Spirit now horoscopes today virgo

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  1. Virgo Daily Love Horoscope for Today
  2. Virgo Daily Horoscope
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  4. Virgo Daily Love Horoscope for Today – Spirit Navigator

Your best options for keeping the Christmas spirit alive? Wear what you like, be who you are, avoid sitting around and opt for larger gatherings as opposed to smaller ones if you can. Even if they do drive you mad. Would you really be without them?

And this is of course linked to destiny, path and karma. When the time is right —things happen. What springs to mind here is the story of an extremely attractive friend of mine — also Mercury ruled.

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She had a successful career and owned a beautiful home but had no partner. We begin the month in double retrograde jeopardy mode. Ruler Mercury is in its ruling 3 rd in your chart so chances are you have dealt with a triple whammy of retrograde mayhem.

Stick to the retrograde rules which you of all signs should know by heart as it heads forward from the 6 th. It will reenter your 4 th of home, family and long term plans on the 12 th but remain in retrograde shadow until the 24 th.

So, you have another 12 days of backwards and forwards uncertainty to deal with. Certainly when it comes to anything to do with your home, living arrangements, family matters or even career decisions, if you can hold off on these for the shadow period — do so.

You have a fabulous Mercury aspect happening this month which I will talk about later in the forecast.

VIRGO December 2018 - BIG TURNING POINT - Success - Inspiration & LOVE - Virgo Horoscope Tarot

The other shadow dance which is happening in the sky is Venus which is now moving forward again and re-enters your 3rds on the 2 nd — the same day that Mercury will trine the North Node in your 11 th from here.

Which is where your dance with destiny and timing plays a role here. This dance could well involve you and another person and goes oh so deep beyond this lifetime. Meeting someone or even reconnecting with a person who will have a major effect on how your lifepath unfolds is likely.

This could well be someone you have encountered before due to the retrograde shadow influences. There is more going on here than meets the eye. Money, something you share and yes, even sexual attraction could be involved. Just bear in mind that while Venus is now direct, the planet of love and money remains in retrograde shadow until the first week of January.

Go with the natural timing of how things unfold now. What decisions is it time to make when it comes to your long term happiness and security? Yes, I know we are still in the shadows of the retrograde but this does not stop us from seeing what changes need to be made — even if we do not act on them yet.

This Moon is telling you not to dismiss your feelings as inconsequential. You are the sign above all others where little things mean so much to you. Are these missing in your life or your relationships?

This Moon reawakens the importance of this for you on an emotional level as it works with Neptune to make you aware you should no longer ignore these insights. Mars is giving you a call to action as well as letting you know that feeling passionately about well — your feelings, is justified.

We are heading into family time and all the support but also all the expectations this brings us. This new Moon is always the point where we are asked to claim our own emotions and our own life — to live it our way.

This can arrive in the form of a person or a money making or career opportunity. Or us seeing the way forward to getting what we want. Breaking away or breaking free as well as that lucky break feature as this Moon can see us move out of stagnation or away from uncertainty and into stability.

Watch what early Christmas gifts arrive now. Some of you could be looking at a financial break or offer of help which allows you to establish a more secure foundation for the coming year. Visitors and family affairs may take up your time — but they also have a role to play in the benefits coming your way. New people can enter your life now — and from different countries and backgrounds and friends from way back —perhaps even from childhood, may reappear.

Jupiter always wants to expand our experience in a key area governed by the house it is transitting at the time. When Mercury meets it the news that comes is big and in this house could well involve family, female relatives or even a female you work with.

Remember — Mercury is only in shadow for another three days! The Sun in your 5 th always brings in good times, fun, enjoyment, the freedom to express yourself and even a touch of romance. Just remember when it comes to love that Venus is still in retrograde shadow if you are seeking more than just a fling. The full Moon in your 11 th on the 22 nd , emphasises the love of friends and shows you it is every bit as important and valid and needful in your life as the romantic kind.

Carve out time to get together with friends. Reminisce about the past, share good times in the present and also let them in on those hopes, dreams and goals for You may find invitations to catch up and socialise flow towards you without you having to do anything under this Moon and if so, accept with gratitude.

Your 11 th rules the future —and yes, your goals too. Aim high, dream big and also see who can not only journey with you, but who may also be able to help you get there. When it comes to love and passion — Mars meets Chiron in your 7 th on the 29 th , either bringing in the possibility of a new love for the New Year once Venus is fully out of retroshadow, and with someone who rocks your boat, your world and is a bit of a rockstar in their own right — or allows you to bring this side of yourself out.

What does Santa have in his sack for you, Virgo? Lovers, children, pleasure and passion. That past, present or potential love interest. Your child, children, people younger than you or even empty nest syndrome. What you love to do and how you express yourself.

The reason being a partial solar eclipse in here on the 6th. Remember the eclipse rules — they initially conceal with more to be revealed later.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope for Today

Something could come to light or transforms in the wake of this — especially as ruler Mercury will meet Saturn in here and then Pluto. If you are still not certain of what this is all about or what to do, then first listen to your intuition and then wait for more to be revealed.

The first three months of the year is going to involve a dance or a decision around you and one other person. The 19th February which is the day Mercury meets Neptune planet of insight, creativity and all things hidden and mysteries is also the day you have a full Supermoon in your 1st.

