Aquarius weekly horoscope 19 january 2019 by michele knight

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  4. Weekly Horoscope Forecast for All Signs October 8th 2018

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Did you love this page? Share it with your friends! Business and work matters are also coming back into focus. Mercury which rules both your 3 rd and 6 th house, heads direct once more in your 10 th of career and reputation from the 6 th.

It will remain in retrograde shadow right up until the 24 th.

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  2. Capricorn - Horoscope - by Michele Knight?
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See this as an opportunity to fine tune that CV for the New Year if you have decided that part of a healthy lifestyle is a job change. In fact, a healthy outlook is what is needed across the board from enjoying yourself but being mindful of what fuels that body to paying attention to what you are feeding your mind too. Is everyone having a better time than you?

Bear in mind the planet of love remains in retroshadow until the New Year so this is still not the best time for that festive new love affair.

But Venus entering your 10 th awakens deep drives and ambitions. All attainable now you can combine these with diplomacy and a touch of magenic glamour. New love may be on hold but old love may seem new again.

Time to work at enhancing all your existing connections be they love partnerships or working ones and seeing these bear fruit for you. Friends, networks, contacts, groups, clubs, organisations feature as well as benefits from all of these.

You also need to take action when it comes to those dreams. You may recall when Jupiter entered this house of your chart in November, my telling you to make three wishes?

Well, look at those now and pick one which you can take even the first, tiniest step towards on your own as the new Moon takes to the skies in here on the 7 th.

This is your house of the future so face forward now — even before the New Year begins. In fact, if you revisit old friends and hangouts, they may seem new on some level for you.

Be aware this new Moon tightly hugs Neptune and Mars which are conjunct in your money house. Please keep a tight rein on your spending and above all, understand that you do not need to prove how much you love or care about someone by spending more than you can afford on either gifts of treating them.

In fact, this should be your gift to yourself now. These could be big ones now as Mercury re-enters your 11 th from the 11 th and begins to move closer to Jupiter. Unexpected news and ideas light up the festivities.

Large gatherings, good times, gifts and other benefits flow from people you know and for some, that Christmas Wish-upon-a-star — in this case the biggest one in the zodiac, could come true. Luck is on your side. Above all, embrace a larger social circle, accept all invitations that come your way and be open to meeting people from as many different walks of life as possible.

This is where your real gifts can be found now.

your personal horoscope

It appears in your 6 th of work, routine and wellness. With all this 11 th house activity you are more focused on being the life and soul of the party as you reach for another mince pie.

So, your initial reaction to this full Moon could be: However, if you do ignore this you are missing another wonderful gift. This Moon allows escape from routines that have confined you or seen you dusted with dullness instead of glitter.

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  • This full Moon could see you end a work cycle on a positive note — freeing you up to go enjoy yourself with a clear conscience and sense of satisfaction. Above all, it allows you to look at changes you need to make to get more enjoyment out of your work in the year ahead and to feel good about yourself.

    Head towards in full creative self-expression mode. Show the world what makes you unique and let that inner rock star out to play as Mars meets Chiron in your 2 nd on the 29 th. And love and support you for it. End the year on a feel-good note, Aquarius. Good times and benefits flow from friends and contacts.

    Have you made a wish? Defining your place in your inner and outer worlds, and connecting to a real sense of belonging, is going to form a big part of — and beyond.

    You already know that the 11th house in your chart rules all things Aquarian. Jupiter planet of learning, freedom, expansion and a big dash of good luck, gives you a much needed boost in all Aquarian-ruled areas for If you were 18 or over 12 year ago, think back to that time and especially to opportunities or benefits that came to you via the people you are connected with.

    These can be personal and professional ones. Particularly look at what goals you attained back then as of course, you are the sign which rules goals, wishes and dreams.

    Who helped you reach or at the very least take a step towards a goal? What friendships or associations were formed back then and how have these affected you over the long term?

    Expect these themes to feature again as could a major goal coming within reach this year. One piece of advice I always give to anyone having a Jupiter in the 11th transit is to make a wish.

    In fact, because Jupiter expands — make three. And expect at least one of them to come true during the time Jupiter takes to move through here. So, travel, learning, the outdoors, sports, animals, exploration, the mass media and anything connected to the law or philosophies and beliefs.

