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A few centuries ago the Christian church would have called this the work of the devil. But these days the devil is simply an interesting marketing ploy.


Whereas sacrifice and pain were elevated virtues in the Piscean era, enlightenment, individualism and enjoyment will be the virtues of the Aquarian era. Outwardly it is an appealing age to live in. The difficulties, which may not be so apparent to the denizens of the era, will be in the totalitarian nature of the age.

With the interconnectedness of us all, it will be possible to have visual and auditory contact with anyone anywhere.

Whilst there are benefits in terms of security and togetherness, the relentless presence of collective consciousness could prove to be a strain. Where in the Christian era self-centeredness was a sin, in the Aquarius era being an outsider, or being anti-social will be… not a sin… but disapproved of.

Whereas religious isolation was considered sublime in the Piscean Age, solidarity and connectedness will be the Aquarian virtue. There are several good astrological indicators for the dawning of Aquarius, and one of them is the conjunction of the 7 personal planets in Aquarius at the solar eclipse of February 5th Many will remember the sheer euphoria of the sixties, and the revolutionary trends that swept the music and political scene at the time.

This euphoria is well represented by the wonderful conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. The sixties were also a cruel time, what with the Cultural Revolution in China, the Vietnam war, and the general political reaction of the old generation to the new.

This element of authoritarianism and euphoria will probably characterize the Aquarian Age. Drawn for New York this puts — rather unnervingly — Pluto on the Ascendant.

This horoscope could be considered the final push from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. This is the first conjunction in Aquarius since which is what makes this conjunction a Great Mutation.

The chart will have an outreach of years, and the countries and people that are to have greatest historical effect in this period are those whose horoscopes align with the power centers in this chart. Of most concern in the chart is the elevated Pluto in Capricorn exactly squaring Mars in Aries. As in the previous chart this indicates authoritarian power, here shown as invasive and dictatorial.

If you have traveled to America after , your thumbprint and iris signature is stored in the Homeland Security database. By the genetic profile of everyone in the world will probably be stored from birth.

For all the best reasons of course. Even today in London, your movements can be tracked by cameras from the moment you leave your house to the time you exit the night club you just visited. If you want to be an honest small-time crook, life is going to be very difficult. Our lives will be digitally mapped from the cradle to the grave.

Whilst we are summoned to our screens in this brave new world, there will be some who read with longing about those earlier citizens who assembled around the camp fire and tried to avoid the smoke. But no one will miss the religious persecution, disease, poverty and starvation that caused so much suffering in the Age of Pisces.

There is no planet that takes its time quite like Saturn. It never rushes, never accomplishes anything rapidly, always seems to go a little too slowly.

From it we learn the qualities of patience, stoicism and perseverance.

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  • Adrian Duncan, Astrologer.

Time drags on just slow enough for us to actually build something lasting. Any faster and the foundations would not be solid enough. Any slower, and we would give up the struggle.


It takes 5 years for Saturn to traverse Cancer and Leo — the opposing signs of Capricorn and Aquarius — and in this long period Saturn it is in its two signs of detriment, weakened and debilitated.

Which really is no fun. Israel walls out the Palestinians, Bush walls out the Mexicans, Europe walls out all those refugees who desperately want to escape chaos in the rest of the world. On a more personal level, the transit of Saturn through Cancer from June to August placed its heavy finger on emotional weaknesses especially as regards family duty, bring a time of emotional struggle for those who did not have their house in order.

For Capricorns, it emphasized partnership weaknesses and demanded the sacrifice of personal needs in favor of partnership needs. For Aquarians it placed the focus on work, health and employment, forcing them to address deficiencies in this area.

Saturn in Leo has been particularly bad for political leadership in the period from to Bush in the USA has lost all his credibility, even amongst Republicans.

The swagger of this man, who always seems not quite to be able to fill out his suit, like a small boy, is very characteristic of Saturn in Leo. Though he has Leo rising and Saturn in fact in Cancer. Tony Blair has squandered massive popularity through lying to himself and to the people. Jacques Chirac in France fumbled through his last weak years of his presidency.

As the new millennium began, Saturn had conjoined Jupiter in Taurus in its twenty-year conjunction cycle with that planet. With a stellium of seven planets in Taurus in May , a completely new economic cycle started with the Dot com crash, which actually also heralded a long period of investment in solid values like property, bringing in time large economic bonuses for sensible souls who owned property.

