Today horoscope of scorpio

Scorpio Today
  1. Friday 28th December
  2. Scorpio Daily Horoscope
  3. Scorpio Daily horoscope for Friday, 28 December 2018
  4. Daily/Today Horoscope by Moon Sign

You'll enjoy connecting with family members and friends, spending time in conversation and laughter.

Friday 28th December

Your sense of humor will be high today, so things could get a bit silly! A project, which you're rather excited about, could require some intense work alone today. You might sometimes feel as if the four walls are closing in on you, but you need to concentrate in order to get the best possible results.

You'll also need to take occasional breaks in order to clear your head.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Nonetheless, at the end of the day you're likely to be quite happy with what you've accomplished. Understanding the underlying principles, which govern the growth of wealth and business opportunities, will help enormously today.

By looking at your own beliefs and thoughts around financial issues you may make some interesting discoveries. You will also find out why a certain project has been so long in becoming a success.

On one level you are pushing forward and at another, holding back. Release the brake and all will be well. There may be some rivalry in your professional life or studies! All of a sudden, you who are normally calm may find yourself both excited and excitable!

Scorpio Daily horoscope for Friday, 28 December 2018

What's gotten into you? In all this uproar some interesting career ideas begin to germinate. But don't expect an immediate harvest. Try to avoid additional pressures because this isn't the time to take on anything extra!

Right now you feel like you need to be cloned. Maybe you are so busy that you don't even have enough time to sleep at night.

Try not to over-schedule your activities and responsibilities right now. Make some time to get caught up on your rest. You can drive yourself so hard that your body can get burned out. To prevent this, you'll want to take a more gentle approach. You expect allegiance from your co-workers and when that does not happen, you can get resentful.

You could get a feeling of regret about a recent happening, when you trusted someone and today the feeling of self-condemnation could be enveloping you.

Daily/Today Horoscope by Moon Sign

Do not fret so much as it may effect your performance at work and reduce your decision-making ability. Plan important activities between You may look tough on the outside but are very sensitive from inside. While you can go all out for people who are very close to you, if someone tries to annoy you or rub you the other way, they will soon be in for a shock.

You hate it when people sugar coat truth because that makes you wary of them. You may regret be-friending them and decide to wean away from such people.

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Take your time to ponder over this and do give them a benefit of doubt. Wearing the colour purple will help you attract positive cosmic energies.

Click here for a more personalised reading. The Moon in Libra will make you want to unwind today.

Scorpio Moon Sign Daily/Today Horoscope Friday, 28th December, 2018

You could plan an outing and take your partner to some of your favourite places, specially near some water body. Your inclination towards water is not surprising, Scorpio. It gives you a sense of security and helps you express your emotion well. Feeling romantically inclined, you may want to wine and dine and show off your wealth.

Your wealth, which includes your material possessions, gives you power and strength and you want your beloved to share it with you. For you, action speaks louder than words and you can do that best when you are away from the public gaze.

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