Libra horoscope personality type

Libra Symbol, Planet, Element, and Quality
  1. Libra Traits, Personality And Characteristics
  2. His Best Points
  3. Unique Personality Traits of the Zodiac Sign Libra

They are also known for their kind-heartedness. The Libra personality is one that requires orderliness, fairness and peace. Librans are very aware of injustices of others. The Libra is the first of the Zodiac signs to lead protests for unfair treatment to all forms of life.

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  • Unique Personality Traits of the Zodiac Sign Libra!

They make impassioned arguments for fair treatments. Sometimes you get the feeling that they simply enjoy listening to their verbal passion more than they feel outraged at the issue.

It might be a close race. While the Libra loves fairness, they also love debate and the attention that their words bring to them.

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  • Libra Traits-Positive and Negative characteristics |

They detest cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity.

Librans are champions of justice, and they will bring out their swords of steel anytime justice has been deprived. With a set of scales as his Zodiac symbol, it is no surprise that the Libra man needs an equal balance of fairness and order in his world.

The Libra male is a perfectly balanced specimen of a man. His is the sign of partnership, of equality, and of justice. He will strive to stay on an even keel, always trying to be objective. He will often seek to do what he thinks is best for everyone.

Libra Traits, Personality And Characteristics

He believes that you can please everyone all of the time, if you study every possible angle in any situation. He is a pacifist and dislikes conflict. Nothing can be achieved with a temper tantrum and a Libra man will go to any lengths to avoid confrontation. He much prefers peace and quiet. He strives for harmony and balance.

The Libra man will go to great lengths to avoid conflict and achieve calmness in his life. He is objective, fair, and can always see both sides of every argument.

The Libra man struggles with an indecisive nature and his fear of making the wrong decision will sometimes stop him from making any decision at all. Libra is ruled by Venus and he is an ambassador of the Goddess of Love. He is stylish and refined. He has a fondness for beautiful things like jewels, sleek cars, and shiny gadgets.

He also likes beautiful people, and the Libra man is in his prime at cocktail parties, the ballet, or the theater. He is suave and charming, and will always know just the right thing to say in any circumstance.

He has a keen eye for beauty in people, objects, music and words. In addition to his success in big budget Hollywood action movies, Jackman is also a Broadway star.

Zodiac Sign Libra man

The Libran woman embodies fairness, justice, and balance. She is represented by the scales, ideally weighted, flawless and complete.

Libra Love and Sex

Librans are sociable and have a gift for communication. She is charismatic and captivating, drawing people to her naturally and easily. The very epitome of yin and yang, Libran women are a fascinating mix of rationale logic and erratic emotion, shooting holes in your flawed opinions then making up for winning the argument with her charm.

However she is always open to reason and common sense and will good-naturedly admit her mistakes if you can logically talk her onto your side. The tendency to weigh out options and possibilities too long can often cause indecision in Libran women.

Your Libra friend may leave you frustrated when she cannot choose between what movies to watch, but take heart; her indecisiveness is on your behalf. Librans make excellent friends, and will take into account your taste, preferences, needs, and wants as if they were her own.

However, in their effort to keep everyone happy, they find it difficult to say 'NO' to anyone, and as a result, they end up getting stressed. They have a lot of positive traits, but some negative ones, too.

Here we take a look at them to get a better idea about the qualities of a Libra. Positive Traits Tactful The Libra-born natives are experts at getting things done, but they cannot be called cunning.

They are too good to exploit the emotions of other people. Birth Horoscope - Free Use the power of Astrology to understand yourself in a better way and get a sense of direction and purpose in life. The cosmic imprint of the stars has a profound impact on your life. Unravel your true potential through the Birth Horoscope report, being offered for free.

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Also Read Libra Health.

His Best Points

What kind of Aries are you? Explore if you are dominated by your sunsign or moonsign Play now. You might also like. Libra Daily Horoscope Ganesha says that today in your office you should Libra Weekly Horoscope - According to Ganesha, your ambitious streak is lik Libra Monthly Horoscope Dec Sparing time for your hobby or passion can work wo Friends — Libra representatives are highly social and put their friends in the limelight, but sometimes raise their expectation bars too high, and choose friendships that make them feel superior to the person standing in front of them.

Their nature makes them indecisive which is why they might show a lack of. Tactful and calm, they can communicate through any problem if they want to, and will often help others understand the other side of their personal conflicts and trouble with other people.

Family — Born into a family that gave them a certain weakness of the Sun, Libra can often transfer guilt between family members without even being aware of doing so. In constant search for harmony these individuals have a tendency to agree with their parents and siblings only to avoid conflict, being the one to pull back when a challenge comes their way.

Unique Personality Traits of the Zodiac Sign Libra

They need to nurture their personality and often turn to solitude only to discover their own point of view among many.

If they are well built and worked on their inner sense of power, they discover ease in being a good parent and role model, ready to share everything they know with their children.

For each Libra, the key to a happy life is in a fine balance, meaning they will not commit to work without setting apart enough time for their private life and their loved ones, and if they do, they will feel like they need to set free from it. They can be loved leaders even though they sometimes lack the initiative needed to organize people who work for them, and will work hard to deserve privileges that come their way.

In search for truth and justice, they are good lawyers and judges, and can also be successful as diplomats, designers and composers if they have nurtured their artistic side from childhood. They will work well in a group, and can be convincing and gifted speakers. They balance between saving and spending pretty well and even though they enjoy fashion and fine clothes, they rarely let their desires for spending get the best of them.

Libra men appreciate all that is beautiful and search for a partner to inspire them with their appearance. This might sound superficial, but the fact is they need mental and visual stimuli to make decision processes easier and push them into a serious relationship to begin with.

Once they have decided to be with someone, they usually make serious, long-term bonds, enduring with ease through the hard times knowing they have already made the perfect choice to begin with. A Libra man wants to discuss everything with his partner, from daily matters to big shared endeavors in life. This is a man in search for a partner with strength of will and confidence, someone to guide the way when he feels lost or insecure.

Once he finds the right person, he will do anything to make them happy, turning their attention solely to their partner and often forgetting himself in the process. This man is deeply romantic in his core and in search for true love to last him a lifetime.

To seduce a Libra woman one has to be a good conversationalist and listener.