But the defining moment for the millennium was the opposition of Saturn in Gemini to Pluto in Sagittarius and the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York — the symbol of western economic imperialism.

The world was rent asunder. Religious fundamentalism was suddenly on the agenda, both that of Islam and that of American neoconservatives. Saturn in Gemini went on to trine Uranus in Aquarius [point 2. This led to a successful overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the manipulation of the UN into a half-hearted support of the invasion of Iraq.

This was the perfect time for the export of Western democracy. But then Saturn went into Cancer, and things turned sour. Democracy has not proved to sit very well amongst the tribal divisions of Iraq, where clan is far more important than airy concepts of equality. The next major aspect for Saturn has been the triple opposition to Neptune [point 3.

Basically Saturn is on its last legs at this time. There is only one thing for Saturn to do — roll over and accept defeat. On a personal level, circumstances that are seemingly beyond control undermine the situation of the individual in a long and tiring process of dissolution.

Being Saturn-ruled, this naturally affects Capricorns and Aquarians most. For Capricorns it is connected with financial, psychological and security issues. For Aquarians, a long drawn out struggle to define the meaning of life, children and relationships is the issue.

It is not the worst thing to surrender, or to accept that there are higher forces — karma perhaps — that cannot be avoided. The kind of acceptance that arises as a consequence is extremely enriching spiritually. As far as the refinement of the soul is concerned, the losers wins, and the winner loses. At the time of writing May Saturn is moving direct in Leo as in trines Jupiter, and things are looking up.

Suddenly Saturn-ruled Aquarius and Capricorn start getting the feeling that a 5-year cycle of struggle is about to ease up. Where Aquarians, with Saturn in their solar 7th house, have had to consistently compromise in relationships and tread real carefully, they will now be prepared to come with an ultimatum if necessary. They are not prepared to be trodden on at this time.

Politically, there may be a resolution connected with Iranian nuclear ambitions at this time. Capricorns, who have been going through a period of considerable anxiety with Saturn in their solar 8th house, can expect a powerful emotional catharsis. When Saturn finally comes into Virgo on September 2nd , there are many who will breathe a collective sigh of relief, as incompetent and over-inflated leaders disappear from the scene, and a new spirit of practical humility takes over.

This transition to Virgo is eased by the entrance of Jupiter into Capricorn on December 18th, where it goes on to make a trine to Saturn at 7 degrees in January … just as Pluto moves into Capricorn. Basically this is going to be a wonderfully constructive period — a time to heal and repair.

Though the repeated Mars opposition to Pluto from January — March points to a crisis in other areas. But what a major transition this is for Capricorns, who not only get Jupiter and Pluto entering their sign, but also have Saturn moving out of its most uncomfortable placement in the solar 8th house, and into the optimistic 9th.

This will result in a radical lifestyle change, bringing a major focus on foreign countries, international travel and intellectual training. The major event for Saturn in is its opposition to Uranus — something that takes place only once every 46 years.

The aspect repeats in February at 20 degrees and in September at 24 degrees. Obviously this planetary cycle will evoke changes similar to those in the mid-sixties, notably focus on an enormous generation gap.

It will be interesting to see how the virtual world of Uranus in Pisces will collide with the practical world of Saturn in Virgo. Web environments like the video world of YouTube. Ultimately the anarchic presentation of material that the TV media prefer to keep hidden, or do not have the resources to show, will completely change the power balance, and have a huge new effect on elections.

For Capricorns this opposition from November to September , will bring the bridging on worlds on an intellectual level. Radical new educational and communication methods will bring challenges as Capricorns reorient the way they understand their position in the world.

New languages, new studies, new countries, international commuting are some of many opportunities. For Aquarians there is a focus on new resources, and a struggle to create economic security with new methods.

This will be a time of major psychological challenge and growth, when a balance must be found between the ghosts of the past, and the dreams for the future. Finally on October 29th Saturn moves into Libra, where it is exalted. Whatever challenges arise at this time — and a major T-square is approaching involving Uranus, Pluto and Saturn — for Capricorns and Aquarius this will at least be a time when they have strength and dignity.

