January 16 astrology tlc

Love and Compatibility for January 16 Zodiac
  1. January 16 Zodiac Sign, Love Compatibility
  2. January 16 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks
  3. Birthday Horoscope January 10th
  4. Planetary Row

January 16 Zodiac Sign, Love Compatibility

This is why they tend to win most of the time. Not surprisingly, a lot of employers prefer people born on January You are very comfortable with ideas. You are also very tireless when it comes to putting in work. You are not lazy by any stretch of the imagination, nor are you easily distracted. That is peanuts to you, that is a slap in the face.

They believe that the real definition of pride is a job well done. They base their sense of self worth in how well they do a job and how well they tackle a challenge.

Daily Horoscope January 16, 2018

They often find themselves giving and giving to family members even though they are not receiving anything in return.

This is precisely the kind of sticky situation you find yourself time and time again when it comes to those nearest and dearest to you. While you can be unfailingly loyal and supportive of family members, often times, you can get stuck in situations where you are being used by unproductive, lazy or simply worthless family members.

You also tend to be protective of those in your inner circle. This can come off as clannish and arrogant. The ruling element for Capricorns born on January 16 is the Earth. The Earth, in this particular day, is focused on solidity. You draw a lot of passion from your principles.

January 16 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks

Passionate and ready to win the heart of their loved one, this Capricorn can wait for years for the perfect love to come.

Unfortunately, Venus acts now, on the impulse, and with Mars as their date's primal ruler, there is no tomorrow to wait for in their story of love. This impulse could push them into marriage quite early, just as it could move them to another extreme, but the real thing they should strive for is the point of balance between action and attraction, passion and emotion, and all those things they value in their life.

Creative and turned to beautiful things, individuals born on this date excel at creative work, all types of art, as well as value assessments of any kind.

They will feel the need to fight for material security, and this makes them great in the field of finance and financial risk.

Birthday Horoscope January 10th

The inner state of constant spite makes them excellent in sports and races, while Venus gives them the tact to be an accepted and tactful member of a team. They will shout when needed and fight for their rights, passionate and focused on creating love in the world.

Those born on January 16th heal their emotional battles best with grossular garnet, preferably orange for their primal inner emotional need. This is a stone to heal their heart, and a relatively rarely used January stone that sparks social growth and service to the community.

In its green variation, this stone heals emotional bruises and helps these individuals find their place among family members and in their entire family tree.

Those born on the 16th of January have an eye for beautiful things and they will appreciate a new art masterpiece in their home at any time.

They need something to shine a light on their static world and allow them to make a change, and even if you simply pay for housecleaning, they will be grateful for the chance to be relieved of a small piece of responsibility. Artistic, piercing, and extremely inspirational, these individuals can be leaders in entire art forms and ways of expression.

The male Capricorn is often married to his career, which can make him hard to date. To some, it may seem as though he is avoiding family duties. The female goat is typically the homemaker and a perfect one. She runs her home as if it is a career.

Sabian Symbol

If today is your birthday , then you are not just a theorist or hopeless romantic; you have some get-up-and-go attitude about you. You understand that you are only a small part of the picture.

Capricorns are a no-nonsense Sun sign. Those with a grounded approach to life, you know how to take care of business.

  • January 16 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality;
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  • January 16 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile;
  • GotoHoroscope.

You are equally creative in your romantic involvements. Capricorns can be isolated people.

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Although you rarely let it show, you tend to like your solitude and space. When January 16 individuals develop friendships, you tend to seek associations that can increase your livelihood. Many are attracted to a certain person who has a trophy wife. You know the ones; they wear the best of designer clothes, drive expensive cars and look like Malibu Barbie.

The Capricorn lover is very slow to love at first and a little standoffish, but when all the curtains are drawn, you can be very exciting and spontaneous in the bedroom, bathroom, or laundry room! I hope that you get the picture.

Planetary Row

You seem to worry that a lover will not be faithful. Once they fall in love and commit to the relationship, those born on January 16 are unlikely to look at anyone else forecasts your birthday love astrology. You place a great value on personal success. Your idealistic lover is likely to be both inspirational and down to earth.

When it comes to your Capricorn friends, turn to them for help when you need an organizer. They will have solid solutions.