February 4 horoscope 2019

  1. February 2019 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits
  2. Mercury enters Capricorn
  3. February – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits | Tarot - Astrology

Any unkind words will be detrimental to your marriage, even if you ask for forgiveness after. You will need to find healthy ways to release your frustration, such as participating in sports or other activities to calm down. Your health and safety will be poor. There will be relapses of illnesses.

Among different forms of health conditions, you will be prone to those that are related to the heart, stomach, intestines and liver. As you will be going through a rough time, it will be inevitable to be frustrated and depressed. You will be likely to drown your sorrow with alcohol.

Not only will this be harmful to your health, you will be likely to drunk-drive. With or without the influence of alcohol, you will get agitated, which will lead you into heated arguments with others.

Many of these arguments will become physical violence that you will likely sustain injuries from. You will have a full handful of problems in , and falling ill or getting injured will certainly not be helpful to your situations.

Even though many of the challenges that you will face will be beyond your control, you can at least do your part in taking good care of your health and safety.

Not only will having good health and being safe leave you with one less problem, you will be in a better position to combat issues.

You will face many people issues and will be in the limelight for the wrong reasons. You will be the topic of gossip and may make it to the headlines of tabloids. Although you will be uncomfortable being the topic of small talk during coffee breaks, do not get too agitated or try to explain yourself.

You will not be able to control what others choose to say. However, you can alleviate the situation by not participating in gossip or letting others know about your personal opinions.

There will still be many who will be uncooperative. It happens that you will be going through a very rough time, which will cause you to get agitated easily. You will turn defensive and offensive.

You will be involved in fights. No matter whether you are the initiator or victim, being involved in such matters will not help your situation. Learn to manage your emotions. Focus on solving problems on hand first, and then consider taking revenge later when you have more favorable conditions.

You will be misled to make investments at inappropriate times, which will result in monetary loss. Gather information about investments and verify them yourself. If you are in business, there will be disputes with business partners and vendors over money matters.

Ensure that you will have proper documents, and do not make any assumptions. Leave no stone unturned to prevent future disputes.

You will be likely to take off and glide high in your career. This will complement your strong finances in terms of pay increments, big bonuses, profits from investment and winnings from gambling. You will be likely to progress to the next level for affairs of the heart.

This will be one of the unusual years, in that you will have little problems with people. Many will have difficulties disliking you. However, you may still fall prey to being misled into making inappropriate decisions in investing and in work. Verify information before using it, especially the important ones.

Your health and safety will be below average. Most of the life challenges that you will meet in will be those that strike fast and unexpectedly.

Some of these challenges are caused by or related to natural disasters. These challenges may not be able to have a devastating impact on you, but they are difficult to prepare for and will be able to throw you off track. Remind yourself to be agile in your approach and keep an open mind. This will enable you to better handle any kind of pranks the Universe will want to play on you and to leap towards success in This will be a very good year for your career.

Management will entrust you with big roles, and they have confidence in you. Promotion and pay increments will materialize. The beauty will be that you may not need to shoulder heavier responsibilities. While you will gain strong support from management, peers will not be exceptionally supportive, but they will have difficulties in finding reasons to dislike you.

They will realize that you will be wearing a glowing halo and will know better not to cross your path. Hence, do not give them reasons to dislike you. As you rise in the corporate ladder, remain humble and manage your relationships tactfully. While it may seem that you will be invincible, you will be facing problems of specific nature, which are those that strike fast and unexpectedly.

These types of challenges will be your enemies. Most of them are not caused by people intentionally. Some of them are triggered by natural disasters, while others are unexplainable.

Although you can try your best to have contingency plans, it will be challenging to anticipate the type of contingency plans to have, since the problems can catch you off guard. It will be important to keep an open mind and be flexible in your approach. This will enable you to catch any types of blow that the Universe will intend to throw at you.

It will be much easier to bring your career to greater heights than to fail. Make the best out of this year to achieve your goals. You will have strong finances. You will likely receive significant increments and huge bonuses.

