Scorpio horoscope and scorpio compatibility

Scorpio Times Two
  1. Scorpio and Scorpio Love Compatibility -
  2. What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Scorpio?
  3. Scorpio and Scorpio Marriage

But their fixed water nature is not like a babbling brook or even ocean waves lapping a beach. It's more like a swamp, quiet and still on the surface but deep and teeming with hidden life. Scorpios live to experience the extreme emotions of life. They soak up the emotions surrounding them while keeping their own emotions hidden and contained.

They are secretive, private, and quiet individuals who are capable of extraordinary mental phenomena, such as extra-sensory perception and telepathy. With these incredible powers, they can and do psychically delve into the thoughts, motivations, and behavior of others.

Scorpios often choose life challenging circumstances and live life on the edge of one extreme or another. They contain and reveal the very best and the very worst of the human condition. When two available Scorpios meet, each senses magic, mystery, intrigue, love, and passion in the other.

There's an instant magnetic attraction. It's like each has found their one and only soul mate, someone who is a mirror image of themselves, and someone who shares their deepest, darkest secrets, a person who knows them as well, and perhaps even better, than they know themselves.

These two have an innate understanding and a two-way psychic connection, which means spoken words are seldom necessary. The sex between two Scorpios is to die for, and sex to die for is exactly the kind they both desire. For a Scorpio, sex is a spiritual act linked to the process of death, rebirth, and resurrection.

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Scorpios are into committed relationships, with a capital C. They are passionate, possessive of, fiercely devoted to, and protective of their partners.

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They will cocoon and look to one another for companionship, intimacy, care, friendship, and advice. They will share household tasks, finances, parenting, and just about everything else.

Scorpio and Scorpio Love Compatibility -

It's often thought couples who are so similar and emotionally close will grow bored with each other and are therefore more prone to breaking up. Though each will have respect for the other's invisible boundaries and intuitively not act to provoke issues, they still need to guard against crossing the line, getting vengeful and destructive, and saying or doing something that can't be forgiven or taken back.

This is an "I love you and hate you" sort of marriage that will be filled with edgy melodrama. It can survive because both thrive on and are enlivened by the extreme passions of human behavior.

All Scorpios save, invest, and multiply their possessions. They are sensible, practical, and realistic when it comes to finances. Money for each is about assurance, control, and power. They are both hard working, very ambitious, and good at making money and hanging onto it.


Plus, both have eagle-eyes and the right instincts when it comes to investments. None of them will understand the lack of trust coming from their partner, lifting their ego high, knowing that there is no reason why they would continue sharing anything with the other Scorpio anymore.

The problem here is in the fact that neither of them seems to be aware of what they want from their partner and this can turn into a real battle for supremacy. Still, often enough, they will see each other as true and honest, leaving their insecurities aside, trusting each other without too many words.

When emotional baggage is not a part of their everyday communication, the depth both of their minds have will be an incredible stimulus for each conversation they have. No one can understand a Scorpio intellectually as much as another Scorpio.

What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Scorpio?

This is a good way for both of them to discover that they are not alone, and it can be healing for each partner for as long as emotional expectations are not involved. If they see each other as adversaries, they will sting each other for victory, meaning they will do whatever it takes to win. If they distance themselves from a situation, they might realize that none of them actually endangers the other.

To find mutual understanding, they need to lead separate lives and give each other enough room to do so. This makes representatives of this sign turned to the dark emotional issues and this is something they will both understand in each other.

Scorpio and Scorpio Marriage

This could lead to numerous conflicts, but it could also be the base for incredible personal evolution of each partner, and an opportunity to be with someone who truly understands the depth of their hearts. The best way for them to approach this relationship is through deepest emotional acceptance and the tolerance for incredible difference in character, even though they are, strangely, the same.

The problem with things they value is in the illusion of value they both share. They will value rationality and emotional maturity, but those are things none of them can actually deliver all the time. They do value similar things, but they are not entirely rational or realistic in their choices.

This makes them susceptible to judging their own reflection in one another. Again, this is about the balance they both seek, needing a partner of opposite character and choices.

Even though they will feel sad and dried out most of the time, as two members of fixed quality, they could hold on to each other for a long time. The more time they spend together, the less energy they might have, for there is a silent, inner battle in both of them that drains it out of their systems.