While Saturn was in Cancer and Leo, its debilitated position meant that even if there were relatively good aspects, the benefits would be muted. But when Saturn is exalted, even its difficult aspects will not be enough to throw it off balance.

So for Capricorns, when Saturn will be in the solar 10th house and Pluto the solar first, there will be enormous strength and power to recreate ambitions and transform the career to create a new future. The first square between Saturn and Pluto takes place in January , and we can expect some pretty major political reorganization at this time.

Political unrest will sweep the world at this time, and whilst Saturn in Libra will strive to maintain balance — Congress in the USA will be particularly active trying to mediate between individual extremism and state authority — the long term political prospects seem very messy.

In fact Uranus will square Pluto not three times, not five times, but an incredibly seven times between and , and with Saturn moving into powerful Scorpio at this time, the world will be needing some superheroes. It is difficult to work with astrology and be politically correct at the same time, especially when the subject turns to gender issues.

If you did not follow that guideline as a practising astrologer, you would soon go astray in the predictive field. Back when men were men and women were women — around a century ago — tradition said that a man would marry a woman represented by the position and aspect of the Moon, whilst a woman would marry a man represented by the position and aspect of the Sun.

That was in the days when people got married. These days, when romance has replaced motherhood and status as a major factor in relationships, it would be foolish not to look to Venus and Mars. Experience shows that despite the fact that we tend to prize ourselves on our awareness and consciousness, men still project their female side represented by Venus in their chart on women, whilst women project their male side Mars on men.

Relationships are healthier when not too much projection takes place, and during the course of a relationship, it is possible that a greater consciousness arises. So the man who has Venus square Saturn and claims his partner is depressed, learns that this condition miraculously improves when he is more generous with his love.

And the woman with Mars square Jupiter who finds that her partner is arrogant, bullying and all-knowing learns that if she relaxes instead of discusses, the partner suddenly seems to listen more. On a collective level Mars and Venus represent huge forces in society.

Similarly men just cannot resist buying objects that reflect potency like powerful computers and cars. On the other hand culture is also a huge area of expenditure for the state, and who knows — or dares ask — how much women spend on beauty? It has been said in fact that spending on beauty and spending on war amounts to about the same.

Clearly Mars and Venus are worlds apart but equally powerful. With the Earth caught in the middle of these two planets, we are torn apart or unified to the degree that we can manage a harmonious and happy relationship with the opposite sex.

In their orbits around the Sun, Venus and Mars make a range of aspects to each other from varying signs, and this synchronizes with the drama or lack of drama as boy meets girl here on Earth.

Which makes a very special year, because both Mars and Venus go retrograde and just cannot get away from each other, making a series of aspects which definitely are dramatic.

This double retrograde can only happen when both planets straddle the Earth — in other words neither of them can be found on the opposite side of the sun in , they are very close to the Earth, large and bright. Added to this, here in and Mars and Venus tend to connect by aspect perilously close to Uranus in Pisces and Pluto in Sagittarius.

Mars goes retrograde in Cancer in November and enters Gemini from opposing Pluto just as in moves into Capricorn. This collectively suggests that relationships are in a period of transition, and there will be crisis and transformation. From a traditional sun sign point of view, these will be interesting times for the Venus-ruled Taurus and Libra, and the Mars-ruled Aries and Scorpio.

At the time of writing, Venus is approaching the square to Mars. As long as Mars or Venus are in mutable signs they are destined to activate first Uranus and later Pluto — and it seems as if they know it. Two days previously a South Korean student shot and killed 33 people at a college in Virginia.

This shooting took place with Mars at 7. Venus is the actual ruler of the shooting chart Taurus rising at 7. Extrapolating this kind of extremism to the whole series of aspects that Venus and Mars make up to January , it is likely that relationship situations generally will go through some extreme phases.

Talk about being at cross purposes! Venus is in fall in Virgo and is desperate to improve her situation. What better way to do this than going back into Leo — parties and romance! Queen again instead of maidservant. And indeed, when Venus moves back into Leo, she is destined to meet a Mars in Gemini who can easily seduce her with his boyish charms.

This happens just as Venus is about to go direct at 17 Leo in early September. In other words Venus is likely to abandon a relationship in which she feels enslaved Virgo to go back to an old love who promises fun and games. The double nature of Mars and Venus in mutable signs suggests that there are two or more partners in the picture.