If you are to earn through commissions, your earnings will be growing exponentially. You will gain huge profits from investments and gambling. Although Lady Luck will be smiling at you, it will not be a good idea to push your luck. There are indications of losing a lot of money due to misjudgment.

Do not let greed blind your judgement. Learn when to stop investing and gambling to maximize your earnings. There are indications of huge expenses. Since you will be having huge expenses, you can consider spending on items or events that can contribute to your growth.

For example, you can spend on a wedding, a new house, equipment that enables you to be efficient in what you are doing or activities that improve the quality of your life. If you are single, Cupid will be shooting at you.

Although you will be likely to fall in love, you will realize that there may be more than one potential person. You can give more time to know each other better before making a long-term commitment.

If you are unsure about your feelings, do not lead other people on. You will expect progress in your romance. If you are already seeing someone, there will be a possibility of getting married. If you are already married, your relationship will strengthen, and there will be great times together.

Even though this will be a good year for your relationship, you will run the risk of committing infidelity, which can ruin everything for you. It will be more beneficial to improve your long-term relationship than to grow a momentary one. You will be prone to health issues that are related to your digestive system.

There may be problems with your stomach and intestines. You will tend to lose your appetite. Try to have regular meals. Even if you do not have appetite for a hearty meal, you can consider taking small bites. You will tend to have accidents and injuries that are related to natural disasters.

If you were to travel to unfamiliar places, check the weather before traveling there. This will be one of those unusual years where you will have very little problems with others. You will gain strong support from others easily without spending too much time on building a rapport. You will be meeting many who will provide you with opportunities and will recognize your efforts.

However, you do not want to assume that everyone has to like you and be supportive towards you all the time. When you are doing very well, it will be inevitable for others to be envious, which can turn into jealousy.

As you rise in social standing or on the corporate ladder, always remain humble and be sensitive towards how others may feel. If you become arrogant and forget that no one can be successful alone, those who may not like you will callously see to your downfall even if they may not try to take you down immediately. There are indications that some may mislead you in making inappropriate decisions in finances and career.

No matter whether this is intended, verify information. Although there will be challenges along the year, how well you will fair will depend heavily on how you will steer the wheel.

In other words, with the appropriate behavior and mindset, you will be able to reduce or avoid potential problems significantly. However, exercising self-control can be a challenge in itself. Your career will be slightly below average. Even though you will be facing challenges in terms of being gossiped about, being scammed and having disputes, you will be given opportunities to excel in your career.

You will have support from the relevant authorities. You will have a lot of enjoyment at work and in your personal life. However, you will run a high risk of playing too hard, and thus forgetting about work or the other more important things in life.

Your finances will not grow exponentially, but you will not get into financial troubles as well. However, you may run into legal troubles. Your health and safety will be from below average to poor. Family members will face life-threatening situations. Relationship matters will be quiet, if you are single, but can be challenging if you were already seeing someone.

There will be a risk of separation. If you can focus on what you need to do, you will be able to make the best of this year. Your career luck will be slightly below average. You will have favorable conditions but will also face challenges.

The difference between this year and others will be that you will play a pivotal role in alleviating the problems or in aggravating them. You will be given opportunities to shine. There will be support when you are in trouble.

February 2019 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits

There will be many corporate events. It will not be hard work, because you will have enjoyment. The busier you are or the more frequent business trips you have, the greater the likelihood will be for progress.

However, there are indications that you will participate in gossip. You will tend to have disagreements that will cause your plans to fall apart and invite hostility from your colleagues or business associates.

You may be misled into making inappropriate decisions and will have a brush with the law. You will participate in social activities and have so much fun that you will neglect your work. Hence, if you want to reduce challenges, avoid gossip or activities that will not be condoned by the majority.

You can have fun at work, but nobody will be willing to pay you for compromised work performance. To reduce and avoid problems, you will need to talk less, play less and work more.

Your finances will be below average. If you are to earn through steady income, there should not be any major changes in your income. You may not want to be too hopeful on having pay increments and a big bonus. Earnings from investments and winnings from gambling will be weak. You will lose more than you earn. You will be likely to have huge expenses on enjoyment, medical, legal matters and to bail you out from troubles.

