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Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Capricorn
  1. The Capricorn Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
  2. Capricorn Daily Horoscope: Yesterday
  3. Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
  4. Capricorn Sun Sign Compatibility Matches

The most enterprising side of your nature surfaces, and it's time to seize opportunities. Existing problems in your life may be overcome now by bravery and a straightforward approach to your life.

There's nothing wrong with a bit of self-centeredness during this cycle, but avoid taking it too far. It's not the best time for teamwork and other cooperative endeavors. The spotlight is on you and your ability to lead, so make it a good one! Take steps to improve how you come across to others.

It's time to carve your own path in life. From December 2nd forward: Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared.

Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace.

You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy.

Mercury is retrograde until December 6th While Mercury is retrograde, it's better to review, revise, and refine rather than push things forward, particularly related to communications, contracts, and transportation. Misunderstandings and delays are more likely. Occurring in your solar eleventh house this time, extra care should be used when communicating with friends.

Thursday 27th December

You may find that communications with friends or with groups can easily become sticky during this cycle. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may be uncommunicative or giving off mixed signals.

On the other hand, old acquaintances may appear during this cycle, or you could be thinking about contacting an old friend. This may be a good time to do so.

It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with friends and associates during this cycle; or, better yet, take this time to rethink concerns and grievances before talking about them prematurely.

All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications regarding travels, legal matters, or opinions, as well as communications on the job and with co-workers, because Mercury rules these areas of your life.

It's best not to sign on the dotted line for the time being, especially when it comes to making travel plans or any legal contracts. There could be irritating mess-ups on the job.

You might be inclined to miss important details in your paperwork, or might experience frustrating delays that result from co-workers' errors. Travel plans may go awry, or you may have a change of heart. Mercury is transiting your solar eleventh house. Your mind is bright, alert, and active during this cycle, and you have the ability to come up with unusual and inventive ideas.

Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest. Others tend to particularly enjoy your conversations during this transit--you are willing to listen as well as add your own thoughts.

  1. Capricorn Daily Horoscope: Tomorrow;
  2. Capricorn Daily Horoscope.
  3. Capricorn Monthly Horoscope;

As well, your ability to grasp unusual subject matter and to intuitively understand what others are trying to say win you some brownie points! You could also do a lot of thinking and musing about your own happiness and long-term goals. From December 12th forward: Your mind is focused on private matters and past issues while Mercury transits the twelfth house of your solar chart.

This is a time when you are least likely to speak out of turn or to express yourself freely. You're searching behind the curtain, and examining the past for answers. This is a good time for research, quiet contemplation, and meditation; but do avoid getting dragged down by issues that have outgrown their worth and purpose.

Examining the past in order to improve the future is certainly worthwhile, as long as you don't waste your energy on guilt. Creative endeavors could prosper now, particularly those that draw upon the emotions or that require creative visualization skills, such as poetry, art, acting, and other such activities.

You are likely to require a certain amount of solitude in order to get your thoughts together or to be mentally productive. You are less likely to chat indiscriminately during this transit, and tend to be a little secretive or tight-lipped for the time being. This may be important, in fact, because this position of Mercury is sometimes associated with the uncovering of secrets, so discretion may be in order.

Mars continues to activate and energize your solar third house now. You may be especially busy running errands and tending to daily activities during this cycle. It's a strong time for putting your energy into intellectual projects or studies.

You tend to communicate in a more direct manner now, and you might want to be careful that you don't come across as insensitive or abrasive. You may find it too easy to become impatient with others if they seem to be taking up too much of your time, such as with other drivers or with people who are not speaking as directly as you are.

Channel your extra energy into mental tasks so that this transit can be highly stimulating instead of stressful. From December 31st forward: Mars activates and energizes your solar fourth house. You have more energy at your disposal for domestic projects or activities. Because your actions are governed by your instincts during this period, you may be especially defensive and protective.

You may work hard at making yourself feel more secure, and you may be called upon to take charge on the home and family front. You may have more energy to invest in homemaking, house repairs, redecorating, or family activities.

  1. Capricorn Daily Horoscope;
  2. Capricorn Horoscope Preview?
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In fact, if you are feeling very restless, moody, or defensive during this period, it would be a good idea to do any of these things! You may have an increased desire to rule the roost, and if this transit stimulates conflict or disputes, it is likely to be family-related--you may have arguments with them, about them, or on their behalf.