The sextile between Venus and Mars at this time happens just as Mars squares Uranus — also at 17 degrees. This is certainly an explosive cocktail for change and wild experimentation. In other words, relationships with roots back to can be reactivated, and a new 8 year cycle can begin. The romantic idyll Venus also opposes Neptune at this time may not last so long, for Mars and Venus are destined to meet again as Mars moves on into Cancer whilst Venus moves back into Virgo.

astrology69 | Astrology Articles from Adrian Duncan

The sextile might be nice, but both planets are in fall, suggesting that relationships at this time are characterized by dependence and servility.

This might be an OK combination for home-building and family, but a romantic holiday in Paris is not on the cards. By mid-November Venus is in a much better position as it moves into its own sign Libra, but it is at this point that Mars turns retrograde at 12 degrees Cancer to begin a 5 month journey — in fall — where it is destined to oppose Pluto in transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn.

This is unfortunately an ominous time. The last time Mars was retrograde in Cancer was in , when Yugoslavia split asunder and ethnic cleansing was all the rage.

For Mars in Cancer has an emotional fixation on family, clan and nation, and is venomous in defence of those it holds dear.

This does not bode well for unity in Iraq, and indeed problems in Serbia may be reawakened.

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Venus in Libra, which squares Mars at its station at 12 degrees, does her best to find diplomatic solutions, but Mars is bent on self-destruction… its future meeting with Pluto.

In relationships this suggests men in the sway of violent emotions in conflict with women of brilliant character trying to get the best out of the situation. On the political scene the UN may be especially active and effective at this time.

The forces of justice line up on the side of Venus, whilst they are arrayed against a Mars that speaks with two tongues. Still, in the constant battle between the sexes, or the drive for war or peace, it is Venus who is destined to give way to Mars, because the nature of Venus is to seek harmony.

Thus, just after Mars has returned to Cancer and opposes a new Pluto at 0 Capricorn on March 7th, Mercury joins forces with Venus in Pisces, and they make some form of peace with Mars, perhaps sacrificing something to assuage the emotional desperation that Mars exhibits at this time.

But the Spring of is an extreme time, with Saturn newly arrived in Virgo opposing Venus, and Mars opposing Pluto — hard times for love and hard times for living.

We will be living in a new world at this time, with the two giants Jupiter and Saturn now in Earth signs, along with Pluto. The good thing about this period is that there will be a collective drive to develop workable systems for sorting out the mess created by extremist ideologies.

An era is drawing to a close. What began in January when Pluto entered Sagittarius, will change in January , when Pluto leaves. It is always the case that when Jupiter teams up with Pluto, which can be said to have happened with this long Pluto transit through Sagittarius, then wisdom is obscured by ideological fanaticism.

When someone is gripped by ideological fanaticism then it is often true that any means at hand is justifiable to reach a desired end result. Towers can fall, countries can be invaded. The end justifies the means. This is the time when the masses can be expected to die for the beliefs of some mad group or individual.

With Pluto in Sagittarius the focus has been on alien religions and beliefs, and the result has been the polarization of peoples and nations. This process is likely to reach a crescendo as Jupiter transits Sagittarius to conjoin Pluto on December 11th at 28 degrees. This is the last mighty gasp of the doctrine of extremism, after which the pragmatic climate of Capricorn will defuse religious interpretations of world conflict, and find practical solutions no longer based on ideological belief.

This Mars opposition suggests that the Pluto transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn will be violent and very unstable indeed.

This could be further terror in the USA, or American or Israeli attacks on Iran, or simply the withdrawal of occupation forces from Iraq with the inevitable escalation of civil war as a result. But whatever happens, the end of ideological extremism as the dominant factor in politics will arrive.

As the final exit of Pluto from Sagittarius takes place in November 27th — the same month as the US election, the Republican ideologues who have been running American politics for many years will disappear into the history books. This means goodbye to the right-wingers behind Bush, like Dick Cheney, but almost certainly to the Republican party too, which augurs well for Democratic candidates.

The United States has the Moon in Aquarius, which Jupiter will go on to conjoin a year after the inauguration.