Keep your expenses in check. You may want to avoid getting involved with the law or getting involved in matters that will possibility get you into trouble. This will enable you to keep some money. If you are single, the chances of meeting someone special and falling in love will be slim.

If you are already in a relationship, you will need to participate in many social activities and may not be able to spend time with your romantic partner. This will result in your partner feeling neglected. You will also be susceptible to illicit affairs.

If you do not put in effort to manage your relationship, you and your partner will likely drift apart, and there will be a possibility of separation. Treasure the relationship that you have built, and do not take your partner for granted. Your health and safety will range from below average to poor. This means that your health conditions and safety issues can be serious.

You will run a high risk of injuries, surgeries and receiving invasive treatments.

Mercury enters Capricorn

There will be a high risk of accidents that are related to traffic, operating machines and handling sharp tools. If you realize that you have difficulties in focusing, wait till a later time when you can focus better to carry out the activities. Avoid all types of high risk activities.

Among different forms of health conditions, you will be prone to problems related to your stomach, intestines, urinary tract infection, groin and womb. For those born in the Year of the Horse and those who are pregnant, you will need to be careful throughout the pregnancy during this year because there are indications of miscarriage.

Go for the periodic medical check-ups. If you feel unwell, consult your gynecologist. Family members may have life-threatening situations. The vulnerable groups will be elderly, young children and those with chronic illnesses. Although you will gain support from the relevant people, you will be facing much more issues with people than the support they can give.

You will be likely to run into disagreements that can result in direct conflicts. Even though situations may not turn into violence, it can be ugly because it can lead to lawsuits, or your plans will fall apart.

It is all right to have disagreements, but try to disentangle it cordially. You will easily become the topic of gossip. Avoid participating in gossip. What goes around will come around. You will be likely to fall prey to scandals or being implicated in trouble. There may be illicit affairs in romance.

You will be cajoled into playing hard but slack in your work. Do not be too gullible. Avoid getting involved in matters that may infringe the law, against morals and ethics. Be mindful and responsible of your behavior and decisions.

If you are diligent, you will be able to reduce problems with people significantly. You will be doing well in terms of career and finance. There will be a high chance of good progress at work and you will gain the necessary support from others.

Pay increments and huge bonuses will be possible. There will be some profit from investments and winning from gambling. The greatest potential problem that you will face will be those that are caused by people intentionally.

February – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits | Tarot - Astrology

You will be prone to be the topic of gossip, being plotted against, blackmailed and scammed. Even when you are progressing well, you will tend to be indifferent, get distracted easily and be unmotivated. If you can handle or reduce issues with people intelligently and stay alert of what is going on around you, you will be able to benefit a lot from Your health will be average, but you will be accident prone.

Elders will likely face life-threatening situations. Romance will be poor.

Virgo 2019 Yearly Horoscope - Gregory Scott Astrology

Apart from making the best out of , you will be encouraged to stay out of trouble because there will be signs of jail sentence.

However, how well you can leverage this year to improve your career will be highly dependent on how well you can reduce or avoid detrimental effects of problems with people. You will be guided by a lucky star. You will often find yourself in the right place at the right time. It seems that whatever you are involved with will have a high success rate or have great exposure.

Opportunities will be attracted to you. You will gain strong support from others. Many will connect you with the appropriate personalities and give you credit. If the nature of your job involves persuading, influencing and selling, you will likely excel.

Mars enters Aries

If you are in business, improving and expanding business will be highly feasible. While you will be doing well, problems with people will infest rapidly. Some of these problems are caused by jealousy, while others will be driven by the desire to take advantage of your success.

You will be plotted against. Some will find matters that they can use against you or to blackmail you. People assume you will beam with joy because of your good career progress.

Instead of beaming with joy, you will be low in spirit and get distracted easily. You may even be seen as indifferent and not interested in what is going on around you. You will be careless and forgetful. If you were to underestimate the possible harm gossip can bring, and do not pull yourself together, you will overdraw your good luck in no time.

Not only will you be unable to progress, you may suffer from setbacks such as demotion, loss of job or jail terms. Do not take success or good luck for granted. Your finances will be above average.