    Of course, this does not mean if your wish does not fall into one of these categories, that it will not come true. Jupiter always delivers benefits and opportunities. These can arrive via Jupiter manifesting in your life as a person.

    An important new friend or contact who is most likely well-travelled, worldly, confident, successful and somewhat larger-than-life. This is a new Moon which can often bring an important new connection into our lives.

    Astrology News & Articles

    Just remember that with the ruler of these Moonwalking across the sky, this may not be a good time to jump heart-first into something new. This is a good time to build on what you already have. And it is also a good time for ideas, business, short trips and study. Not to mention connecting more to what is going on in your immediate environment.

    Ruler Mercury in its ruling 3rd asks you to take a new look at what is familiar or an opportunity which may have escaped your attention. Simply because it literally is right under your nose. This is also a good time to work up those creative ideas you have been sitting on.

    Break it down and take it by stages this week. This week, change your focus. Explore the potential right outside your front door.

    Repurpose New loves or passions spring from old Reunions are no coincidence. So, this is your Back to the Future new beginning. Time for soul revival, Libra when it comes to a past relationship, something you love to do, a project or even a career path you abandoned and your money.

    You may have thought something was over with but this new Moon could show you that it is anything but. Where you want to be and who you want to be with marks part of this theme of returning. Look closely at this as a change or shift could occur around where you live, people you live with or how you envisage earning your money in the future.

    Yearly Horoscope (Written) With Michele Knight - Michele Knight

    Think about that relocation or re-balancing the books. Also watch for who unexpectedly pops up or cross your path again. This is no chance or coincidence. They have a role to play in your future. Second time around chances could not only be better, they could be an even more perfect fit than they were before, Libra. Back to the Future, Libra!

    But the course you chart into your future, springs from your past. You have the knowing Intuition proves infallible Connect to the wisdom of the multiverse. Explore a mysterious link to your past and let intuition be your guide on your journey, Scorpio. This week connects you to the wisdom of the multiverse and enhanced psychic ability thanks to a new Moon in your 12th.

    This occurs at the same time the planet Venus is retrograde in here. Past loves feature or even reappear. Just be aware that this house rules all things hidden — the things we hide from ourselves and those others hide from us. With the planet that rules your love life and your bank account going backwards, this is not the time to embark on a new love affair, take on new financial commitments or lend someone money unless you can afford to write it off.

    Even that old lover returning should be treated with caution as nothing may be what it seems. Especially when it comes down to what they are saying as this Moon squares Pluto your ruler and makes another angle to Neptune the ruler of your 12th.

    Again, check in with your intuition as chances are it will prove to be infallible now. If someone is telling you one thing, but their actions say something else, please bear in mind that actions speak louder than words.

    The Sun is also in your 12th and the Sun always illuminates. Ensure everything you say and do is above board now, otherwise you could end up with custard on your face. This week asks you to separate truth from fiction and fact from fantasy.

    Reality may bite this week, but the truth will set you free. Your intuition and psychic skills will prove to be your best assets now.

    Weekly Horoscope Forecast for All Signs October 8th 2018

    Revive the dream, Sag! Or that you were in fact, closer to attaining it than you thought. Reunions and reconnections feature as does recapturing that feeling that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

    Sagittarius is a sign that always has to have something to look forward to and faith in future outcomes. By now you should know that without that star to aim for, you become disillusioned and a saggy Sag.

    You are now in a time of deep preparation for one of the most exciting cycles you have experienced in 12 years. What needs to be dealt with, said or you taking action on once and for all? You need to complete this process by the beginning of November.

    As the classic song tells us: You gotta have a dream. That dream you thought beyond your reach returns or you see a new way to get it. How you gonna have a dream come true, Sag? Upgrade those ambitions and rebuild your career path and reclaim the rewards and recognition that you deserve, Capricorn.

    The new Moon in your 10th which appears on the 9th nudges you into action when it comes to your career and ambition. If you want to rebrand or relaunch yourself, this is an excellent time to do just that as you have Venus making a rare retrograde in here.

    Venus retro is asking you to look at where you may have stopped making yourself your 1 priority when it comes to your professional image and how you value yourself and what you have to offer.

    To re-evaluate your skills and your achievements to date. And to place a new value on these.