Interception astrology definition

Intercepted Signs in the Horoscope and Their Impact upon the Physical Well-Being of the Individual
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Notify me of new comments via email. Skip to content I will be defining interceptions and showing what interceptions look like with a natal wheel from astro. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.

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Intercepted House - Astrology Encyclopedia

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: I researched the material for this article in the s — one of my first research projects as a student of astrology.

In my 50 years of research and experience, I have found that an intercepted sign and, of course, any intercepted planet can provide a strong clue to possible health problems, especially when the energies of that sign are not apparent. Any frustration or thwarted energy on a psychological level is likely to be manifest physiologically.

During my early years in astrology, I recommended the usage of the biochemic cell salt for an intercepted sign rather than that of the rising or sun sign.

Years later, my recommendation was vindicated. A friend, with Capricorn rising and Aquarius intercepted in the First House, was advised to use the biochemic cell salt Nat. She related that all her blood tests reflected low blood sodium, a rarity considering the amount of salt that Americans use in their diets.

For example, in my own chart, I have 27 degrees Taurus on the 10th cusp with Gemini and three Gemini planets intercepted in the 10th House.

Professionally, my natural inclination was to follow the direction of Taurus. In college, I majored in economics and finances. I had a natural flair for passing economics exams but not much more.

My Gemini talents were initially unrecognized. As a result, during my first semester in college, while a business major, I developed the Gemini health problem of sinus allergies. As my schooling continued, the allergies worsened.

When I left college to pursue astrology which I had studied as a hobby since high school , I had not yet resolved the conflict between what I thought I should do and what I wanted to do.

However, when I became a full-time professional astrologer in , the allergies began to improve. The allergies, while much improved, persisted. When I eventually began conducting in-person consultation, the allergy attacks ended. At that point, I was fully manifesting the Gemini energies in my professional life.

It is interesting to note that the allergies did not manifest during my childhood. Remember, when one sign is intercepted, its opposite sign is also intercepted.

With Scorpio on my 4th cusp, I did experience the control situation that characterizes the life of an only child with a dominating mother. However, the intercepted sign of Sagittarius was fully functioning during those years. I lived on a farm and experienced much physical freedom.

After moving into the city to attend college, the Sagittarian experience was closed to me and the allergies developed immediately.

This substantiates my theory that at least one of the intercepted signs must be functioning in order to avoid any health dysfunction related to the intercepted signs.

To this day, feeling trapped and confined, and limited social contact will stress my immune system, triggering the allergies. The impatience of Aries disturbs the status quo and sense of security in the life. Aries will create crisis in the House area when Taurus would like conditions therein to be static.

This can affect blood sugar levels and throat inflammations due to unarticulated anger. The Taurus cell salt is Nat. Opting for security and taking the line of least resistance over freedom, change, variety and dealing directly with people can create allergies and respiratory aliments.

The Gemini cell salt is Kali. The continual flux in the life ruled by the House upsets security and closeness needs. This can lead to stomach and digestive disorders when the individual finds that the many changes do not allow him much time for the affairs of this House. The Cancer cell salt is Cal.

HOW TO READ A BIRTH CHART - Interceptions, Duplicated Signs & Retrogrades - Hannah’s Elsewhere

Playing the child as a dependency role in a relationship or situation without seeking respect or authority can lead to heart and circulation ailments. The Leo cell salt is Mag. The individual may feel that he is forced to take charge when he would rather be in a more subordinate role, tending to details and out of the limelight.

Avoiding details and allowing them to sabotage your big plans can cause an imbalance in the Virgo cell salt of Kali. This combination makes the individual too critical fear of failure or rejection in some creative aspect of this House position. There may be a tendency to develop diabetes, hypoglycemia or acid- alkaline imbalances.

The Libra cell salt is Nat. There is a need to assert control over this House position in your life Repressed resentments through being overly accommodating in this area can lead to kidney and bladder infections, arteriosclerosis and other Scorpio illnesses when you try to please others rather than take control for yourself.

The Scorpio cell salt is Cal. The desire to be in control or the tendency to feel controlled by this House position keeps the individual from experiencing freedom and spontaneity in this area. Feeling trapped can lead to sciatica, respiratory ailments and the tendency to be accident-prone.

The Sagittarius cell salt is Silica. Freedom and independence is sought at the expense of security. The individual may very well be out of touch with his ambitions. The individual may be unable to achieve anything permanent or secure.


If Sagittarius rises and Aquarius is on the 2nd House cusp, the fluctuation would occur with both the personality and the personal finances. This could lead to rheumatism, joint and skin problems.