If you are to earn a steady income, there will be a possibility of pay increments and big bonuses. There will be earnings from investments and winnings from gambling.

However, these earnings and winnings are usually small amounts. If you were to increase the stakes, hoping to profit big from investment and gambling, you will likely to be very disappointed. There are indications that some individuals or companies would like to cheat you of money by taking advantage of your carelessness.

Document any matters that involve money to avoid potential disputes. Do not accept verbal agreements. If you are single, this will be unlikely to change. Even if you were to meet someone who you are interested in, or if someone is interested in you, there will be many conditions that will nip love in its bud.

If you were to start a relationship, it may be a short- lived one. If you are already in a relationship, both may feel each other drifting away. If your relationship is not well managed, there may be separation. It will be best to do things or participate in activities together.

Keep the passion alive. Among different forms of health conditions, you will be prone to health conditions that are related to your respiratory system, brain, stomach and bladder.

You will run a high risk of injuring your head. Generally, your focus will be weak, which will put you at risk of accidents. Comparing between health conditions and safety issues, you will run a higher risk of accidents than health problems. Always focus on what you are doing and where you are going. Elders will have life-threatening situations.

They will need to visit a doctor if they feel unwell. They will have to avoid traveling, going out unaccompanied and staying at home alone. Apart from taking good care of yourself, you may need to pay attention to the elderly as well. Although you will gain support from others, you will face equivalent, if not more, issues with people.

You will tend to invite gossip more than in other years. Do be mindful about what and how you communicate with others.

Also, try not to engage in matters that do not impact you directly. Avoid having direct conflicts with others. You may have some achievements that can cause others to be envious. You do not need to compromise what you can do to avoid attracting envy from others.

However, you will need to be sensitive to what others may be feeling. Although you should be doing fine, you will tend to be moody and get distracted. Such behavior will be translated to you being aloof and self-centered. Your choice of words, tone of delivering your message and your gestures will play an important role.

There are indications of others framing, threatening and cornering you. This can happen in your personal life or at work, which may have widespread negative impacts, such as a damaged reputation, jeopardized career progress and loss of money.

You may even face jail terms. Do not put yourself in such a vulnerable situation, by being alert and conscious of what is going on around you. You will have to put up big fights and struggles to get simple matters done. Progress in your career will be slow. On top of difficulties in earning money, your expenses will be high.

You will have poor health and safety issues. Romantic matters will be poor too. Support from others will be insufficient and you will have various problems with people. Although there will be challenges and problems, the last straw will be that you will be faced with frequent verbal attacks.

Apart from demeaning you, their actions may not have any other purpose. All incidents will add up and cause you to be depressed and resentful, which will affect your judgement and behavior. A vicious cycle will begin. On top of that, receiving bad news about those in your social circle will not help matters. Fortunately, you will be alert, which will favor learning, handling details and coping with a hectic schedule.

The lesson to be learned in will be to put in effort in what you are doing, and do not overanalyze matters. Let trivial matters and those that are beyond your control go. Your career may not be able to progress as well as you hope, but it cannot be classified as terrible. It will definitely be a physically strenuous one.

You will be busy or will have frequent business trips. There will be a possibility of office moves, or you will need to relocate due to work. You will be willing to put in effort but may not be able to see results in the short term.

If you find yourself not as busy as mentioned here, you will be encouraged to get yourself busy or go away on business trips.

Somehow, your career will progress better, or situations will improve when you get busy or travel. You should not have major problems but you will need more time and effort to get the same things done. Many matters will require you to put up big fights and struggles to push through.

You will gain some support from others, but the support is not as effective as you rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty. You will be alert, which will be advantageous in terms of learning, handling details and coping with a hectic schedule. There will be a lot of issues with people such as betrayal, backstabbing, misleading, sabotaging and gossiping, which will not surprise you.

The difference in this year will be that you will meet with many unreasonable and hostile people who will attack you verbally. Even though you try your best to communicate with them and calm them down, it will not help, and you will have to walk away with them still yelling at you. Worrying about problems and being verbally abused so often will cause you to be emotional, depressed and resentful.