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There seem to be several power blocks in this chart. The sun is, as always with US presidential elections, in Scorpio with Scorpio rising. Mars, significantly, is in Scorpio in exact square to Neptune. Astrologer Frances McEvoy has suggested a birth time of Amazingly Obama has his Mars within a degree of the US Mars, which should make him a natural channel for the American macho spirit and a perfect representative for blacks.

Although with a Kenyan father and white mother, he does not actually have the traditional African American heritage. It is worth noting that the inauguration of US presidents takes place at noon on January 20th, putting the Sun at 0 degrees Aquarius.

For example, his Venus at 1 degree Cancer at birth and therefore only 2 degrees from a conjunction with the US Venus progresses to Furthermore, his progressed sun at the time of the election is at So if he were to become president, the progressed sun would travel from the trine to progressed Jupiter to the trine of radical Jupiter during the 4 year period of office.

It is of course early days to say, and Hillary Clinton note 1 might get a bit upset if this scenario turned out.


She also has retrograde Mercury in Scorpio exactly square Saturn, and she could be destroyed by secrets that surface. But then, she has survived so far. This shows a conservatively minded electorate who want careful and realistic solutions.

This opposition only takes place once about every 45 years, and was last effective in the mid-sixties. For example, I have Uranus in Cancer in the 9 th house, and when I was 20 — 21 and Uranus squared its birth position, I was traveling in India and my wife-to-be gave birth to our son there… the creation of a family abroad.

It is amazing how much can be inferred about a person, even without knowing their horoscope. Any proficient sun sign astrologer knows how powerful the sun alone is in a sign, and how the sign ruler of the sun sign, in its orbit around the sun and interaction with the other planets, reliably provides background information about what is going on.

In the first few months of for example, Mars was retrograde in Virgo. For Scorpios this is a solar 11 th house placement, which means that constant reorganization in connection with groups has been a feature of this period, whilst for Aries, this is a solar 6 th house placement, reflecting struggles in connection with the work environment and colleagues.

That should soften up the ambitions. Trends in Posted on November 15, by adrian Posted in Uncategorized 5 Comments. Posted in Uncategorized 2 Comments. Posted in Uncategorized 4 Comments. Posted in Uncategorized 6 Comments. Posted in Uncategorized 3 Comments. Your Age — Part Two: Posted in Uncategorized 1 Comment.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn 25 th April, He does not have the horoscope of an incarnate sexual predator. Mars is strong in Aries and Venus strong in Taurus, so it is certainly the horoscope of a man with strong appetites.

With Ascendant ruler in Taurus and the 10 th conjoining a dignified Venus, he is ideally suited to work in the financial world, and Mars in Aries in the 10 th shows him as a born leader, the trine to Saturn in Leo and the 2 nd house, indicating that he is hard-working and a strong and responsible leader with some inhibitions about self-worth, obviously compensated for by a high-status life.

He lost the leadership battle for the French socialist party to the more left-wing Segolene Royal in It is conceivable that the conjunction of Mars with the North Node accentuates sexual appetites. The IMF censured him for misusing his position but no further action was taken. Being a Frenchman, he probably took this as a band of honor, but when his job took him to the USA, he was warned by friends that his cavalier attitude to sex could get him into trouble.

Indeed, he himself said to journalists early in that the only danger to his career would be someone getting bribed to allege sexual harassment. It would not in fact be very difficult to do, as Strauss-Kahn has historically needed little encouragement to embark on sexual escapades. In this event chart, it is very possible that the sun represents Strauss-Kahn.

Certainly, when he was in court on Monday, the sun was on the fixed start Algol. He lost his future on this day and subsequently resigned from the IMF post. What catches the attention in the chart is the fact that Mars is in exile in Taurus and Venus in exile in Aries, and that they are in reception.

Furthermore, Mercury — which has already been retrograde and conjoined Mars twice in Aries — is right up with Venus and goes hand in hand with her into Taurus. So, honestly, who is Mercury? Venus in Aries must be the maid… in exile. She emigrated from Guinea three years earlier, and apparently has a teenage daughter.

After the alleged attack, she subsequently rang her brother in tears, who recommended she go to a lawyer. In fact the close conjunction of Venus with Mercury implies an extremely close relationship with the brother.

The situation of Venus and Mercury changes immediately after the event, with both moving into Taurus in sextile to Neptune, which would provide a pretty effective smokescreen.