Expect this to illuminate just who or what this is for you Virgo.

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Some of you could see the emergence of an important new relationship. Others could take an existing one to the next level. And also an invitation to explore new possibilities and to ditch anything that restricts you. Are you ready to accept it? Jupiter, the planet of expansion, luck and over-the-top abundance, will spend most of in your 4th of home, homeland, family, security and your sense of place.

But where exactly is that, Virgo? Jupiter always wants to expand so chances are you will be expanding your living quarters — be it upgrading to a larger home or apartment or extending your present one. Your family may expand too — especially given the aspects in your 5th at the start of the year.

Jupiter also rules foreigners and far away destinations. Relocating not just to another part of town but to another area or even to another country entirely, is possible with Jupiter in here. The fact is, if there is a place that has a claim on your soul, now is the time to acknowledge that and do whatever it is in your power to relocate there.

Please remember — and I say this to all signs. Jupiter is not Santa Claus. Do whatever you can to bring that about but you may be pleasantly surprised at the heaven-sent assistance you receive if you do. Some of you may manage to get your foot on the property ladder if you have been trying to buy your own home.

You may receive help from a family member. Even if you are just renting at this. If you are looking to make extra money from your home, as Jupiter does rules travel and foreigners, and if you have the space, becoming an Airbnb host could just be one option for you. You may benefit from whoever crosses your threshold in extraordinary ways and expect the world to come knocking on some level.

Uranus entered here briefly last year before turning retrograde and heading back into your 8th again. From March 6, it re-enters your 9th for good — or should I say for the next seven years. You have never experienced Uranus in here before and most likely will not again in this lifetime.

So, what can you expect? The answer with Uranus is always: Opportunities to travel, to learn, to experience the world in a new way are designed to bring benefits. The key to any Uranus transit is to be flexible and not get attached to plans or routines.

Now, some of this may be difficult for you Virgo as after all, you are the sign of routines and responsibilities. Mars brings relationships and interactions with others to life in December, while charming Venus spends most of the month in your communications sector, supporting pleasant communications.


It's a time for making connections, meeting people, and becoming more active with friends, partners, and lovers. Mind you, with Mars in this area of your chart, it is directly opposite your sign, and this can sometimes feel weighty.

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You might be on edge more readily than usual and should fight a tendency to be defensive with others. Others seem to be a little more demanding of your energy and time.

Relationship imbalances can become very obvious now, demanding resolutions to problems. A relationship or partner could be reflecting your own desire for action. Generally speaking though, you are coming across well in your communications and getting along well with siblings, acquaintances, fellow students, or even neighbors with Venus in your communications sector.

Mechanical problems or delayed projects can dampen spirits a little in the first week of the month, but after the 6th, you're likely to see some blocks clear and delays lift. An interrupted conversation might resume, and further information comes in that aids decision-making.

The Full Moon on the 22nd opens your heart to the need for true friendship. Unrecognized feelings can emerge now, and it's time to embrace or process them. It's a good time for mingling as others can open up doors for you at this time and through the final week of the calendar year.

You can feel inspired to do your best or to pursue a dream upon the encouragement of a friend. The year ahead is potentially brilliant for learning, connecting, and communicating, dear Virgo.

You are hungry to learn, to produce, and to share your ideas. Relationships with siblings, a partner, and neighbors can improve significantly in Reaching out even in the smallest of ways can be rewarding and can also bring new opportunities into your life. Responsible, mature Saturn is now moving through your sector of entertainment, leisure, self-expression, play, children, and romance, and encourages you to take these things more seriously.

By extension, this is also a good move for improved health. There can be gratifying work and effort going into hobbies and creative pursuits. Some of you will be working determinedly on a hobby or honing creative skills now. For some, a romantic relationship can become more serious, and for others, there is less desire or perceived time for dating and attention to casual relationships.

Uranus is also moving into harmony with your sign. Those of you in the middle of a course of study should probably watch for sudden changes of heart. Consider whether switching between programs is genuinely worth the extra time, but do listen to a persistent new calling if it emerges now.

People in your life are likely to find you more communicative.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope for Today – Spirit Navigator

Relationships with classmates, siblings, and family are apt to improve. Even your relationship with your neighborhood can change for the better. Living conditions are expected to improve in significant ways, and this theme extends through most of You are an Earth sign, dear Virgo, and Earth signs continue to receive some extra support this year with Saturn moving in harmony with your sign and Uranus transitioning towards that position as well, active from March forward.

Of course, this can affect your manner and your relationships.

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  • Until December 2nd, , Jupiter continues to increase your attention as well as joy and happiness levels on the home front and with family. If you use this gentle, quiet transit well, and you look very carefully for opportunities, you can better prepare yourself for the more overt opportunities of the upcoming Jupiter in Capricorn transit.

    Aim to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Slowly, you are building up your confidence. You may be getting settled in physical ways on the level of house and home, or connecting in more rewarding ways with your family or like-family loved ones. However, you are also more fully connecting with what you need and want on a very basic, fundamental level.

    Neptune is a very long-term guest in your partnership sector and still brings its up-and-down themes to committed partnerships this year.