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The Capricorn cell salt is Cal. The need for independence and freedom is subjugated for security urges. Capricorn can fear dependency, being helpless and loss to the point that they worry themselves intro a dependency situation -a job, a relationship or a financial situation.

The loss of freedom in the House area can lead to low blood sodium, high blood pressure and circulatory problems.

Intercepted House · Astrological definition of Intercepted House · Astrology Encyclopedia

The Aquarius cell salt is Nat. The objective, scientific, black-or-white views of Aquarius may be at variance with the imaginative tendencies of Pisces. This combination is often resolved through humanistic or humanitarian activities in this House area, The individual needs to cultivate feeling and empathy of matters of this House.

Piscean health problems may develop through repression of feeling such as water retention, high blood pressure or a generally low vitality. The Piscean cell salt is Fer. The Aries cell salt is Kali.

AquarianEssence Astrology

To my knowledge, the following intercepts will not occur on the Ascendant: Taurus with Gemini intercepted, Cancer with Leo intercepted, Virgo with Libra intercepted, Libra with Scorpio intercepted and, except with 29 Scorpio rising in certain latitudes, Scorpio with Sagittarius intercepted.

Hello, I read your article on intercepted signs with great interest. The last 6 years I have had chronic Lyme disease. After finally taking matters into my own hands, I discovered the salt and vitamin C protocol on the internet and diligently applied myself to following it.

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This method has greatly improved my condition. I know this is not the same kind of salt you are referring to in your article, however, it seems there must be some connection with the need for sodium, trace minerals, and the other wonderful benefits of gray sea salt and immune boosting properties of the salt and vitamin C with the intercepted situation.

Any other info you can offer me re my particular situation would be appreciated. Nancy, this is an excellent post with an excellent remedy. A lack of spontaneous acting on ideas might confuse others but it is the intercepted Mercury way of finding the right life paths to be truly unique and happy.

If your Venus is in an intercepted sign, your desire to know people beyond a surface level probably interested you early in life. Finding special friends and lovers who understand your inner worlds is not always easy.

It isn't that you are hard to please but more that you know what you value and resist compromising it. You instinctually searched for a soul mate long before many others and don't give up easy in finding that right partner. You have intuitive business skills just as much as you sense what others need from you. You cherish your self-esteem as much as your material possessions.

Life does not seem fair when others disappoint you. But, your intuition is always keeping an eye on you with a supportive push to never stop believing in yourself.

If your Mars is in an intercepted sign, you have a capacity to time your actions to get the best results. Your intuition is always out in front of your movements, whether or not you get good results.

You likely don't care to confront others directly but will when it comes to pushing an important plan. Assertiveness can be a challenge. Then again, you might surprise yourself and take the lead in ways you never thought possible. When you tune into your emotions you feel centered. Patience with yourself is more difficult as a general theme than being patient with others.

You influence others to believe in you when displaying creative passion. You possess survival instincts that can pierce any type of adversity.

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  4. ‘Intercepted Zodiac Signs and Planets – Subtle Truths In Astrology | Sky Maiden Musings.
  5. If your Jupiter is in an intercepted sign, your inner gypsy is never far from your mind. You never really like being told your dreams cannot be attained even if you don't verbally show it.

    Your intuition stimulates you to be a positive spirit inspiring you at times to take a spontaneous leap of faith. You feel like a fish out of water if you get lost in negativity.

    People expect you to be there for them when they are dealing with their problems. You need to know when you say no to make sure you are not promising more than you can deliver. You attract good fortune when walking with enthusiasm.

    Developing a belief system that represents the true you is the path to abundance and harmony. If your Saturn is in an intercepted sign, it reveals your inner determination to finish what you start that comes with self-confidence. You might need to overcome a sensitivity regarding criticism.

    You probably take responsibility seriously. Your intuition gets stronger when you learn to trust your own ability. Letting people get emotionally close gets easier when you make good relationship choices. You are attracted to someone valuing commitments as much as you do. Your way of sensing the right career path comes when you don't fear failure.

    Learning to take small steps toward a goal gets you to the finish line. If your Uranus is in an intercepted sign, your first thoughts are helping others become true individuals.

    Eventually you realized that it was essential to beat to your own drum. Within you is an independent spirit. When you become passionate about your own goals your intuition guides you to walk your talk ferociously.

    You might appear too passive to others at times. You likely think of this as being cautious until you feel your ideas are clear and will resonate with the strength you desire. Knowing when to compromise and when to push your own truths comes with self-confidence.

    You don't really want to burn any bridges to your past but within you is an awareness that the future could be what will set you free.