Gemini weekly horoscope 29 january 2019 by michele knight

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Venus is now on the move again — heading back into your 11 th of friends and goals. Venus will not exit the retroshadow phase until the New Year and then will occupy your 12 th.

So, please continue to bear in mind this is all about the love of friends and past loves rather than embarking on that new romance. And to save you time and money in the New Year, hold off on signing up for that internet dating site until Venus moves into your 1 st which will happen in the first week of February.

That is, if you are seeking more than just a fling to be flung. Make no mistake, your energy is at a peak as is your intuition this December.

All about gemini

Above all, it is time to really listen to what your higher self, guardian angel, gut, guides, universal wisdom — no matter what you want to call it, is telling you. And heed its advice.

Even if you do not like what it is saying or where it is drawing your attention to. Your 12 th house is loaded now with Jupiter linking you to the wisdom of the multiverse and all your past lives, Mercury from the 6 th and the Sun in here.

Certainly, people from your past and past rewards if they are due, could appear now. The truth is about to set you free and this could apply to a person or situation that has been well and truly lived out.

With your peak energy at your disposal, when you see things as they are — follow through. A key piece of a puzzle could emerge now. Make changes especially as revelations are in order and you need to take action once you see things as they truly are.

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So, this is no coincidence this occurs the day after Mercury moves ahead once again. Mars is fueling that energy you are feeling and what you need to remember is that your initial response to anything right now will be the correct one.

Have faith in yourself and your innate ability to make the correct choice and please — follow through. This is all part of that forward shift.

Keep only what adds value and evolves your path. Fabulous aspects are occurring this December between Venus in your 11 th and ruler Saturn and then later in the month, Venus and Pluto.

As the party season hits full swing mid-month, benefits via long term or established friends or contacts could wing their way to you. Others could form an important new friendship with serious long term potential.

And one that could have a huge impact on you for long after the decorations have been packed away! This person may even be in a position of influence or power.

Michele Knight – Horoscope Predictions

Please do bear in mind however this truly is about friendship now. The day the Sun arrives in your 1 st sees Mercury and Jupiter meet for the first time in your 12 th for 12 years. You need to look carefully at what emerges for you now as offers, news and opportunities contain even bigger potential for you than is obvious at first.

Something or someone from the past could return and if it or they do, take it that this is something you are taking forward with you as opposed to anything you need to let go of.

It is now time to focus on the wonderful world of you and above all, what you want to achieve. This is yet another year to get serious — while ruler Saturn remains in your sign. Remember — the choices and decisions you make during this cycle are ones you will live with for a very long time to come.

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This is a future-determining period especially when it comes to romance, money, values and children. As well as who you share your life and your heart with. Yes, it may not be the best time to start a new love affair.

But the full Moon in your 7 th on the 22 nd has you very much focused on who is opposite you or that empty space and what is being reflected back. Time to bathe in the light of reflected love you are receiving not only from partners but from close friends or even that work or business connection.

Destiny is playing a role and soul contracts will have a massive part to play in the upcoming year for you, Capricorn. Get ready for your birthday season by getting serious, Capricorn. About what you want and especially around love. Serious results could be your take-out. Celebrate — seriously now. Are you ready to find out, Capricorn?

Or at the very least receive at part of the answer? This year you will discover that, to paraphrase the Bard, that there is more in heaven and earth than you ever dreamed possible. You will see you place in the grand scheme of things very differently by the time the year is through.

All courtesy of Jupiter in your 12th for the majority of You are sailing in uncharted territory now. Mysteries and the meaning of dreams are yours to discover. Or you may combine travelling with spiritual exploration or giving back — a meditation or yoga retreat or volunteering for example. You want a deeper experience of the world now.

Travelling in your head — destination self-knowledge, is another kind of exploration you may embark upon. Jupiter rules higher learning and you may want to know more about what makes you tick.

Psychology and self-help could top your reading list and you may follow this up by consulting a therapist or counsellor if you feel the need to go deeper still.

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Occult and metaphysical subjects may be other areas you are drawn to. Studying the Tarot, astrology, numerology and psychic development and as part of this speaking to a reader, may open up new insights. With that angel on your shoulder I mentioned earlier, if you truly want answers, you will receive them this year whether it is through your own insight or via you speaking to someone else.

Your 12th is the realm of the unseen — that which exists but which we can only access by relying on our imagination and our 6th sense. The multiverse is a concept for you to play with and explore now.

In fact, we are all creative on some level just as we are all psychic. So, your inner critic is that Not-So-Public Enemy 1.

