Astrological sagittarius sign

Sagittarius Symbol, Planet, Element and Quality
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  4. Sagittarius: Dates, Traits & More

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. In ancient Roman times, Jupiter was the King of the Gods, and most Sagittarians would say that the royal pedigree has been passed on to them. People with a Sagittarius star sign commonly have traits like being generous and just — much like a noble leader.

These folks are also expansive in their thoughts, as well as in their approach. Sags are forever reaching for knowledge, understanding and answers.

They are outspoken in their beliefs, at times to the point of exaggeration.

Sagittarius Facts

This may be due to their unflinching optimism. The Element associated with Sagittarius is fire. Just as a fire can move quickly and uncontrollably, so can Sagittarius as they flit from one thing to the next, never looking back.

While the process of exploration is what fuels Sagittarians and translating that to others as a teacher and philosopher , they need to be aware of their tendency to procrastinate. Indeed, Sagittarians are enthusiastic consumers of information and enthusiastic in general , the better to get the answers they need.

Those born under this sign can be quite self-indulgent since things come so easily to them thanks to their charming and sociable personality. Smart Archers, however, will catch themselves in time, the better to continue their good work.

These folks love their physicality and are often athletic, and certainly full of stamina. Archers are outgoing, enthusiastic and tend to overstep their bounds as a result, falling prey to the likes of foot-in-mouth disease. Are you a Sagittarius man or a Sagittarius woman? Often, however, their words serve to inspire others and to get things going.

Yes, Sagittarians are straight-ahead folks who are curious, spiritual and true believers. Their enthusiasm has no bounds, and therefore people born under the Sagittarius sign possess a great sense of humor and an intense curiosity.

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Freedom is their greatest treasure, because only then they can freely travel and explore different cultures and philosophies.

Because of their honesty, Sagittarius-born are often impatient and tactless when they need to say or do something, so it's important to learn to express themselves in a tolerant and socially acceptable way. Feel the atmosphere of the world around you instead of simply spreading your This is a time of high Some traditions simply make you happy and you need enough money and room to keep them alive for as long as you can.

This Month Dec Harrison Ford has a fear of public speaking. Continue to Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope Sagittarius Love and Sex People born under the sign of Sagittarius are very playful and humorous, which means that they will enjoy having fun with their partners.

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  6. Sagittarius Love and Sex;

Partners who are equally open, will certainly suit the passionate, expressive Sagittarius who is willing to try almost anything. For this sign there is always a thin line between love and sex.

Sagittarius (astrology) - Wikipedia

Their love for change and diversity can bring a lot of different faces in their bedroom. But when they are truly in love, their very loyal, faithful and dedicated. They want their partners to be intellectual, sensitive and expressive. Sagittarius is very fun and always surrounded by friends.

Sagittarius-born love to laugh and enjoy the diversity of life and culture, so they will easily acquire many friends around the world. They are generous and not one of those who lecture.

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

When it comes to family, Sagittarius is dedicated and willing to do almost anything. When Sagittarius-born visualize something in their minds, the will do everything they can to achieve this.

Sagittarius: Dates, Traits & More

They always know what to say in a given situation and they are great salespeople. Sagittarius favors different tasks and dynamic atmosphere. Jobs such as a travel agent, photographer, researcher, artist, ambassador, importer and exporter suit this free-spirited person.

The fun-loving Sagittarius enjoys making and spending money. Considered to be the happiest sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius does not care much where it will earn the following money. They take risks and are very optimistic.

Sagittarius Personality Traits (Sagittarius Traits and Characteristics)

They believe that the universe will provide everything they need. Sagittarius men are fun-loving people and eternal travelers, who are interested in religion, philosophy and the meaning of everything. The man born under the Sagittarius astrology sign loves adventures and sees all the possibilities in life.

He wants to explore each and every one of them to determine where is the truth. Some of the best Sagittarius traits are his frankness, courage, and optimism. He is a restless wanderer, so the best you can do to keep his attention is to share in his quest, appreciate his wisdom and respect his opinions.


Some of the negative Sagittarius characteristics include his carelessness and impatience. The Sagittarius man can also be tactless, superficial, and over-confident at times.

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He needs freedom and doesn't like clingy women. If you want to seduce him, you will have to learn when to hold on and when to let go.