the competitive world, as they possess multiple talents, are adaptable and creative.

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They are intellectuals and are always brimming with new ideas. They are unconventional and attractive people. They tend to be happy with themselves and can sometimes become introverted. They can be unpredictable and eccentric too.

Do you wish to know more about your future prospects? Then you can go for our personalised report Yearly Report , which will be prepared by our expert astrologers based on the details in your Birth Chart. The main objective of the people born under this Sign Aquarius, which is the 11th in the Zodiac calendar, is to improve the world around them and make it a better place to live in.

They are humanitarian people in the true sense of the word.