This will have negative effects on your judgment and behavior. A vicious cycle will be created. You may need to spend time adjusting your emotions. To survive , you must be willing to work hard, focus on important matters, and learn how to let things go.

Finances will be poor. If you are to earn a steady income, there should not be problems. In the worst scenario, there will be pay-cuts, which will be better than going without any income. If your income varies, you may have some problems because you may need to survive for a few months without being paid.

On top of your difficulties in earning money, your expenses will be high. You will be spending a lot on traveling, transportation, house moving and relocating. There will be many sudden events that require you to spend money.

Try your best to keep expenses in check. Profit from investment and gambling will be unlikely. Instead, there will be a high possibility of losing money through investing and gambling.

Adopt a conservative approach towards money matters. Matters related to romance will be below average. If you are single, the chances of you falling in love will be slim. However, you can improve this by traveling. Traveling can refer to you traveling overseas or simply commuting from one place to another.

If you often glue your eyes on your mobile devices and stuff yours ears with earphones, you are going to miss whatever destiny has for you. If you are already seeing someone or in a marriage, you will be so busy or travel so frequently that you cannot spend enough time with your partner. You and partner will drift apart.

At the same time, situations will cause you to be so emotional that you will likely take it out at your partner. Even though separation will be unlikely, the damage done can be irreversible. You can consider letting your partner know what you are going through, and your partner will be likely to empathize and be supportive.

If time and resources permit, you can consider traveling with your partner. This will allow you and your partner to spend time together, while you can get away from frustrating situations and relax better.

Your health and safety will be poor, but you are unlikely to face life-threatening situations. You will have a high risk of accidents, surgery and receive invasive treatments.

Your immune system will be weak, which will put you at risk of being infected frequently. You may have hormonal imbalance, which will cause you to feel unwell, and you will experience huge mood swings.

You will be likely to be depressed, frustrated and resentful, which will affect your judgement and behavior. You can visit a doctor or relevant professionals for help. You will have illnesses recurring. You will receive news that many of those in your social circle will be going through, such as difficult times and or even deaths.

You will have issues with people, such as betrayals, backstabbing, misunderstandings, accusations and sabotaging. However, the difference in will be that you will meet with people who will be verbally abusive.

Even when you have expressed no interest in continuing the conversation, they will not back off. The only way to handle such a situation is to walk away. Apart from causing a lot of irritation and frustration, they will not contribute to you in any way.

Such incidents will usually not affect you too much, but you will be going through so much in that you will be so emotional that such incidents will keep hounding you at the back of your mind. You will get caught in depression easily, which will affect your judgment and behavior.

Snapping out of negative thoughts when you realize that you are having them will be easier said than done. You can help yourself by being in a positive physical environment and surrounding yourself with positive people. A positive physical environment refers to a clean, tidy and well-lit environment.

Positive people refer to people who are able to view matters objectively. You will meet with obstacles and challenges which can be managed and reduced. However, it may not be easy to avoid them. Progress in your career will be slow, and you will need to put in a lot more effort to get matters done. Pay increments and bonuses will be unlikely, but small profits from investments and gambling will be possible.

Your health will be poor, which will cause you to be tired and affect your performance at work and judgement. Romantic matters will be mixed.

Although you will gain support from others, the support will be little. Instead, there will be a lot of betrayals, backstabbing, misleading and sabotaging. You will also run the risk of being scammed. This will not only affect you in terms of career and money, but you will also meet with people who will want to toy with your feelings or take advantage of you.

Although there will be a lot of such issues, they will not be beyond control. They can be managed and reduced, but they are unavoidable. You can implement your plans in , but you may need to lower your expectations to reduce disappointment and frustration.

Give your very best and let the rest sort themselves out. Although you will experience challenges, the challenges will not be showstoppers or cause devastation. You will need more time and to put in more effort to get similar tasks done in There will be delays and hiccups. It will be advisable to give more time to buffer between your tasks to reduce impact from the delays.

