Date of birth horoscope matching in tamil

Marriage Matching in Tamil
  1. Jathagam Porutham in Tamil
  2. Jathagam Porutham in Tamil for Marriage
  3. Enter Girl's Profile

The astrologer will be able to predict the approximate time of birth, after judging the characteristics of the bride to be and the groom to be. If the time of birth is not known, it is essential that they are seen by the astrologer to understand their lagna and rasi.

The astrologer may ask a few questions, which when answered truthfully, are capable of revealing the character of the individuals. Note that these poruthams are not of much consequence until the marriage is conducted formally. So, in case of friends or other relationships, the jathagam porutham does not play a part at all.

Also note here that in the case of the birth details [I do not know my date of birth, I know the date of birth, but I do not know the time but I know it was 12 March , sometime after dusk].

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  2. Tamil astrology, Tamil jothidam, Josiyam, Astrology in Tamil.
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  6. Thirumana Porutham - Jathaka Porutham - Nakshatra Porutham.
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In the above cases, it is easy to find out if the jathagam porutham is good, because you will have access to the star and rasi of the individuals. The star and rasi details are enough to prepare a jathagam porutham for 10 poruthams.

Jathagam Porutham in Tamil

Enter details at the top of this page, for jathagam porutham in tamil by date of birth or Click here to find your jathagam porutham in tamil by rasi and nakshatra. Exclusive access to your favourable dates and times.

All times are based on your Horoscope. Get instant access to your personal Panchang. Get Dasa Bhukti for a lifetime. What is Jathagam Porutham? Jathagam porutham in tamil by date of birth One of the methods for checking jathagam porutham in Tamil for marriage , is by date of birth.

Jathagam porutham in tamil with only rasi and star Also note here that in the case of the birth details [I do not know my date of birth, I know the date of birth, but I do not know the time but I know it was 12 March , sometime after dusk] In the above cases, it is easy to find out if the jathagam porutham is good, because you will have access to the star and rasi of the individuals.

Jathagam porutham by ePanchang.

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  • Services offered by ePanchang. If they share neutral relationship then marriage can be considered. Rasyadhipathi Porutham also indicates the offsprings.

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    • Thirumana Porutham - Jathaka Porutham - Nakshatra Porutham.
    • Tamil Jothidam says - if there is compatibility in the Vasyam, then there will be harmony between the couple. As per Jathaka Porutham rules, they will share mutual understanding and the boy and girl will enjoy pleasurable moments together. If the bride's Rasi is Cancer and the boy's Rasi is Sagittarius or Scorpio then they will make a beautiful couple.

      Similarly if the bride's Rasi is Leo and the boy's Rasi is Libra, they will be very loving and affectionate. Children strengthen the bond between two couples.

      In Nakshatra Porutham, Mahendra Porutham denotes the progeny. It also signifies wealth and prosperity of the children and family. According to Mahendra Porutham, the couple will be blessed with children and there will be longevity in their relationship. In Astrology, the sky is divided into 27 Nakshatras or constellations.

      These Nakshatras are classified into 3 categories that are: Gana Porutham basically analyses the physical compatibility between the married couple. If both the boy and girl share the same ganam; for instance if both are Deva Ganam or Manusha Ganam, then it would be most auspicious for them to get married.

      This koota also assures them a compatible sex life as per 10 Porutham.

      Jathagam Porutham in Tamil for Marriage

      As the term Yoni suggests, Yoni Porutham is all about the sexual compatibility between wife and husband. All the nakshatras have been assigned an animal.

      For instance; Aswini has been assigned a horse; Hasta, a buffalo; Chitra, a tiger, etc. Some animals are compatible with each other whereas some are rivals. Elephants and lions are arch rivals and so are rats and cats.

      There would be no peace in the house if the boy and girls Nakshatra possess such combination. If there is compatibility then the married couple will enjoy a wonderful sex life. This is also known as Dina Koota. It is very prudent to check Dina Porutham as it signifies prosperity, joy and health of the family.

      If Dina Porutham is well rated then the family would be liberated from illness, poverty and discomfort. The stars of the boy and girl are consulted. If they share the same stars then the couple would enjoy a blissful and healthy life. But the 27th star the last Nakshatra has to be rejected, no matter what the signs are.

      Enter Girl's Profile

      This Porutham indicates the couples ability to gather not just material wealth but also overall prosperity of the family. Both husband and wife have to work together for the welfare of the family.

      In this the stars of the boy are counted from the girls. If the boys stars are more than 15 then an agreement can be made but if it is less than 15 then it is in disagreement. When the porutham of the boy and girl is matched then one must keep in mind that the constellations or nakshatras of the couple do not fall in the same group.

      If there is similarity then it will be considered an inappropriate match. If Ooru Rajju is the same then the family will face immense poverty. If Sirasu Rajju is the same, then it is certain that the man would die. If Kanda Rajju is the same then the girl would die.

      Hence, Rajju Dosha is something that people must not neglect or waive aside. This Porutham refers to an impediment that the married couple would face if tied to the knot of marriage.

      If Vedha Porutham of the couple do not match, then it will lead to divorce between them, thereby breaking the sacred oath that theyd taken at the time of matrimony.

      This divorce could be caused by several reasons ranging from professional, financial and personal clashes.