The Capricorn Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style

You may also encounter opposition from career-related matters or people. You may get worked up about old angers or regarding emotional issues from the past that are resurfacing now. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

Know More About Yourself and Others. Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth birth chart reports , relationship reports , future forecasts , and more. Love outlook for the year ahead. Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth romantic compatibility reports , including the Synastry and Love Ties reports.

See also Capricorn Preview Horoscope. The Sun travels through your twelfth house now, marking a time of retreat and regeneration. Think about the attachments you have--to things, people, and routines--and consider which ones are dragging you down.

This is a time when competitive energies and the ego are on a bit of a break.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope: Yesterday

It's not the time to push ahead with brand new projects. Rather, it's a time of reflection, dreaming, and recharging your batteries. Situations that have naturally outgrown their usefulness in your life can now be put behind you.

Endings of natural cycles may be part of the picture at this time of year. Your energy is largely applied to personal and private affairs now. Your disposition is introspective. Rest and reflect, and prepare for a more outgoing cycle when the Sun moves into your first house.

Venus continues to transit your solar tenth house. Relationships with authority figures, superiors, and with the public are in focus during this cycle.

It's a strong period for diplomatic relations, although a negative expression of this position could be bending over backwards to please rather than positive, friendly relations.

It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. This may be a time when you are especially enjoying your career or position and making the most of it. From December 17th forward: Building your faith is the work you are doing now.

While your tendency is to play a supportive role to others at this time, if taken too far, you will need to draw some boundaries when it comes to your energy and time. There is stronger joy in being of service to others, but do be careful that you take care of yourself as well. However, for the most part, you are likely to feel emotionally secure and supported during this cycle.

Your ability to make sacrifices for others or for pursuits that you believe in increases and you build confidence in yourself as you help and support others.

Capricorn November 2018

There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself. This sector also rules how you initiate things — your first impulse for coping with day-to-day demands. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong.

Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence is with you until It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Capricorn.

Capricorns born December January 2, and those who have a Capricorn Ascendant of degrees. During this cycle, you are likely to be more cautious than you usually are and, at times, pessimistic.

The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of the self. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress! You can more successfully begin new and improved health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when you look in the mirror and see yourself clearly instead of what you want to see.

You can be serious during this phase, with more concern for your responsibilities and duties. You are getting in touch with your inner strength, and this takes some time and adjustment.

This is a grounding energy that gets you back in touch with reality. This is also a significant period for issues surrounding your personal identity and self-image with Saturn, your ruler, in your sign.

Try not to come across as a heavy during this period — not everyone is going through the same cycle at the same time as you.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

However, others are seeing you as more responsible. Self-discipline comes more naturally as well. Instead, focus on making improvements and keep in mind the long-term.

Short-sightedness now can get you into trouble. Impatience will not be rewarded. Saturn performs very well in Capricorn, in other words. The last time Saturn transited Capricorn was from Your Capricorn Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.

In March , you entered a lengthy cycle in which family and home life can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. These themes are divided this year as follows:.

Home life may be up in the air in some way during this period of your life. There can be a sense of being unsettled or uncertain about where you want to lay down roots, for example.

Your attitude towards the past and traditions is also transforming quite quickly. Sudden changes, rebelliousness, or conflicts may be experienced in particular in early November and mid-December.

Avoid reacting blindly to challenges and instead feel what is important to you before taking action. You can experience a stronger desire to pursue social life or goals, and this can conflict with dealings on the home front. Home demands and personal demands compete and you may go overboard in either or both areas.

Sudden opportunities or challenges can pop up related to home, family, and career. Ultimately, they lead to a more balanced approach to your life. From May 15th to November 6th, , you enter a lengthy period in which your romantic and creative life can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting.

Your romantic life is bound to be very colorful this year and in coming years. This can be a highly inventive period. Unusual opportunities to meet people pop up. This may be a time of unconventional love affairs for some. Your Capricorn Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place.

Capricorn Sun Sign Compatibility Matches

Your outer personality and the ways in which you approach life and challenges continue to transform this year. Your personality continues to reshape in This is certainly a time for reinventing yourself! You will need to resist the urge to control the events of your life, how you come across to others, and your manner during this important cycle.

You are learning about your inner motivations, and sometimes this can be an uncomfortable process because you are getting in touch with the darker elements of your psyche at the same time.