You will meet with many uncooperative people who will make things difficult for you. There will be some who gossip about you, while there will be others who will mislead you. Do not participate in gossips. You can be friendly, but do not be too trusting. You can be aware of what is going on in the office politics, but try not to entangle yourself in office power struggles.

If you are not careful, you will get sucked into the struggles or be made a pawn in the game. Instead of getting involved in the office politics, focus on improving the quality of your work and relationships with others.

When you are able to improve the quality of your work, the management will be pleased with your performance, and they will render support to you. Although the support will not be extensive, it will be better than nothing.

This will also lead your colleagues and business associates to have second thoughts when they want to sabotage you. Focus on what you need to do at hand. Avoid getting involved in matters that do not impact you directly. Even though you may not be able to fly high, you will still glide through by keeping a low profile.

The chances of pay increments and big bonuses will be slim. However, you will have some luck in investments and gambling. There are indications of you being scammed. If there are business proposals or investments that sound too good to be true, they probably are. You will need to do your research carefully and gather information by yourself.

Do not be too trusting. After validating information gathered, you will be in a better position to decide whether the business or investment is worth pursuing.

You will have high expenses, especially medical expenses. Keep your expenses in check and only take calculated risks.

This will be a mixed year for romantic matters. If you are single, the chances of falling in love will be slim. Even if you were to fall in love, you will risk meeting someone who just wants to take advantage of you.

If there is someone who is interested in you, or if you are fond of someone, take more time to know each other before making long-term commitments.

If you are already seeing someone or already in a marriage, you will be well cared for by your partner when you are ill, and your partner will be supportive when you are going through a rough patch. You will be appreciative of your partner and your relationship will grow stronger.

However, there are signs that misunderstandings between you and your romantic partner will arise when you seem to be overly enthusiastic about helping the opposite gender. Your health will be poor. Although you are unlikely to face life-threatening situations, your poor health will hinder your progress and cause fatigue. You will be prone to illnesses such as the cold, flu and those that are related to the digestive system.

Some of the health conditions that you will face will be related to your body having difficulties adapting to a new environment or lifestyle.

In such cases, different people will have different reactions. Some may suffer from diarrhea, while others may be constipated. Some may feel nausea while others may have insomnia.

If you were to go to a new environment or have a new lifestyle, you may need to drink more water, eat more vegetables and have adequate rest. Your immunity will be weak. You may need to pay attention to hygiene to reduce the risk of infection. You will face issues with people such as betraying, backstabbing, gossiping and sabotaging.

There will also be some trying to scam you. Although there will be such problems, they will not be overly excessive compared to other years. You do not need to get too anxious or frustrated. However, it will be helpful to acknowledge that such issues will exist, and you will still need to be careful when interacting with others.

Do not make assumptions. It is better to be paranoid than to be sorry. You can be friendly, but do not be too gullible. When you realize that others are going against you, it will not be necessary to have direct confrontations with them. You will not be able to change them and will only get agitated by them.

Focus on what you need to do and protect yourself from the possible harm by being careful. Although it should not be comparable to the end of the world, it will not be easy for you, as you will need to make a lot of changes to survive.

Such changes will enable you to become a better person, and thus, it is critical for greater achievements. However, this process can be painful. There will be a lot of obstacles in your career. You will have high expenses. There will be scandal, betrayal and backstabbing.

If you are seeing someone romantically, the relationship will be make-or-break. If you already married, there will be tension. You will lose support from others, and your life will begin to go downhill. There will be two lessons to be learned. The first lesson will be to communicate effectively with others.

The second lesson will be to face problems directly and work on them, even if the problems may lie within you. If you are able to learn the lessons well, greater achievements will await. This will be a challenging year at work.

There will be technical and operational problems, accompanied with severe office politics. These problems will not be anything new to you. The difference with this year as compared to others will be that how well you fair will be heavily dependent on your social skills and your willingness to work towards being a better person.

If you have been observing how you interact with others and how you hold yourself, you will gain support from others and survive through the challenges. However, you also have the tendency of being in your own world.

You will be frustrated with what is going on around you. You will be unhappy that you have to face so many obstacles while others are not supportive. You will be bad-tempered most of the time. When you communicate with others, you can be harsh, demeaning and rude. Many will be offended. After a while, you will assume that others cannot understand you because they are not intelligent enough, or they do not have the vision that you have.

