Astrologer patrick arundell

Astrologer Patrick Arundell Interview with
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  2. Defence of Astrology
  3. Weekly Horoscopes
  4. Love Horoscopes
Today's Astrology Overview

The ancients believed the study of stars is a study of the inner workings of the human mind. In astrological terms a timing of birth gives us a true blue print of some ones nature, which can be accurately used in interpret valuable life skills and talents, and utilised to maximize good times and limit the difficult ones.

Nowadays many psychologists use astrologers as a quicker and more accurate way to understand their clients. Evidence proves that many prominent thinkers, philophophers and scientists such as Golen, Paracelsus, Tycho Braha, Galileo Galilei, Carl Jung, practised or significantly contributed to astrology.

Although astrology needs to be based on statistical validation for which there is no or little funding available. Michael Gaugelin the French psychologist and statistician devoted his life in the attempt to demonstrate the validity of certain fundamentals of astrology. He wrote that he had found certain correlations between some planetary positions and certain traits in their chosen vocations, which was far more than coincidental.

As the Full Moon or New Moon approached the murder rate rose sharply, it distinctly declined during the first and last Quarters of the Moon. The report provided evidence that the Full Moon marks a peak in various kinds of psychotically oriented crimes such as murder, arson, dangerous driving, and kleptomania.

Love Horoscopes inside track...

The study was replicated using murder statistics in Ohio, Cleveland. Once again the statistics revealed that murders do indeed occur at the Full and New Moons. A well known astrologer Carolyn Reynolds analyzed charts of twenty people and was asked to identify four serial killers from their natal charts. Not only did she pick the correct people, she supplied additional information of each killer that proved correct.

Michele E Gibson recently conducted a study of astrological charts and developed new techniques for predicting mental illness. Three marker aspects were prominent in every chart, which could be easily identifiable to anyone without astrological knowledge. The monthly lunar cycle can help in choosing the timing and gender of babies.

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The Southern California hospital discovered that out of 11, births over a six year period. Buehler analyzed 33, births and discovered there was a significant preponderance of male births during the waxing Moon.

Defence of Astrology

It also appears conception is easier at this time. The Northern Hemisphere are beginning to enter what are sometimes called the Dog Days, when the weather is warmest The 20th of June will see many folk celebrating the Solstice, find out more Whatever the weather is today, it will remain so for forty days unless the weather changes on the 11th June St Barnabas Day Tap for more Few of those who wander around Edinburgh Castle will be aware that it was once the centre of a dark chapter in Scotland's History May , the astronauts on board Apollo 10 were having an unusual conversation about hearing music from outside their spacecraft With romantic stirrings of St.

This month is the start of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which is observed by Muslims everywhere as a month of fasting, find out more Today is the feast day of St.

Quiteria, one of nine nonuplet sisters, became a guerrilla warrior maiden fighting the Romans What is so unusual about him, find out more The nearest Saturday to the 8th May sees the population of Helston in Cornwall swell as the crowds gather for the annual Furry Dance.

Weekly Horoscopes

The 1st of May is an ancient fertility festival shall we? It reaches back to Celtic times when it was celebrated as Beltane, find out more When you think of Mayday the image of maypoles most likely come to mind, did you know it's origins are actually Pagan, find out more Visiting somewhere with a large Chinese population and looking for a lucky charm, you may get a disc with a whole in it called a Pi In Northern Europe April brings the cuckoo, and in many parts of England the 21st of April was seen as the day the cuckoo arrived The Easter Bunny Lost it's spring, chocolate no longer of interest, lets look at some other popular Easter pastimes All over the world Jewish people will be spending the 23rd and 24th of March celebrating Purim Tap for more India celebrates Holi, one of the most joyful festivals on earth on the 23rd March The 5th March is St Piran's Day, one of three saints who vie for the honour of being the patron saint of Cornwall It's the 1st of March and people of Welsh descent all over the world will be celebrating St.

Oswald, late Archbishop of York is the only saint whose festival only occurs in a Leap Year The name Shrove Tuesday comes from the Roman Catholic practise of confessing sins Imbolc is the time of year when Pagan folk begin to look forward to spring, St Brigid's day and Candlemas The 22nd of January sees us raising a glass to a very special saint; St Vincent, the patron saint of winegrowers In the West we tend to think of knives as utilitarian objects with little spiritual value outside the world of neo-paganism and Wicca.

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May 15th - Corsa dei Ceri.

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April 11th - Candle. April 10th Mahavir Jayanti. April 9th - Palm Sunday. April 5th - Rama Navami.

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April 1st - Lazarus Saturday. March 28th - Nyepi Day.

Love Horoscopes

March 20th - Nowruz. March 16th - Oranges and Lemons Day. March 15th - Falles. March 13th - Holi. March 3rd - Noche de Brujas. March 1st - Martisor. January 28th Chinese New Year. January 14th and 15th Straw Bear.

January - Rendlesham Forest Incident. January 6th Haxey Hood.

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January 1st Needle and Thread Ceremony. December - Wych Elm. December 21st - Yule. November - Slender Man. November - Monk in Statue.