Jupiter in our 12th expands our creativity and also allows us to suspend that inner critic and not worry about what others may think too. What better reasons do you need? I have so much more to say on the subject of your self-expression for But to give you one final Jupiter-in-yourth tip: The themes that come up for you this holiday season are going to be around authentic transformation and the rewards that come from this.

And instead just focus on being you. The final week of the year says why be anything else? You begin the month with ruler Mercury still in retrograde form in its ruling 6 th in your chart.

It will head direct once more on the 6 th and re-enter your 7 th on the 12 th. It began its retrograde period in your 7 th so please bear in mind that it will not move out of retrograde shadow until the 24 th.

Venus has also been retrograde — a rare event as out of all the planets, Venus retrograde the least. Venus began its retrograde in your 6 th and now re-enters it on the 2 nd. Venus will not exit its retrograde shadow until the New Year so between now and then, expect continued reshuffles, renegotiations, delays and complications around money and your relationships.

One relationship or deal in particular may go back and forth, back and forth. Understand that you may not be able to do much about this and if this happens, trying to control it may just make it worse.

Ask yourself what is going to happen if you just let go and let the chips fall where they may, so to speak? By all means, do what you can but once this is done — do no more. Let go and please, begin to enjoy the holiday season. While Venus retrograde and moving through retrograde shadow is not a good time to begin a new relationship but to review existing ones, this does not mean that partnerships, duos and double acts of any or all description, are off the menu this December.

After all, you have Jupiter, planet of expansion and abundance, in your 7 th for the first time in 12 years. This is setting you up to receive benefits of some description of another via a partnership or it will expand the potential of an existing one.

Your path to any kind of success in the coming year lies with at least one other person and not going it alone. Keep in mind the embargo on new partnerships of any kind until after the first week of January but until then, look for exciting new beginnings and fresh starts within an existing one.

It appears the day after your ruler has gone direct and this is no coincidence. It tells you now to push forward — with caution and willingness to wait if necessary, with those career, business, study, work and communication ventures which involve you and at least one other person.

You have a lot of activity right now in your sector of long term career, reputation and rewards. Mars is in here firing up those ambitions and your desire to succeed. Chiron has also re-entered this sector of your chart and allows you to fully embrace your unique take on things — and pass this on so others can benefit.

Neptune can bring you inspiration, creativity aligned to promoting your purpose and allow you to intuit what your next move should be. Mars and Neptune are conjunct on the day the new Moon appears. Just keep in mind with Mercury and Venus both in retrograde shadow that reversals and renegotiations may continue until the end of December.

Especially under a Venus retrograde. Relationship revivals may continue to be a possibility for some of you right up until the point Venus exits retrograde shadow in January.

The one that got away — anyone from a human being to a horse or a job, could reappear now.

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The unexpected chance encounter or reunion could be your gift this holiday season not only thanks to Jupiter in your 7 th but the Sun in here radiating across to Uranus, back in its ruling 11 th for one final go-around.

Chances are you are both different this time around which could translate into a very different ending. What has been in abeyance, or just going back and forth without a resolution, could finally be resolved as we arrive at the solstice. The Sun moves out of your 7 th and into your sexy and empowering 8 th where transformations occur.

This is also the day that Mercury and Jupiter meet in your 7 th indicating a union in the making or a deal about to be done — Mercury has after all, only three days of shadow period left.

Jupiter in your 7 th is all about benefits and opportunities that come via someone else. This is the season where money can fly out of the door faster than we earn it. Your task is to look at what it buys you — or you buy others as we are talking about giving, that is lasting.

People and experiences top your wishlist now when it comes to sharing.


What is your money truly buying you? What do you have to give and most importantly, what you are receiving? You have set everything in motion and all you need to remember that when it comes to partnership matters — is not a year you will walk through alone.

December may resurrect an old one. Or take an existing one to a new level. In bold, brave and innovative new ways that open up deeper and more meaningful pathways to love. And where does this all begin? With you of course! Because relating to yourself in radical and magical ways is the secret ingredient to getting the love you want from others.

Where does this all start? In the most mysterious part of your chart. Your mystical 12th of intuition, higher vision, soul secrets and deeper purpose. All courtesy of Uranus in your 12th from March 6, saw the planet of evolutionary revolutions enter here for the first time in your lifetime.

However, after a few months it turned retrograde and headed back into its ruling 11th in your chart. This time however, it is back for good. Or at least for the next seven years. Because your 12th is the house of secrets, the first thing I have to ask is if you are keeping any?

If so, please be aware that between Uranus in here and Pluto in its ruling 8th in your chart, they are unlikely to stay hidden. Voted Best Psychic Company. Have a burning question? Your weekly and monthly astrology forecasts from Michele Knight.

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