This months horoscope for scorpio

Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
  1. Scorpio Horoscope for October 2018
  2. Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
  3. Scorpio Love & Money For January 2019
  4. Horoscopes
  5. Scorpio Horoscope for October - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

You are about to enter into your glorious harvest period of reward. The source s of the profits you could shortly see will relate directly to the people you saw and the ventures you started in the cycle you are now in, while Jupiter is still in Scorpio.

Scorpio Horoscope for October 2018

While you still have time, see the people who matter to you, or who might start to matter to you, very soon. Venus is now about to retrograde in Scorpio starting October 5 and will continue until November It is too bad that the day that Venus goes direct, her little brother, Mercury, always the class clown, will begin to retrograde from the same day, November 16 to December 6.

This means that for the next two months you will be spending time looking back over past decisions and reconnecting with people from your past. You may be tempted to rekindle a relationship that you once had and still carry a torch for in your heart.

More Horoscopes for Scorpio

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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Feel rich no matter your situation and you stand to attract more wealth. Mercury goes direct today, too.

Be patient with yourself. The Mars-Neptune conjunction on the seventh gives you extra power to turn around a sour mood. The full moon on December 22 lights up your life and opens your eyes to more of the everyday miracles that surround you. Feel fundamentally more responsible and determined to take care of business.

This won't blind you to what great things are possible now. Mars enters Aries on the thirty-first.

Scorpio Love & Money For January 2019

Have a glorious new year! Did they invest in you to live out their unfulfilled ambitions? If so, is the career you are in now a reflection of their aspirations rather than your soul-calling? This period of time should provide you the opportunity to re-align with your true talents. Test out wether it is true that if you follow your heart, the financial security will follow and be pleasantly surprised.

On the other hand your success may also be a result of proving your parents wrong.


If nothing you did was ever good enough then the constant striving for excellence could have served you well in material terms.

Mercury travels through your 3rd house from January 5 to You are very likely to be stuck behind the computer or a pile of books for a week or so since your brain is in research mode.

If you want to learn something very techy, this is an ideal time as your mind is interested in the tiny details at the moment. You might find your career is most successful in dealing with local people at this time.

You might feel that your qualifications are not enough to give you the lifestyle you need. Maybe you feel like changing your job but will need to do some study.

Scorpio Horoscope for October - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

During this time you will just feel like doing research and sticking your head in a book rather than wheeling-and-dealing. It is also a good time for filling in application forms for higher education.

Venus enters your 2nd house on January 7. The temptation will be to indulge in luxury goods rather than in wise investments, so try to have a little self-control.

You are MAGIC! SCORPIO Mid December 2018

You might need your partner to show their love for you through gifts and fancy dinners, but this may be because you feel a little insecure at this time. Maybe it would be better to show your vulnerability, rather than getting them to break the bank in order to prove their love.

A genuine hug and kind words will feel unexpectedly precious if you drop the diva act. These horoscopes are most accurate when read for your ascendant, but if you have your Sun plus a stellium 2 or more planets in this sign then you will find that these horoscopes will ring true for your Sun also.

All mainstream horoscopes are written using solar houses, which, in others words, is writing for your ascendant. If you do not know your ascendant please use this free chart maker to find it. Once you have done that you can also read more about your rising decan and star too! It is the most personal point of your chart and the only one Along with your ruling planet that really describes you personally and your incarnation for this lifetime.

  1. Scorpio monthly horoscope - December 2018?
  2. horoscope 9 january.
  3. Scorpio Horoscope;

The ascendant gives the purest expression of the decans energy since no planets will colour its expression.