Venus comes into a much better position, also financially. Mercury goes on to conjoin bad boy Mars in Taurus, which it conjoined before at 28 Aquarius on 21 st February and then retrograde at 13 Aries on 19 th April at which point it turned direct in opposition to Saturn. This is the Mercury that is 11 minutes of arc from Venus at the time of the attack.

It was a setup. It could be said that Strauss-Kahn has himself to blame for so easily engaging in a sexual relationship with a hotel maid. The thunderbolt that has struck him is probably reflected by the fact that there has been a progressed new moon in his horoscope on the US Venus conjoining Uranus whilst transit Uranus exactly conjoined his Moon in Aries in his 9 th house.

Where we can be assured that Schwarzenegger will be back, the same cannot be said of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who has seen his presidential ambitions go up in smoke. In fact, with the progressed new moon falling in his 12 th house, obscurity is the likely result over the next two years… hopefully not in a prison cell.

By now it is well known that women come from Venus and men from Mars. Big girls are generally not attracted to men who are soft and dependent, whilst big boys go for beauty rather than muscle. That is the way of Venus and Mars, which are universal gender organizing principles for humanity.

And whilst we may lament hat vast sums of money are spent by governments on military hardware, it is interesting to ponder on the fact that equal sums of money are spent on the fashion and beauty industry.

For those who practice astrology, it quickly becomes apparent that men project Venus in their horoscope on women, and are attracted to the kind of woman that Venus in house and aspect represents, whilst the same is the case for women and Mars.

This projection mechanism is not ideal, and is the source of much trouble in relationships. Similarly there are collective projections which change as Venus and Mars travel through each sign in turn. It is interesting therefore that two men who have been in the spotlight whilst Mars has been in Taurus are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dominic Strauss-Kahn — one muscle man and California governor, and the other money man and head of the International Monetary Fund…money and muscle being qualities strongly associated with Taurus.

Mars, which is said to rule the signs of Aries and Scorpio, is in exile in the opposite signs Libra and Taurus. But being in exile, or detriment, for Mars in Taurus also means that the weaknesses of Mars are exposed.

Mars is always interested in sexual conquest, but when it is in Taurus in it easily seduced by the pleasures of the senses. Perhaps that is why the news broke that Arnold Schwarzenegger had not been able to resist impregnating is maid, which resulted in a child being born in … a secret that came out with the entry of Mars in Taurus on May 11 th This was one day after his wife Maria Shriver announced that they were to be separated after 25 years of marriage.

There are further suggestions that he misappropriated government funds, using official vehicles to drive elegant consorts to luxury hotel suites, availing himself of his security detail to get them into his room by the service entrance. Arnold Schwarzenegger 30 th July 4.

His horoscope shows a Sun in Leo conjoining Saturn and Pluto in the 2 nd house, which in his early days was ideal for exhibiting his body, and of late has also been useful for governing a state which has been teetering on the verge of bankruptcy.

Mars in his horoscope conjoins Uranus in Gemini and the 12 th house, a high-risk combination; when he was 23 he lost his brother through an accident. He loves motorcycles and had an accident on his Harley Davidson in He was elected as governor of California on October 7 th , and retired in to pursue his film career, which, because of the current scandals, he has now put on hold.

His period as governor coincided with the entry of his progressed Sun into Libra and the movement of his progressed Ascendant from Leo to Virgo, showing a change of emphasis from showmanship to service. This last aspect may actually indicate his ongoing secret lusts being satiated in secret encounters using his security detail to cover things up!

So Schwarzenegger entered a life of political service in , and with his Ascendant ruler the Moon in tough Capricorn and the 6 th he probably worked just as hard and conscientiously as he did when he was building those magnificent muscles we all love.

Still, the Moon has also proved to be his temporary downfall… for is not Moon in Capricorn in the 6 th house square Neptune the maid?

The transit of Pluto over this moon position has mercilessly exposed his weakness. Psychologically the moon in exile in Capricorn square Neptune shows deep unhappiness and unfulfilled emotional needs, both in relation to his mother and his new chosen country. The maid, a constant feature of his home life, fulfilled needs that were not fulfilled elsewhere.

With his Venus in Cancer too, which couples romantic needs with domestic pleasures, he surely wants to be looked after.