It will reach a point where you will indulge in your own thoughts and remain in your own world. You will not be able to protect yourself from the potential problems when you are unaware of what is going on around you.

You will lose support from others. Many will dislike you and distance themselves. Thus, opportunities will slip past you. This will lead to your career regressing. No matter how brilliant you are, your attitude and how well you can communicate with the world will determine how far and how high you can go. Working to improve these areas will not only enable you to survive in , but these will also serve as valuable traits in the future.

Your finances will be average or below average. If you earn a steady income, pay raises and bonuses will be unlikely. If your income varies, there will be high risk of financial troubles.

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There will be huge expenses. A huge portion of it will be medical expenses for your own and the elderly. Try your best to save some money for rainy days. Chances of profiting from investment and gambling will be slim.

You will be advised to avoid investing and gambling. There will be people trying to cheat your money by setting you up with scandalous business proposals. One of the tricks that they will use will be to praise you so much that you will get carried away and let your guard down when handling the contract and agreement.

No matter what you do, give yourself adequate time to go through the details. If you do not understand, you may want to seek help from professionals. Do not make assumptions or seek advice from those who will have conflicting interests with you.

If you are single and interested in someone, or if someone would like to develop a romantic relationship with you, it will be difficult to progress these relationships.

There will be situations that will cause both to be distracted from the potential relationship. If your relationship has stabilized, you can consider getting married.

If not, there will be high risk of going separate ways. If you are already married, obstacles that you face in other aspects of life will cause you to be so frustrated that you will lash out at your partner.

There will be a long period of fights and cold war. As your marriage becomes vulnerable, the risk of infidelity will increase. Do not take your partner for granted.

There will be some who will sow discord in your relationship. Keep communication channels open with your partner.

Do not let third-party interference destroy your relationship. Your health will be below average. You will likely to have surgeries or receiving invasive treatments. However, it is not indicative of what type of illnesses you will be prone to have. You will have high risk of accidents, especially those that are related to cuts.

You will need to be very careful if you are to operate machines or to handle sharp tools. If you cannot focus, you may want to delay operating machines or handling sharp tools to a later time.

Such accidents can be as trivial as paper cuts to something serious, like having to amputate limbs. You may want to avoid all high-risk activities.

There will be scandals, betrayals, backstabbing, misunderstandings and accusations. The types of issues that you will face when interacting with others will be similar to those in other years. However, the magnitude of these issues will be more than other years. Even though the support may not be benefiting you extensively, it will reduce the potential damage that you may have.

The main problem will be that you will tend to indulge in your own thoughts and be in your own world. Not knowing what is going on around you will make it difficult to defend yourself from potential problems. You will be frustrated that others cannot understand you.

For most of the time, you will be likely to be in a bad temper. By being that way, many will find it difficult to communicate with you. Gradually, you will lose support from others. Being part of society, we cannot function alone, let alone progress or excel in life.

No matter how good you are or what brilliant ideas you have, nothing can be achieved if you cannot communicate with others or motivate others to help you. Get out from your own world to be nearer to success. You will experience an unexplainable energy emitting from every cell of your body.

You will be dynamic, vibrant and passionate. Many will be attracted to you, and you will get strong support from others easily. You can be influential. With these favorable conditions, you are likely to do well in many areas in your life.

Promotion, recognition and pay increment will be likely in your career. Your finances will also improve. However, you may not be very lucky in investments and gambling.

If you are single or seeing someone, your relationship will likely progress to the next level. Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. Venus in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries. Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius. Also, it is a good day to meet people and to make new friends.

Sun in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius. Mercury in Aquarius sextile Mars in Aries. Mercury in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries. The logic is not very important, when Mercury transits Pisces.

We become good and empathetic listeners. Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries. Your goal is long-term satisfaction. Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. Sun in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries. Venus conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. You cultivate empathy and you spend more time helping others.

Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn. Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius. Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Sun in Pisces sextile Mars in Taurus. Share the post "February — Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits".

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